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16 Field Regiment in Korea
fires its half-millionth Round

MajGen MMAR West, GOC 1 COMWEL DIV, who fired the 16th Fd Regt's half millionth round in Korea. Here the General is acting as number three on the gun, WO II PE Duncan, of Wellington, having fallen out on the order "No. 3 Casualty". Other members of the ceremonial gun crew shown here are: RSM IJ Dickson (Auckland), No.1; WO II TJ Goodfellow (Gisborne), No. 2; WO II WJ Mulligan (Nelson), No. 4; WO II RNV Davies (Rotorua); No. 5, and WO II JF Hutton (Auckland), No. 6. All except one are original members of the Regiment and it was undoubtedly the smartest gun crew the Kiwis have produced in Korea so far. (Official caption)

Photographer: Maj VG Skilton MC. Photo courtesy Tony Skilton.