plan of operation they have formed /
[D]unbar from Canada, &
Ens. Hamilton of /
Reg [?] with their servants are Prisoners in
this / Town, But I have not permitted to see them tho I / have made frequent
applications for that purpose / As to my own situation, it has been very
disagreeable / since I left Boston, as upon my refusing to bear Arms a-
/ gainst the king I was more than ever suspected by the / People in this
part of the Country And it has been / with difficulty
few friends that
I have here / have more than once prevented my bein asassinated. / I am
extremely unhappy that my confinement to / this Town (by this deluded people)
should put it out
/ power to do any thing for the good of the service
/ soon to have an opportunity of giving convincing
/ of my Loyalty
to the King, & gratitude to all my benefac- / tors in the mean time
you will give me leave to as- / sure you in the most solemn manner possible,
that neither / the threats nor promises of this wicked & Rebellious
faction / shall ever induce me to do any thing contrary to my / professed
loyalty to his Majesty But that on the contrary / I do with the greatest
pleasure & alacrity dedicate my / Life & fortune to the service
of my rightful sovereign / King George the third - / I am Sir with the
greatest respect / Your much obliged and / Most obedient Servant / (name
cut out) / P.S. ( name cut out) comes on purpose / to bring this &
the Pistol you was kind / enough to lend me I beg you would / be so good
as to procure him a pass to / return
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