The Overland Trail has been selected by the White House Millennium Council as an Official Millennium Trail.
From the earliest routes of our ancestors to new urban greenways, to itineraries that tell the story of our shared American landscape, The Overland Trail is proud to be a part of this National effort to "preserve, recognize, and educate the public about historic American sites, buildings, and objects of national significance."
Millennium Trails was designed to catalyze the development of trails across America by bringing together diverse groups of people to recognize, support and celebrate trails and their capacity to link places and connect our nation's people with their land, history, and culture.
Millennium Trails is a significant public/private partnership that allows communities to strengthen their quality of life by preserving open spaces, interpreting history and culture, and enhancing recreation and tourism.
Millennium Trails is a partnership among the White House Millennium Council, the Department of Transportation, Rails-to Trails Conservancy, the National Endowment of the Arts and other public agencies and private organizations.
A "Historic Trail Preservation Walk" will take place on August 5, 2000 along the Overland Trail in Northern Larimer County, Colorado. Please see map or use e-mail for further information.
The Official Dedication Ceremony will take place at 1:00 pm at the Millennium Celebration Site as shown on the map.
"Millennium Trails are tangible gifts to the future that represent a commitment and an investment in the kind of country we want to create in the 21st century. It is my hope that the energy that has sparked this growing national movement will be sustained and nurtured so that trails are a part of our nation's heritage for many generations to come.America's trails are the product of many hands and I want to thank all of you who devote time and effort to developing these valuable resources. You have my best wishes for a wonderful National Trails Day event."
Sincerely yours,
Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Millennium Trail
[Millennium Trail Resolution ]
[ Letter from White House ]
[Overland Trail]Created and maintained by Elizabeth Larson
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