Calendar of Events-February
2007 through December 2007
February 2007
- Saturday,
February 10 – Stenton; Behind
the Scenes Tour: Tours of
Stenton from the point-of-view of the enslaved Africans that worked
on the country home of James Logan 1:30PM www.stenton.org
- Saturday,
February 10 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Valentine Workshop www.rittenhousetown.org
- Sunday,
February 11 – Johnson House;
Annual Members
Reception, Speaker TBA 2-3:30 PM www.johnsonhouse.org
- Sunday,
February 18 – Johnson
House; Annual Essay Contest 2-4 PM www.johnsonhouse.org
- Saturday,
February 24 – Stenton; African
American Storytelling: Storytelling
Time! A Journey through
the African American Storytelling Tradition presented by Linda Y.
Goss, 1:30PM www.stenton.org
March 2007
- March
5-9 – Johnson House; Women
in the Abolitionist Movement www.johnsonhouse.org
- March
16-17 – Cliveden of the National Trust; Cliveden
Institute: Finding Family:
Recent Findings in Family Research and Interpretation; Speakers
include Tony Burroughs, David Contosta, Stevie Wolf, Allen Davis
(Temple), and Dallett Hemphill (Ursinus College). www.cliveden.org
- March
17 – Preservation Alliance Old House Fair, Germantown Friends
- March
Johnson House; Conductors
Ball www.johnsonhouse.org
- Saturday,
March 31 – Historic Germantown Preserved; Opening Day
- Saturday,
March 31 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Egg
Hunt and Spring Paper Workshop www.rittenhousetown.org
- Saturday,
March 31 - Stenton; Easter
Egg Hunt and Dyeing: Bring
your family to Stenton for an Easter Egg Hunt and
learn about
natural dyes made from flowers, vegetables, and animal products
while dyeing eggs that are provided. Fee and Reservations required.
12PM-4PM www.stenton.org
- Thursday
April 19 - Cliveden, Young
Writers at Cliveden Final Reading4:30p.m. come see the area’s
brightest poets read their profound and very funny poetry—FREE.
- Sunday April 22 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Paper Design and Historic Interpretation: Using the Landscape of Historic RittenhouseTown as Inspiration for Creative Paper Design. 10AM to 2PM. Fee and Reservations required.
May 2007
- Thursday,
May 10 – Stenton; Garden
Party 5PM-7PM www.stenton.org
- Saturday
May 19 – Cliveden; Jazz at Cliveden, part
of the Northwest Jazz and Arts Festival--FREE
- Saturday May 19 - Historic RittenhouseTown; 300th Anniversary Celebration. 10AM to 2PM. Fee and Reservations required.
- Monday,
May 28 – Concord School and Upper Burying Ground; Whit Monday Annual Meeting
June 2007
- Saturday,
June 2 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Summer
Hours Begin, Saturday and Sundays 12PM-4PM through September 30,
- Juneteenth
Celebration – Johnson
House (Date depends on construction schedule) www.johnsonhouse.org
- Saturday,
June 23 – Stenton; Native
American Day “Lenape Life in Colonial Times”: The Lenni Lenape were
among the first Native Americans to come in contact with the
Europeans in the early 1600’s.
Learn more about the Lenape people through hands-on
activities, games and clothing. 12PM-4PM www.stenton.org
- Saturday, June 23 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Family
Fun Day
July 2007
- Wednesday,
July 4 – Concord School and Upper Burying Ground; Ringing
Out Freedom and Independence in Germantown, Something more
personal on Independence Day, free tours of Cliveden, Bell Ringing
at Concord School and program at Johnson House Historic Site.
12PM-3PM –Free
- Saturday,
July 14 – Stenton; Colonial
Sports Day: American
colonists played games similar to the games that we play today. Join in the fun of a day full of colonial sports
and activities for families. Special
guest appearance. 12PM-4PM www.stenton.org
August 2007
- August
6-10 – Historic
RittenhouseTown Summer Camp: For
more information, please visit www.rittenhousetown.org,
or call 215-438-5711
- August
13-17 – History Hunter
Youth Reporter Camp: Spend
a fun and exciting week as a Youth Reporter, examining the history
in Historic Germantown. Activities
include lacrosse, papermaking, archeology, food demonstrations,
gardening and much more! $200/per session, scholarships available. For more information, please visit, www.historyhunters.org,
or call 215-329-7312
- August
20-24 – History Hunters
Youth Reporter Camp
September 2007
- Saturday,
September 8 – Historic RittenhouseTown: 18th Annual Paper Mill Run 5K Race
- Thursday,
September 27 – Stenton; Decorative
Arts Workshop: David
Barquist, Philadelphia Museum of Art explores silver, 10AM-1PM www.stenton.org
October 2007
- Saturday,
October 6 – Historic Germantown Preserved Sites; Revolutionary
Germantown Festival, Events
and programs all day at 10 historic sites involved in the 1777
battle, featuring the reenactments of the battle at Cliveden Noon
and 3:00p.m.10AM-4PM
- Sunday,
October 7 – Grumblethorpe; Oktoberfest,
4-7PM. Fundraising event, tickets start at $55, German fare and music,
tours by costumed guides and demonstration by Youth Volunteers.
- Saturday,
October 27 – Stenton; Ghost
Tours: A creepy
experience takes place over Halloween weekend at Stenton.
Children can take part in spooky activities on the grounds
and go on a haunted tour to explore the mysteries that surround
James Logan’s Stenton. Arrive
in costume and the $4 fee is waived. 1PM-4PM www.stenton.org
- Saturday,
October 27 & Sunday, October 28 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Spirits
of the Wissahickon www.rittenhousetown.org
- Sunday,
October 28 – Concord School and Upper Burying Ground; Halloween Program: Tricks and Treats at the Old School
Graveyard, 3PM to dusk, $5 suggested donation.
November 2007
- Saturday,
November 17 – Stenton; Clarissa
Dillon, renown local historian of foodways and housewifery to talk
and demonstrate on a sometimes scandalous 18th century
topic. Details to
follow. www.stenton.org
December 2007
- Saturday, December 1 –Stenton;
Holiday Tea: Enjoy
tea and light fare in the greenhouse of Stenton with your
daughter/granddaughter. Tour
of house include, Reservations Required
1:30PM www.stenton.org
- Saturday,
December 1 & Sunday, December 2 – Historic RittenhouseTown; Holiday
