operation or not I cannot determine, but really / believe that the
congress & their officers in Gene- / ral are determined to, & really
imagine that they / shall be masters of both the Castle & the Town
/ of Boston in a very short time- / I am credibly informed that the Congress
/ mean now to prosecute their plan of Independence / at all adventures
& in order to this that appli- / cation will speedily be made to someone
of / the European Powers for assistance against Great / Britain-
And this I am the moreready to / believe as I have it from a member of
the congress, / one who is intimately acquainted with / the secrets
of the party, & a man whom I can not / suspect of any design either
to amuse or deceive / me. – / But this their plan is by no means [generally-?]
/ comonly known or suspecte by the People in gene / -ral, but they are
still fed up with the old story / that "their invaluable rights & priviledges
are / "invaded". & are taught to believe that the military /
preparations which are now making are in defence / of them & to obtain
redress- / As to the quantity of ordnances other military / stores that
have been provided by the Congress & / I have not been able to obtain
any satisfactory / accounts. But believe that the quantity is by no means
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