> Native American Nations
> List of Tribes
> Federally Recognized Tribes
> Tribal Information


Native North Americans of the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock. The name Abnaki was given to them by the French, but properly it should be Wabanaki, a word that refers to morning and the east and may be interpreted as those living at the sunrise. The Abnaki lived mostly in what is now Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Abnaki legend has it that they came from the Southwest, but the exact time is unsure. After a series of bloody conflicts with British colonists, the Abnaki and related tribes (the Malecite, the Passamaquoddy, the Pennacook, the Penobscot, and others) withdrew into Canada, where they received protection from the French. The Abnaki were in settled villages, often surrounded by palisades, and lived by growing corn, fishing, and hunting. Their own name for their conical huts covered with bark or mats, wigwam, came to be generally used in English.

Imaginary Indians
An essay about the state of affairs in which the Indians found themselves in
1920s Maine. The title refers to how Natives were perceived by non-Natives.

Indian Legacy
This is an excerpt from a 1920 publication, "Hinckley Township or Grand Lake
Stream Plantation." It contains interesting accounts of battles and Indian
history in this region of Maine.

Maine Parable: Two Tribes Discover 80 Million Dollars...
In 1980, after a 10-year battle over land claims, the tribe won the largest
award of its kind in American history. So how are they doing now after this
80 million dollar settlement? Click on our link to find out.

NAGPRA Notice of Inventory Completion
Normally, if you find something you know belongs to someone else, you just
give it back. It's not so simple for the government. Read how it's going
about returning skeletal remains to the Passamaquoddy tribe.

Native American Literature at U of O
A good picture of a Passamaquoddy mail pouch. The literature link leads only
to a syllabus of a University course.

Origin of the Medicine Man
Here's a Passamaquoddy legend about a Medicine Man. I guess the moral of
this tale is, "Be careful what you wish for."

Passamaquoddy Harbor Porpoise Hunting
A brief article about the killing of porpoises by the Passamaquoddy Indians.
They say they have a sacred right to do so but the Canadian and American
governments don't agree.

Passamaquoddy Origins
There are four articles here concerning the Passamaquoddy people and other
tribes who are closely related by geography.

Passamaquoddy Tribe v. Maine
The legal history of a lawsuit in which this tribe wanted to set up a
gambling casino. They were already suing for two-thirds of the State's land
mass. It sounds simple but when the law is involved, "simple" simply goes
out the window. Not for the casual student.

Quoddy Loop - Passamaquoddy Tribe
History, government, and culture are overviewed here.

U.S.C. Title 25 - Indians; Chapter 19 - Indian Land Claims Settlements;
Subchapter II - Maine Indian Claims Settlement
Well, unless you really like reading legalese or you're studying law, you
won't be interested in this. The title tells you what it's about.

Washington County Maine Area
A lot of topics are touched upon here, including the ancient Red Paint
People, the Indian Wars, the patterns of Indian life throughout the seasons,
and the $80 million land claims settlement won by the Passamaquoddy tribe.