FRtR > Information > Contributors to the project
About the project
Contributors to the project
We would like to thank all contributors to the American Revolution
HTML project . Our gratitude goes to all:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q- R - S - T - U - V - W- X- Y- Z
- Greg Bailey
- Biography of William Blackstone
- Danny Barnhoorn
- Several sourcedocuments
- Marike Blauw
- Battle of Concord
- Marianne Bouman
- John Dickenson
- Larry Brasington, Jr
- Robert E. Lee
- Suzanne Broersen
<[email protected]>
- Daniel Leonard
- Lisa Marie DeCarolis
<[email protected]>
- Mike Crane
<[email protected]>
- Progressive Historiography of the
American War for
- The biography of Alexander
- Lisa Cozzens
<[email protected]>
A Hard Shove for a "Nation on the
Brink": The Impact of Dred Scott
With Little Deliberate
Speed: School Integration in Prince George's County, Maryland
- Darla Davis
<[email protected]>
- To Tax or not to Tax
- Paul Dean
<[email protected]">[email protected]
- Woodrow Wilson's Administration
- Stephen R. Demkin
<[email protected]>
- Politics and Sectionalism in the
- Richard DeStefano
<[email protected]>
- Thomas Paine's The Crisis, Number One,
- Richard Dixon
<[email protected]>
- biography John Marshall
- Tony D'Urso
<[email protected]>
- Andrew Jackson and the
- Digna Faber
Biography of Adam Smith
The conversion to HTML of The Virginia Declaration
of Rights
Autobiography of Fredrick Douglass
- Edward Flaherty
<[email protected]>
- A Brief History of Central Banking in the
United States
- Richard H. Gassan
<[email protected]>
- Carey & Lea, Printer and Publisher:
Seasonal Variations in its Business Cycle, 1833-1836
- Richard C. Green
<[email protected]>
- response to the
thirteenth amendment-article
- Alexander Grey
Opinions of the Supreme Court
in the Dred Scott case, 1856
The Slaughterhouse cases (in preparation)
Jackson's Bank Veto Message, July 10,
- Robert E. Gustavson
[email protected]
- John Caldwell>
- Steve Hanna
<[email protected]>
- Marshallcases
- Warren G. Harding, III, M.D.
<[email protected]>
- Biography of Warren G.
- Lise Hordnes
- Does Film Noir mirror the culture of
contemporary America?
- Cassandra Jansen
<[email protected]>
Boston Teaparty
The conversion to HTML of
The Virginia Declaration
of Rights
Autobiography of Fredrick Douglass
- Brenda Kamphuis
- battle of Lexington
- Philip Keffer
<[email protected]>
- The Seven Years War
- Brett Kottman
<[email protected]>
- Reagan's speeches
- Adam M. Kravetz
The French and Indian War's Impact on America
- J. Alexander Kutch Jr.
<[email protected]
- William Barret Travis: Letter
from the Alamo 1836
- Fred Kunze
<[email protected]>
- John Locke
- W.B.Leemhuis
<[email protected]>
Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of
planting, 1584
From: Samuel de Champlain,
Voyages , 1604
Thomas Paine
Conversion to HTML of Jefferson's first
Instructions for the
Virginia Colony, 1606
Adam Smith, Of Colonies"
Columbus, Letter to the King and
Queen of
Spain, 1494
- Erin Ruth Leonard
Theodore Roosevelt's Broad Powers
- Jim Liesenfelt
<[email protected]>
- John Adams Biography
- Michael T. Lubragge
<[email protected]>
- Manifest Destiny
- Peter van der Maas
- Henry Kissinger and the
- Sofya Medvedev
- Was the American Revolution a Real
- Marcus Luke Milam
<[email protected]>
Truman's Farewell address
Clinton's inaugural address
- Fokke van der Molen
- The Jefferson Letters
- Amato P. Mongelluzzo
<[email protected]>
- the national anthem of the USA, the
Star-spangled banner
- Age Mooy
<[email protected]>
- French and Indian Wars
- Hal Morris
<[email protected]>
Biography of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson's duel
The Whig party
- Mark R. Murkes
<[email protected]>
- James Wilson
- Marieke van Ophem
- the Iron Horse: the impact of the
railroads on 19th century American society
- John G. Otto
- The annual presidential
addresses from Washington to Jackson
- Mark P. Painter<[email protected]>
Biography of Justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Jr.
Biography of William Howard Taft
Biography of Warren G. Harding
- James A. Pavolini
- Biography of Richard Henry Lee
- Lydia L. Rapoza
<[email protected]>
Salmon Portland Chase
Edwin McMasters Stanton
- Stephen Ray
<[email protected]>
The Battle of Lake Champlain
- Dylan van Rijsbergen
- Townshend Duties
- Doug Robertson
- Ethan
- Karl J. Schmidt
<[email protected]>
- the League of Nations
- Ed Siskin
<[email protected]>
- Letter of Samuell
Searls, May 12, 1782
- Jan Hendrik Smeenge
<[email protected]>
- Edmund Burke
- Claire Michelle Smith
<[email protected]>
Ken Kesey
Neal Cassady
- Matthew Snow
<[email protected]>
- The Biography of Lord North
- Peter Stam
- The Black Lost Cause. Colored Service in the Confederate Army
- David Tomlinson
- Edgar Allan Poe's Humor
- Alexander Valentine
<[email protected]
- Biography Aaron Burr Jr
- Keijo Virtanen
<[email protected]>
- The role of Philosophy and Literature
in building up the national identity of the early 19th century United
- Arjan de Vries
- Edward Randolph condemns
the Massachussetts Bay Company before the Lords of Trade 12 June 1683
- Anthony Wikrent
<[email protected]>
- Biography of Henry Carey
Excerpts from : Henry Carey -
The Harmony
of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing & Commercial (1851)
Excerpts from : Henrey Carey -
The Slave
Domestic and Foreign. (1853)
- Gary Williams
- George Mason and
the Bills of Rights -reprint
- Bill J. Wilms
<[email protected]>
- Nova Scotia during the American
- Gerben Zaagsma
<[email protected]>
- The Stamp Act and the Sugar Act
- Jim Zwick
- John Hay to Andrew D.
First Open Door Note , September 6 1899
For providing E-texts:
- Gerald Murphy
- The Cleveland Free-Net --aa300
- Nancy Trout
- The Cleveland Free-Net --aa345
The Solon Law Archive-Canadian Constitutional Documents