USS Ainsworth

FFG 1 Brooke
FFG 2 Ramsey
FFG 3 Schofield
FFG 4 Talbot
FFG 5 Richard L. Page
FFG 6 Julius A. Furer
FF 1037 Bronstein
FF 1038 McCloy
FF 1040 Garcia
FF 1041 Bradley
AGDE-1 (FF 1098) Glover
FF 1043 Edward McDonnell
FF 1044 Brumby
FF 1045 Davidson
FF 1047 Voge
FF 1048 Sample
FF 1049 Koelsch
FF 1050 Albert David
FF 1051 O'Callahan
FF 1052 USS Knox
FF 1053 Roark
FF 1054 Gray
FF 1055 Hepburn
FF 1056 Connole
FF 1057 Rathburne
FF 1058 Meyerkord
FF 1059 William S. Sims
FF 1060 Lang
FF 1061 Patterson
FF 1062 Whipple
FF 1063 Reasoner
FF 1064 Lockwood
FF 1065 Stein
FF 1066 Marvin Shields
FF 1067 Francis Hammond
FF 1068 Vreeland
FF 1069 Bagley
FF 1070 Downes
FF 1071 Badger
FF 1072 Blakely
FF 1073 Robert E. Peary
FF 1074 Harold E. Holt
FF 1075 Trippe
FF 1076 Fanning
FF 1077 Ouellet
FF 1078 Joseph Hewes
FF 1079 Bowen
FF 1080 Paul
FF 1081 Aylwin
FF 1082 Elmer Montgomery
FF 1083 Cook
FF 1084 McCandless
FF 1085 Donald B. Beary
FF 1086 Brewton
FF 1087 Kirk
FF 1088 Barbey
FF 1089 Jesse L. Brown
FF 1090 Ainsworth
FF 1091 Miller
FF 1092 Thomas C. Hart
FF 1093 Capodanno
FF 1094 Pharris
FF 1095 Truett
FF 1096 Valdez
FF 1097 Moinester

Ainsworth FF 1090
Albert David FF 1050
Aylwin FF 1081
Badger FF 1071
Bagley FF 1069
Barbey FF 1088
Blakely FF 1072
Bowen FF 1079
Bradley FF 1041
Brewton FF 1086
Bronstein FF 1037
Brooke FFG 1
Brumby FF 1044
Capodanno FF 1093
Connole FF 1056
Cook FF 1083
Davidson FF 1045
Donald B. Beary FF 1085
Downes FF 1070
Edward McDonnell FF 1043
Elmer Montgomery FF 1082
Fanning FF 1076
Francis Hammond FF 1067
Garcia FF 1040
Glover AGDE-1 (FF 1098)
Gray FF 1054
Harold E. Holt FF 1074
Hepburn FF 1055
Jesse L. Brown FF 1089
Joseph Hewes FF 1978
Julius A. Furer FFG 6
Kirk FF 1087
USS Knox FF 1052
Koelsch FF 1049
Lang FF 1060
Lockwood FF 1064
Marvin Shields FF 1066
McCandless FF 1084
McCloy FF 1038
Meyerkord FF 1058
Miller FF 1091
Moinester FF 1097
O'Callahan FF 1051
Ouellet FF 1077
Patterson FF 1061
Paul FF 1080
Pharris FF 1094
Ramsey FFG 2
Rathburne FF 1057
Reasoner FF 1063
Richard L. Page FFG 5
Roark FF 1053
Robert E. Peary FF 1073
Sample FF 1048
Schofield FFG 3
Stein FF 1065
Talbot FFG 4
Thomas C. Hart FF 1092
Trippe FF 1075
Truett FF 1095
Valdez FF 1096
Voge FF 1047
Vreeland FF 1068
Whipple FF 1062
W.S. Sims FF 1059

USS Brewton

USS Brewton
USS Brewton FF 1086

USS Brewton images courtesy of Mark Lookabaugh
He has more information on the ship at his home page

Destroyers OnLine
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