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Artillery of World War 2

Formed at Hopu Hopu Camp as part of 4 Infantry Brigade, First Echelon, 2NZEF, the Regiment arrived in Egypt in February 1940. Trained in New Zealand on pneumatic-tyred 18-pounder guns and iron-shod 4.5-inch howitzers of World War 1 vintage, and on a variety of guns in Egypt, the Regiment was eventually equipped for combat with 25-pounders. Took part in every campaign from Greece to Trieste, usually in support of 4 Infantry and Armoured Brigade.

Commanding Officers:

LtCol GB ("Ike") Parkinson    Jan 1940 - Aug 1941
LtCol CSJ DuffAug 1941 - Apr 1942
LtCol JFR SprosenApr 1942 - Jul 1942
LtCol GJO StewartAug 1942 - Mar 1943
Dec 1943 - Mar 1945
LtCol WD PhilpMar 1943 - Dec 1943
LtCol HTW NolanMar 1945 - Dec 1945

Original RSM: WO1 W.J. Fitzgerald
Strength (11 May 1944): 42 Officers, 644 ORs

Composition (from August 1941):

Attached units:
  • 9 Light Aid Detachment (1 Officer, 13 ORs)
  • E Section, 2 NZ Divisional Signals

Main engagements: Italy and North Africa (See "Young Men who went off to War")

Although the Regiment officially disbanded January 1946, 25 Bty was posted to Japan as part of the occupying J Force. The battery was disbanded in 1947.

4 Fd Regt
Libya: In the left background is one of the many Axis planes captured on this 'drome.
It is a Hurricane, marked with crosses by the Nazis.   Photo by Des O'Connor.

See also:
Young Men who went off to War
New Year 1944 in Castelfrentano, Italy
Some ill-considered action!
46 Bty's premature
With 25 Battery in J Force

Ref: "Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War"
"The Trail of the Black Diamond", by RD Munro
