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Old Time Radio Reference Materials Plan on spending some time "looking through the stacks" in this section. (You can bring a snack, too). OTR meets the Information Age! |
Reference Menu: Includes: program logs, OTR database search engine, LOCAL search engine, theme music, copyright info, and more! |
More OTR Info of General Interest. Includes: radio stations broadcasting OTR today, OTR bibliography, info on MP3 players for OTR, OTR conventions, clubs, newsletters, non-US sources, and info for new fans of OTR | |
History and Old-Time Radio Information about the development of old-time radio programs, as well as comments on the socio-political environment of the age. Also has a great collection of on- and off- line museums! | |
FAQs of Interest Have a question about old radio programs or associated activities? Look here first for the answer. |
Frequently Asked Questions and answers about OTR and associated activities. Information on topics ranging from eliminating squeak from old recorded tapes to using special antennas to receive OTR. |
The Trading Post Places you can obtain old radio programs and books. |
Commercial Catalogs (tapes and CDs for sale) See our sponsors |
Private Libraries (tapes to trade). | |
Club Libraries (tapes for rent) | |
Books and DVDs Selected list of discounted OTR books and DVDs from | |
New Computers and Old Time Radio |
Shareware and Freeware Software from various sites for OTR Listeners/Collectors. Includes a worldwide search facility. |
OTR Sights No, not "pictures on the radio", but pictures just the same. |
Pictures, soundbytes and stories about old-time radio stars and old radios |
There is a rumor that pictures will soon be seen on something called "television". I visited the store, and this is what I saw. |
We Will Continue After A Word From Our Sponsors:
OTR Sounds Short sound clips from the good ol' days, located both at this site and others. With the right equipment, you can hear the sounds as you read the page. |
Local Sound Snippets.
Sound samples in various formats from other sites. | |
WWW Links Jumping-off places for offsite info that didn't easily fit in my other categories. |
Links to miscellaneous radio-related WWW and FTP sites with information useful to OTR enthusiasts. Airwaves Journal, antique radios, radio stations on the internet, "new-time" radio links, homepages of real and fictional OTR personalities. |
News about today's radio, today! News articles culled from online "newspapers" about activities happening in modern radio. | |
Keeping In Touch Save a stamp - communicate electronically! |
Like to chat with other OTR fans in realtime? Get info on Lois Culver's #oldradio chat site here. |
The and newsgroups are available on many (but not all) news servers. | |
Old-Time Radio Bulletin Boards:
In addition to the original Old-Time Radio Bulletin Board for general OTR discussions, there are several other old-time radio message boards for your enjoyment, including forums for old-time radio detectives, science fiction shows, kids' shows, soaps, and big band music. Yet another service to help keep OTR fans "connected". | |
Do you want your OTR news and views to be delivered to your electronic mailbox? Subscribe to the Internet OTR Digest mailgroup. | |
About Us A little info (and bragging, too)! |
History of OTR on The Net |
Our Privacy Policy. What information we collect during each visit, and what we do with it. |