

The goal of OTR Classification Project is to classify various OTR series with their appropriate genres or types, so OTR fans can find OTR series similar to their favorite shows. Currently, the database consists of nearly 3000 series titles. Most of the series names are from the "Golden Age" of radio (before Sep. 30, 1962), but some of the series are from later years. Most of the titles are of shows broadcast in the USA, but some titles are from shows originating overseas.


Names of genres or types are among those chosen by traditional OTR collectors and dealers. Series names were gleaned from various OTR catalogs, collections and logs.

Most of the classification work (nearly 2000 shows) was done by Dick Judge, one of the earliest OTR collectors / dealers. (Dick's email address is: [email protected]). Visitors to this site were also given the opportunity to classify shows, but their accuracy was surprisingly poor. Thanks, however, to the visitors who made an honest effort to provide accurate information.


Shows can have multiple classifications. Top-level differentiation was attempted to differentiate "Juvenile" shows from those meant for a more general audience. The genres into which the shows could be classified are Many shows fit into several genres, and an attempt was made to associate each show with all appropriate genres. Some of the associations might be argumentative. Other shows are as yet unclassified, and you are invited to classify them. To do so, contact the webmaster.


  1. Find your favorite OTR Series in the Series selection box. Click on the appropriate place to display the genre(s) associated with that series.

  2. Find the genre name in the Genre selection box. Click on the appropriate place to display all OTR series names associated with that genre.

  3. Visit the log pages or sponsor pages of this website to find episodes associated with the series names.

The OTR Classification Project
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Louis V. Genco
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