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Description:  White Coats is a non-fiction reference book regarding the French Soldiers who came to Canada to fight in the French and Indian War.  Many of these soldiers remained behind, married Canadian women and had large families.


White Coats will consist of several parts (Click on the titles of each section to see an example):


Section One:  The War – Year by Year

A year-by year (sometimes day by day) recounting of the war – focusing on the whereabouts of the regiments rather than the doings of the Generals as most histories of the wars do.


Section Two:  The Soldiers

An alphabetical listing of all the soldiers I will have found listing any information I have on them.


Section Three:  The Companies

A listing of all known soldiers in each company in order to help people get bearings on whom their ancestors fought elbow to elbow with.


Section Four:  The Marriages

A listing by Spouse order of all the marriages I have on record.  Again, to facilitate finding of ancestors.


Section Five:  Dit Names

A listing of the Dit names and their surname equivelents.


Section Six: Definition of Terms used in the book


Section Seven:  References


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© 2000 Larry Roux