Invisible Letter
Sir / If you will be so kind as to deliver to / Mr. of Boston, the
Papers which I / left in your care, and take his Receipt for the same,
/ You will much oblige / Your Humble Servant / (erased) / Saturday May
6th 1775
Visible Letter
Woburn May 6th 1775 / Sir, In compliance with your desires I embrace
this / first opportunity that has offered since I left / Boston to send
you some account of the / Situation of affairs in this part of the Country-
/ I need not trouble you with a particular account / of the affair at Concord
on Wednesday the 19th [ ] / nor of the subsequent gathering at Cambridge
[ ], as / you have doubtless already / better intelligence of them affairs
than I am able to / give you.
The only information that I can give you / that can be of any consequence
… lately received / from a Field officer in the Rebel / Army (if that mass
of confusion may be called / an Army) & from a member of the Provincial
/ Congress that is now setting at Watertown. By / them I learn that an
Army consisting of / 30,000 effective men is speedily to be raised
in / the four New England Governments, & that the / quota for this
Province is 13600. That as soon / as this Army shall be raised & regulated,
it is / generally supposed that the first movement / will be to make a
feint attack upon the Town / of Boston & at the same time to attempt
the / Castle with the main body of the Army- / Whether this will be the
precise plan of operation
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