Mike Dakin, RNZA, was a New Zealand artillery forward observer attached to D/16 Armor with the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate) during the Vietnam War (1966).

Straight as an arrow at this point, the North-South main trunk line lies before us - well, sort of. It's in need of some repair.

Aussie infantry debusses from APCs of D/16 Armor to carry out a local search around the remains of the North-South railway.

In the first operation in this area since WW2, we cross the Song Be to investigate reported VC activity. (March 1966).
 Across the Song Be, bagged rice, a food reserve, also serves as overhead cover for a hidey hole.

Willie Walker, Mike Dakin and Alastair McKenzie, our padre, take a break on the Song Be operation. |