I. Soldier for the Republic
- An unlikely launching pad (1755-1768)
- Mentors (1768-1773)
- New shore, tides of war (1773-1777)
- "I wish there was a war"
- Aide-de-camp to Washington (1777-1781)
- Valley Forge (Winter 1777-78)
- Under suspicion
- Affection and disaffection (1780-1781)
- The Arnold/Andre Affair (September 1780)
- The quarrel with Washington (February 16, 1781)
- Yorktown Interlude (July-October 1781)
- Citizen Hamilton (1782-1789)
- Atty. Alexander Hamilton, Esq.
- Hamilton's return
- Constitutional Convention (May-September 1787)
- The fight for ratification (September 1787-July 1788)
- The war of words: the Federalist Papers
(October 27, 1787-May 28, 1788)
- The war of words: ratifying Convention (Summer 1788)
II. The precipice of power
- Origins of a system
- The Reports on Public Credit I
- The Reports on Public Credit II
- Jefferson and Madison create a party - summer
- Report on Manufactures - submitted to Congress
December 5, 1791
- Stock Market Mania - Summer 1791 - Spring 1792
- The Foreign Policy of Finance
- Strained loyalties: the French Revolution
- Jefferson's crusade - May 1792-December 1793
- Cruel winter I - the Reynolds Affair uncovered
(December 1792)
- Cruel winter II - Impeachment proceedings
(January-March 1793)
- The Jay Mission - March-April 1794
- The Whiskey Rebellion - August 1794
- Unfinished business: last report on public credit
(January 1795)
- the Jay Treaty Controversy (April-August 1795)
- Washington's Farewell Address (May-September
- More trouble with France: the Quasi War
- The Quasi War with Adams (1789-1800)
- The death of a cultivated reputation--and an
- Identity and Honor: Republicans ascendant
- Anguish (November 1801)
- The last campaign (1804)
- The Duel (July 11, 1804)
- Some concluding thoughts