A group of related Native South American tribes, speaking a language that forms a branch of the Nadene linguistic stock. The 14 divisions of the Tlingit may reflect a former era when they were entirely independent tribes. Important among the divisions are the Chilkat, the Yakutat, the Stikine, the Sitka, the Auk, and the Huna. In 1741, when visited by Aleksei Chirikov and Vitus Bering, the Tlingit lived in SE Alaska, along the coast and on the islands that fringe the coast about Sitka, S to Prince of Wales Island and N to the Copper River. The Russians built (1799) a fort near the site of Sitka, but the Indians rebelled and drove them out. Aleksandr Baranov, however, later captured the fort, killing many Indians. He established a trading post there, which grew into Sitka. There was constant trouble between the Tlingit and the Russians. Today the Tlingit live on reservations in British Columbia and Alaska. Tlingit culture, like the Haida and the Tsimshian, was typical of the Northwest Coast area. The name is also spelled Tlinget, Tlinkit, and Tlinket. See Livingston Jones, A Study of the Tlingets of Alaska (1914, repr. 1970); T. M. Durlach, The Relationship Systems of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian (1928, repr. 1974); R. L. Olsen, Social Structure and Social Life of the Tlingit in Alaska (1967); Frederica De Laguna, Under Mount Saint Elias (1972).
This brief page explains the customs and traditions surrounding an important
winter celebration as it relates to the Tlingit people.
Tlingit Hstory
This all-text article gives you the history of the Tlingit in southeastern
Alaska, and describes how their expertise with canoes made them great
Tlingit National Anthem
Four women swam under the ice to find a new home for their people on a
distant shore, or so the story goes. There a few sound files at this site
and several links relevant to the Native populations of Alaska.
Read the history behind the "Smoking Gun" documents and check out the
information about traditional Tlingit tribal government, preservation of the
people and their culture, stories, current events, international law, and
human rights.
Swift Eagle's Links Page
Geoff Panek's Page
Native American.com
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Tundra Drums
Alaska Native Arts & Crafts
Tlingit National Anthem
Matoska Traders
Pete's Native American Links
Native Tech- Native Technology & Arts
Native Web- an Internet Community
Pow Wow Resources *This is one of my favorite sites. Lots of Pow wow info, craft guides, and many more links
Southern Native American Pow Wows
Gathering of Nations Homepage
Pow Wow Dancing
Bill Miller - Native American Musician
Lakota Information Homepage
Leah's Homepage
OCB Trading Post T-Shirts
Native American Art Exhibit
Native American Food Recipes
1998 - 1999 Pow Wow Calendar
The Soul of the Indian
Spirit Online...Native American Spirituality
Chief Seattle
Planet Earth Music
Firebird Arts and Music Catalog
Native American Wisdom
Native American Authors
Innerspace - The Writings of Julia White
WBS Community - Native American Chatroom
She Wolf's Place
Native Peoples Website
Indians and the Dreamcatcher Legend
Native American Commandments