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To NZ's artillery in WW2 To Tales from the Trails

Chapter 2     Rank brings Responsibility

Part 1    Organisation of Field Artillery

373649 Arthur H Paddison, 2nd Field Regiment NZA

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On the battlefield, the main task of the field artillery is to support the infantry.

The Divisional Artillery Brigade consisted of 3 Field Regiments, 1 Anti-tank Regiment, 1 Light Anti-aircraft Regiment and a Survey Battery and Brigade Headquarters plus a Detachment of Divisional Signals.

At Troop level the Troop Commander (a Captain) controlled the fire of the guns from a forward observation post (OP) which of necessity must have a view of the front line and be in close touch with the commander of the forward troops (Infantry and/or Armour).

The Brigadier was the Commander Royal Artillery (CRA). Regiments were commanded by a Lieutenant-Colonel (the Commanding Officer, ie CO), Batteries by a Major (the Battery Commander, ie BC) and Troops by a Captain (the Troop Commander, ie TC).

Normally, a troop of four guns was under the direct control of the GPO (Gun Position Officer) with the TL (Troop Leader) as his 2 i/c.

Senior Regimental Officers, 1940

AH Paddison, 2007

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