Algonquin Placenames in Windham County, Connecticut
Natives named places for the available resources to be found there. Anthropologists are using these "ecological labels" to get a better understanding of Native life more than 300 years ago.
American Indian Ethnobotany Database
This huge database (over 47,000 entries) took more than 25 years to compile, and includes foods, drugs, dyes, fibers, and other uses of plants. This represents the usage by 291 Native American groups of 4,029 species from 243 different plant families. Use the search engine provided.
The buffalo was necessary to the Plains Indian. Where once the herds extended for miles, by 1889 there only 550 buffalo in the whole of the United States. You can read excerpts from a documentary here.
Cattails and Grasses Used By Native Americans for Textiles
Six downloadable images of plants used by Native Americans. A brief description of the plants and their uses accompanies each image and in the cattail section you'll see a link to detailed instructions for you to sew your own cattail mat.
Cedar - A Great Provider
An article about how the natives in British Columbia made use of the cedar tree. They even had a technique called "planking" which allowed a tree to be used and remain standing and alive.
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump - Home Page
This "Jump" is located near Fort MacLeod, Alberta. That's Canada, eh? When you're armed with only spears and need to kill several buffalo, the best way is to herd them towards a cliff... aka "jump." It's an interesting site - part commercial, part touristy, part historical and cultural. Follow the links.
Native Way - The Grandmothers' Cookbook
"Gather the locust at night immediately after they have left their shells. Wash and fry them in a small amount of grease. Eat these hot or cold." Those are the directions from a recipe in the "Oddities" section of this online cookbook. There are more palatable ingredients in the majority of the other recipes. This is a section of "Wisdom Keepers's" website. You can follow the link to learn about this organization whose purpose is to pass along traditional wisdom and skills to young Native girls ages 8-16.
The Roots of North American Medicine
Native Americans had a vast knowledge of medicine within the scope of their surroundings. This all-text website tells you from what ailments they generally suffered and how they treated them.
Stars Index
From the link starnow3.html on, you'll learn how the Native Americans interpreted the stars, how they used their knowledge of them and how, because of this knowledge, the Wheels which are found all over North America came to be. There are many interesting facts here, told from a personal point of view by this site's author.
Adoption: "Kids Lose When Culture Trumps Individual Rights"
Is the The Indian Child Welfare Act "symptomatic of a dangerous and growing trend - especially in adoption cases - in which race and culture trump individual rights? See what this author has to say.
American Indian Sports Team Mascots
This is an activist page with a chronology of changes made to names, mascots, and symbols using Native-related terminologies, as well as a section on the psychological aspects of such usage.
Anti-Indian Movement on the Tribal Frontier
By the mid-1970s, with a suffering U.S. economy straining Americans, the introduction of legislation favourably affecting Native Americans caused a surge of anti-Indian feelings. This scholarly essay outlines the situation.
Assessment for American Indian and Alaska Native Learners
How fair or practical is it to assess Native learners by standardized American tests and how accurate can the results be? That's what this page is all about.
Between Two Worlds
This is a thought-provoking, well-written essay dealing with such issues as how natives walk a fine line between traditional values and the fast-moving "outside" world. There's mention in particular of the Hopi Nation and of AISES (the American Indian Science and Engineering Society).
blazingeye's Home Page
This personal site addresses the problems and consequences of ethnic stereotyping (focus is on Native American).
California's Modern Indian War
Gaming operations are a big source of income and financial security for the Indian nations. Currently there's a battle going on as to who can, will, can't or won't participate in this profitable business. See what the fuss is all about here in a long series of press articles. Other topics include land rights and environmental issues.
Cherokee Fire
Despite the name, this site deals with issues of interest and importance to ALL American Indians. You'll find Indian Rights, a message board, genealogy information, American Indian art, treaties, Indian fonts, and other files. There's a search engine and links to other sites.
Chili Corn
The 1950s Indian Relocation Act eventually resulted in the Dearborn Monument Protest. The history, a personal description of these times, and a timeline of events are given here to explain how the Native author came to write the play "Chili Corn."
Cultivation: Language
An 1868 report from a federal commission on Indian affairs recommended that "their barbarous dialect should be blotted out and the English language substituted." Read about
the struggle to save the surviving languages of the indigenous peoples.
Deep Background
"Land is at the center of Dineh religion and life." Is there a form of genocide being carried out against the Dineh and Hopi peoples of Black Mesa, Arizona? Something's going on and this site will tell you all about it with a good deal of background history from as far back as the Civil War.
Dos and Donts
This list of suggestions is for teachers but the list in itself is food for thought as it makes us ponder how we think in regard to Native Americans.
Endangered Native American Languages
As many as half the world's 6000 languages spoken are now on the point of disappearing as older generations fail to pass the languages on. This discussion focuses in on Native languages in North America and pointedly asks, "What is to be done, and why?"
First Nations/First Peoples Issues
A large number of links to topics which address the concerns of the First Nations is provided here.
Frozen Diamonds and 350,000 Caribou
Are there diamonds in the frozen tundra on Dene lands in Canada's Northwest Territories? This article says there are and that plans are underway by the de Beers Company of South Africa to get their hands on them. It's yet another issue concerning the Dene and their land claims.
HONOR - Honor Our Neighbors Origins and Rights
This website describes the history, purpose, and activities of an Indian and non-Indian coalition formed to affirm treaties.
History of Strawberry Island
A developer wants to dig up a sacred burial ground on this island in Wisconsin. This page discusses the issues involved.
Honor the Earth-Issues Overview
One of the main thrusts of this scholarly essay is the "destruction of the male role and the diminished valuation of Indian women" as aboriginal peoples were placed on reservations.
ICWA Letter Writing Campaign
Through this page you will be able to read a bit about legislation and also read a sample letter that you may send to your representatives in Washington. There are links to Senate and House of Representative members.
Indian Mascots and Genocide, the Shame of America's...
This site asks some hard questions, makes some hard comparisons, and offers some disturbing photos. Follow the link to the homepage which offers similar articles about issues facing Natives today.
Indian Poverty
Get a disturbing look at the realities of life for the average Indian on a reservation. Learn why one of the poorest tribes, the Sioux, refused to take $122 million in the past and won't take the over $300 million it's grown to with added interest.
Kevin Costner...
"Who would do such a thing?" Well, the who, what, and why are all here and Kevin Costner's right in the middle of it. It's about land claims, casinos, and the desecration of sacred Sioux lands.
A Line in the Sand
This comprehensive website deals with the problems Native peoples face in connection with cultural property rights.
Political borders - should they restrict native peoples whose homelands they divide? This issue is discussed and examples given.
Native American Concerns
"There are several issues of immediate concern to Native Americans, of which many non-Natives are not aware." Learn what these issues are.
Native American Elder Janet McCloud
Janet McCloud is a self-styled "Warrior Woman" who has spoken and written extensively about Native rights. There are many interesting articles here, some dating back to 1977.
Native American Peoples - A History of Genocide
The author of this article contends that there was/is a systematic plan in the United States "to clear the land of its natural inhabitants." He offers comparisons with other North American countries and even takes a shot at Benjamin Franklin, who, if the facts are correct, certainly deserves it.
Native American Political Issues
This site will connect you to a page which explores the conflicts between Natives and the United States government, and one which addresses the issue of free movement on traditional lands which just happen to contain political borders.
Native American Soldiers Will Be Allowed to ...
Peyote is an hallucinogenic drug used in Native religious ceremonies. This article is about legislation concerning its use in the military.
Native American Spirituality
The high suicide rate among Native peoples has been attributed (by some suicidologists) to the suppression of their religion and culture by federal governments. This site gives you the state of the Native religions in an overview and by tribal grouping.
Native American Support Group of New York City
An organization formed in 1988 to address issues of importance to Native Americans brings you this website. Some topics discussed here include Hawaiian sovereignty, the massacre in Chiapas, Mexico, and the desecration of the Apache Sacred Mountain.
Native American World View Writings
The sub-title of this page is "American Indian Heritage and World View." There are seven articles here, written by students.
The People's Paths
Got awhile? This extensive site addresses issues (past and present) that affect the Native peoples of America, from the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic to the Hopi of Black Mesa in Arizona. All text, and tons of it.
Planet Peace: Indigenous Community Internet Project
This site informs Natives and non-Natives alike of issues and events that shape the Native world.
Repatriation Office
The Department of Anthropology at the Natural Museum of Natural History is in the process of returning the human remains in its possession to the tribes to which they belong. There is a tribe by tribe list, an explanation of how the process is determined, and a chart or two.
Return of the Natives: An Eight-Part Series
This site covers topics such as of how the Oneida nation began legal proceedings to win back their land and re-establish their culture, the struggle between a cultural identity and recognition by the government, and historical views of the Indian Wars.
Sacred Sites
Read this brief essay concerning how often the needs and plans of non-Natives clash with the religious beliefs of Native peoples.
Walpole Island, First Nation, Canada
Walpole Island Indian Reserve is between Ontario, Canada and Michigan, USA at the mouth of the St. Clair River. This Nation faces great environmental stress. Read about it here.
Whose Child Is It?
Does government offer Native women fewer rights than non-Native? The answer, after reading this article, would seem to be, "Yes!"
Aadizookaanag, Dibaajimowin: Traditional and True Native American Stories
You'll find this site easier to read and more attractive if you use the MS Explorer browser. Plan to be here a long time if you intend to read all the essays, articles, and books (fiction and non-fiction) offered.
Ceremonial and Spiritual Traditions
Here's a legend here about a 'Great Race.'
Coyote Kills a Giant
This plain text page offers an entertaining little story about ingenuity.
Legends of Mt. Scott
Mt. Scott is a sacred place to the indigenous peoples of Oklahoma. There is a legend here (one of many that exists) about it.
Native American Legends, Folk Takes and Stories
At this site you will find "Legends of the Blackfeet" and "Legends of the Kiowa."
Stories from the Sacred Dreamtime
Read three great traditional stories - "The Sleeping Bear," "Twokiller," and "Lakota Brother."
Maps of Native American Nations, History, Info
If the author of this site hasn't included it here, chances are it doesn't exist. An excellent, extensive site about native peoples and lands for all of U.S. and Canada, as well a bit about Mesoamerica.
Map of Montana Reservations
The title of this site says it all -- a clearly-defined map of the reservations.
Mid-west Treaty Map
That's all that's here but it's clear, loads quickly, and shows the locations of treaty and claimed lands. The regions are colour-coded according to tribe.
Native American Population in the United States
There's a colour-coded map here showing the percentages of Native Peoples in the United States. This information comes from the 1990 census.
Arts & Crafts
Ableza-A Native American Arts and Film Institute
There is a great deal at this attractive site to teach and entertain. Topics include youth murals, programmes for schools, past projects, and so much more.
Acoma and Zuni Pottery
Take a look at this exhibit of pottery. The website does not say this, but click on a specific piece of pottery to see whether it was made by the Zuni or Acoma, then click on "Jpeg" to enlarge the image to full screen size.
Art Indian's Native American Art, History, and Cultural Tour
"History and Culture of the Native American through images and text." The images load quickly and are accompanied by good text. Be sure to check out the "'DID YOU KNOW?' ARCHIVES."
Follow the link to the Pomo peoples' history to learn about the tribe - its location (see map) and history - who makes/made the wonderful baskets you'll see here. Beautiful as they are, many were meant to be purely utilitarian.
Contemporary Haida Art Form
You're given a brief history of Canada's Haida nation and its tradition of art. This is a commercial site which offers for sale each of the beautiful items you'll see here (all are enlargeable with a click), but "just looking" is free.
| Source: Rainbow Galleries
Contemporary Hopi Arts and Crafts
You will find examples of katsina dolls, pottery, baskets, paintings, sculpture, and photography.
De Bry Copper Plate Engravings
See numerous engravings which depict scenes of life for the Indians of North America. Each one is accompanied by a detailed description. A click on any small image will give you a full-screen one.
This brief page is a set of three questions answered by some person revealed only as c00kie. You'll learn the legend behind the traditional Dreamcatcher, how it was made, and the materials used now as opposed to the past. There are no images here - you'll need to picture one in your mind's eye as you read the description.
Guujaaw, Carver on Haida Gwaii
Follow the carving of a totem pole from raw timber to raised product via this series of clear photos. There is no explanatory text to inform us of the meaning (if any) of the particular design chosen by the carver.
The Heard Museum
Learn about artifacts, art, and some dances of the Southwest Native Americans. The teachers' section includes a mailing list, a resources guide, and free slides for grades seven through twelve. Artwork from Native Americans in grades 5-12 is also included.
Hollister Collection
These thumbnail images of pottery from 17 tribes are viewable by tribe, form or signature. Click on the small photo to see a larger one, with information about size, etc.
Level 1 Lobby - First Peoples Hall
You're going to love this site from the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC). Its available in French or English and there are eleven sections from which you can choose. The pictures are wonderful; the text is great. Another good page here is "Wave Eaters: Native Watercraft in Canada," with many pictures.
Manidoominens: Sacred Seeds
Here's an impressive site with everything you ever wanted to know about Native American seed beadwork. There are tons of information and photos too!
Native American Art Exhibit
Several artists from different tribes are featured here. If Native art is your interest, you'll enjoy this site.
Native Tech: American Native Technology and Art
Take a look at this wonderfully informative site covering skills such as preparing porcupine quills and making a clay pot. As well as getting "how-to-do" facts, you learn the history behind these skills.
One Circle Home Exhibit
Take a virtual tour of exhibits showing the life of tribes in Southern New England. The clear images load quickly and the accompanying descriptive text is good.
Shapes and Uses of Californian Indian Basketry
So many baskets with specialized uses are shown and described here! There are 27 images of basketry, including water carriers, footware, and traps with three images showing the different weaving styles. All are downloadable in .gif format.
Totem Poles
This site offers information on what totem poles are and what they mean.
Against the Winds
This ste covers Native American historical and spiritual running traditions. Trade, communication, transportation, hunting, warfare, myths, legends, and games are discussed; maps, timelines, and current events are included.
Greetings from Dennis Banks
check out this site about the Sacred Run - its history and what it means today, plus other items of interest to Native peoples. (Peltier, for example).
The Importance of Sacred Sites to Native American Religions
The discussion here, after some good historical background, is about the political end of homeland conservation.
Indian Graves and Cemeteries
Get a list of some of the final resting places for Native Americans, especially some chiefs. See also Indian Agencies and Villages in Kansas.
The Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks
Each page gives you a new photo of a religious mask and brief explanation of what you're seeing.
Making a Dreamcatcher
Directions and illustrations about how to make a Dreamcatcher, plus a Dreamcatcher legend. This is part of a massive site dealing with legends, art, shamanism, healing, music, ceremonies and so much more. Viewing is easier with MS Explorer.
Native American Holidays and Celebrations
This site is an ongoing project. So far there is a link to "Seven Sacred and Ancient Cherokee Ceremonies".
Native American Religions
A profile, general beliefs, and specific tribal information about religious rites and ceremonies (follow the in-text links).
Native American Spirituality
An excellent objective overview. In the introduction it says, "Native Americans do not regard their spiritual beliefs and practices as a 'religion' in the way in which many Christians do. Their beliefs and practices form a integral and seamless part of their very being".
Native Americans
The main focus of this site seems to be the "alien connection." The author mentions UFOs, native prophecy (especially Hopi), and connects the myths and beliefs of other ancient civilizations around the world to those of the Native Americans.
Navajo Ceremonials
The ceremonies of the Navajo have been classified as "rites" and "chants" - the distinctions and reason for the classification system are explained here. Detailed information is given, with hyperlinks that will take you to further explanation and, in some cases, sound files.
Navajo House Blessing Ceremony
This is a scholarly and in-depth exploration of an ancient Navajo ritual. The author quotes several sources (Durkheim is one) as a basis for his thesis.
North American Masks
Access links to pages with good images of ceremonial masks.
Pow Wow Dancing
Don't miss this attractive site which gives you valuable information about dancing styles, costumes, history, and proper etiquette for Pow Wow participants. There's more - you'll see.
The Sun-Dance of the Sioux
An amazing first-hand account by Frederick Schwatka (from the late 1800s) about this ceremony.
About the Chief Seattle Speech
Well, after reading all the facts and myths on this page, it seems to me that Chief Seattle, while undisputedly a fine man, did not give the speech for which he is so famous. There are links to versions of the speech, names of the people who actually wrote the words, and lots of other information surrounding the whole issue.
American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
There's a great deal of data here, and links to information concerning population, housing, social and economic characteristics, language, and tribes. It's all from the 1990 U.S. Census of Native Americans and much of it requires the Acrobat Reader for viewing. The software is free and there's a link to the site from which you can download it.
American Indian Culture Research Center
Discover the many things of interest waiting here for you. There seems to be no end to the information here, in pages dealing with spirituality, culture, women's issues, education, colleges, myths, and additional links. Don't miss this site - allow plenty of time for it, too!
The American Indian in the Great War: Real and Imagined
This thesis was initiated by the author's discovery that 17,000 Native Americans fought along side the people they called enemies less than 30 years earlier during the Indian Wars. All I can say is that if you're intending to read everything here, you'd better be prepared to stay awhile - there's a massive amount of information.
The American West - Native Americans
This is a condensed history starting 20 to 30 thousand years ago to the present-day with a look into the 21st century.
See many examples of clothing worn by various Native peoples. You can choose by Nation or by clothing article. A click on the arrowhead pointing left will give you a second browser window and the option to check out toys, musical instruments, and Native groups.
CodeTalk Home
What a site to try to explain here! There's information about all sorts of things of interest to natives and non-natives alike - contact numbers, demographics, government agencies, a photo gallery, art, language, culture, etc., etc., etc. Click on the topic buttons, then follow the links. Works best with MS Explorer.
Cyndi's List of Geneology Sites... Native American
This is a huge list of sites, neatly categorized and presented in an attractive manner. The author maintains that she keeps it as current as possible.
DNA and Native American Origins
A theory, based on DNA samples, that suggests Native Americans might have originated in the South Seas Islands. The columns layout of the text is a bit annoying and difficult to follow. This is a page from the Chattanooga InterTribal Association website which has links to many other pages of information. It can be accessed by clicking on "CITA."
Dynamic Explorers
A great history site and designed specifically for teens. (I'm way past that age, but I liked it, anyway!) There is a 'Conquest' page with a search engine and the account of De Soto's deeds are fascinating. Get the answer to the question: "What Happened to the Natives?" There are several small, downloadable black and white .gif graphics scattered throughout the website. And don't forget to check out the page about "What Teachers Didn't Know." There are many links there and a note for teachers, as well as an "adult" version of the page.
Fifth Grade Native American Commemorative Stamps
The stamps displayed and described here are the creations of many fifth graders. They've done a great job with this assignment, and the information should prove most helpful to you.
The Flags of the Native People of the United States
This site is great! And it's not just the United States represented - there's a link to Canadian nations, too. See the flags of the tribes and get some good facts.
Naming Indian Children
There are three pages of a manuscript here. It isn't text you see, but actual documents photographed and scanned, so they take awhile to load. The material in them is an interesting read, however.
Native American Courage and Wisdom
Sitting Bull once said that in the morning, when he walked barefoot upon the soil, he could "hear the very heart of the holy earth." These words and more are to be found on this site. Read the words of the great chiefs.
Native American Homes
Eight fast-loading images of Native dwellings. Be sure to check out the Remington Cheyenne Statue. Dragging your mouse over it provides a full 360 degree view. This site is from a fifth-grade class. Nice job, kids!
Native American Icons
There are some very nice icons and clip art images here, as well as backgrounds and bars (links at bottom of page). They're all free and downloadable in .gif format for your projects.
Native American Wisdom
Read several quotes from a variety of Native people, concerning life as they view/ed it. These are arranged under four headings.
Native American Worldview: Hawk and Eagle, Both are Singing
It takes an awful lot of concentration to understand what this lady is saying as she compares Indigenous and Western methods of science and communication.
Native Americans
A brief historical overview of native cultures in North America, Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America), and South America.
Native Sense
Maybe you've eaten hominy, or grits, or even Corn Flakes? Well, all these foods were made possible by American Native know-how. I found this fact on the 'Native Contributions' page of the website. A very nice site, folks!
Order of the Indian Wars
What I thought might be a timeline turns out to be a series of brief pages extolling the exploits of the American army against the aboriginal nations. Oh, and to get INTO this elite "Order," you have to be a man. Hmmmmmm, eh?
The Original Native Peoples of the America - Past and Present
The Trail of Tears, the history of Treaties, and the Lenapes are just a few of the pages available to you on this easy-to-read site. On page two, scroll past all the awards this site has earned to get to other page links.
Potato Chips
What happens when you make a Native chef angry? He invents what has become a billion dollar industry! Read this brief, but entertaining, article.
red_dawn's Home Page...A Continuing Story
A nice site! The "For Your Info" page has some really interesting trivia facts. You'll find the sound files are slow to load.
Spanish Conquest of Native America
There are a great many topics to look into here. One question, "What happened to the Native Americans?" is answered like this: "The Conquistadors brought foreign diseases, horses, whips, swords, guns and vicious dogs to America; they took women, food and slaves as they went." Choose the "Kids" or the "Teens" section. There's also a page aimed at teachers. You'll be here a long time - this site is massive.
StoneE's Weblodge
A wonderful website that has been named by the Discovery Channel's Discover Magazine as a valuable Internet resource. This site is huge and contains too much information to list it all here, but the section on the buffalo and its great importance to Native life is one you won't want to miss.
The Real Pocahontas
An interesting biography with a picture of this Indian princess in the stylish English clothing of the day. Also a discussion of where the Disney movie did and didn't stick to the actual events.
This Week in "American Indian" History by Phil Konstantin
The amount of work that has gone into this page is obvious. Make sure you leave yourself lots of time to check out all it has to offer. Mainly text here.
Tri-Racials: Black Indians of the Upper South
A serious discussion about the problems presented to census-takers and genealogists by the inter-marriages between black, white, and native peoples. There are lists of tribes who fit the tri-racial classification, as well as many other facts.
Pow Wows
Char-Koosta News Pow Wow Calendar - Upcoming Pow Wows - Where's it going on? Find out when and where the next pow wow will be in an area near you!
Council Tree Pow Wow - 5th Council Tree Pow Wow & Cultural Festival September 24, 25, & 26 1999. Council Tree Pow Wow & Cultural Festival celebrates the traditions and heritage of the Ute people and all American Indian people with contest dancing, Indian Arts Market and more!
Join the People's Dance - Powwows - A list of major powwows that occur annually throughout the state. Please call ahead to verify time and location. http://www.state.sd.us/state/executive/tourism/sioux/powwows.htm
Links to American Indian PowWow & Events; Smaller; and Miscellaneous Sites - A long list of web sites about Indian PowWow & Events. http://members.tripod.com/~PHILKON/links10.html
Native American Indians - Pow-Wow Information - Below is an informational resource to help you understand what a powwow is and also to help you enjoy them more if you get an opportunity to go to one. There is also a connecting page with a listing of powwows, and a photo album of a recent powwow.
Native American Sites - Powwows - Following are links to sites that maintain listings of upcoming powwows, as well as provide information on powwow dancing and customs. http://info.pitt.edu/~lmitten/powwows.html
Pow Wow Dancing - Men's Dance Styles, Women's Dance Styles, Pow Wow Information, Pow Wow Calendar. http://www.powwows.com/dancing/index2.html
Prairie Band Potawatomi Pow Wow 1999 - June 11th, 12th & 13th, 1999. Contest and Drum Money Grand Entry Friday - 7:00 p.m., Saturday - 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m., Sunday - 1:00 p.m. http://www.kcwebsites.com/powwow/
The Pow Wow Trail by Julia White - A Native American Pow Wow is a wonderful experience, but little information is available to the general public on this ancient custom. That is why this book has been written - so that everyone may understand and enjoy the spectacle of the dancing, and the activities going on both in the arena, and on the grounds around them. http://www.powersource.com/powersource/gallery/powwow/default.html
American Indian Records on Microfilm - A Select Catalog of NARA Microfilm Publications. http://www.nara.gov/publications/microfilm/amerindians/
Ancestry.com - the largest collection of family history data online. We add new databases and reference materials to our library every day to provide the web's fastest, simplest and most complete resource for family history research.
Bureau of Indian Affairs: Establishing American Indian Ancestry - How do I begin the search for my ancestors? Where do I look for information? Enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. What are the benefits & services provided? Contacting a Tribal Entity. http://www.doi.gov/bia/ancestry/ancestry.html
Cherokee Messenger - So Your Grandmother Was a Cherokee Princess? - More and more frequently, more and more people are discovering their Cherokee ancestry. The first step is tracing your lineage. I have compiled information here to help you get started. You will need access to a genealogy library. Some church libraries also have these records. I hope you find this information useful. http://www.powersource.com/powersource/cherokee/gene.html
Cyndi's List of Geneology Sites on the Internet: Native American General Resource Sites, History & Culture, Libraries, Archives & Museums, Mailing Lists, Newsgroups & Chat, People & Families, Professional Researchers, Volunteers & Other Research Services, Publications, Software & Supplies, Records: Census, Cemeteries, Land, Obituaries, Personal, Taxes and Vital Societies & Groups, Specific Tribal or Nation Resources, USGenWeb Project ~ Native Americans. http://www.cyndislist.com/native.htm
DOI, BIA, Native American Ancestry - Native American Ancestry: Ancestry, Genealogical Research, Cherokee Ancestry. http://www.doi.gov/bia/ancestry.html
Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site - The online site of Family Tree Maker. Find your ancestors in the 171 million-name FamilyFinder Index, use our 1200-page How-To Guide, message boards, and more! http://www.familytreemaker.com/
Genealogical Research for Native Americans - Our staff in the Department of Anthropology receive many inquiries on how to conduct genealogical research on Native American ancestry. The following text has been compiled by our staff to assist you in locating sources of information. Please note that the Smithsonian Institution is not a source for genealogical research and has no records relating to Indian census or Indian tribal rolls. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmai/nativeg.htm
How to Find Native American Ancestry - Searching for information about a Native American ancestor? You may find the following sources in the Special Collections Department useful as you compile your research. The General Sources include basic information on how to start your research as well as descriptions of the types of records available. The Tribal Sources provide information or records related to specific tribes. http://scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us/thpl/main/spc/native_american_ancestory_pathfinder.htm
Index of Native American Genealogy Resources on the Internet-Use the resources above to trace your own roots and to find help in doing so.
Native American Family History: The Source Guidebook of American Genealogy - Employment of sound research methodology, fine attention to detail with complete and accurate recording of all relevant and associated data, and a willingness to search for all possible data from a multiplicity of information sourcesthese are the keys to successful Native American genealogical research. The following sections provide numerous vital details useful for identifying extant records, becoming familiar with the historical and genealogical data included in those records, and accessing the specific materials needed to further research endeavors. MAKE SURE TO CLICK THE "Next Page" Button! Pages: 521-569. http://www.ancestry.com/home/source/src441.htm
Native American Genealogy - There are many unique problems encountered when researching American Indian genealogy. The traditions, naming customs and kinship systems varied widely among different tribes; and so, it is usually necessary that the researcher become familiar with those that pertain to a particular tribe. http://www.system.missouri.edu/shs/nativeam.html
Native American Genealogy - Osiyo - We now have pages up on Cherokee, Choctaw, Lakota with lots more coming for Native American Genealogy. We are hoping to build sites for all the different Indian Nations as time progresses. http://hometown.aol.com/bbbenge/front.html
Native American Heritage: Genealogy, Tribal Membership & Dawes Roles - You are about to embark on a journey of courage and discovery. For the thousands upon thousands of people in the United States who have Indian blood, "Tracing Your Native American Heritage" is a step-by-step guide to connecting with that American Indian ancestry. http://www.nativeamericanheritage.com/
Native Genealogy Webring -
Native Genealogy
The People's Paths - Genealogy Information Links - Links to Genealogy Information Concerning Native American Indian Ancestry! http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/genea.html
The USGenWeb Project - The USGenWeb Project. We are a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
Health Care
American Indian and Alaska Native Health (CBM 96-6) - This publication is intended to serve as a useful resource for those interested in gaining a better understanding of health issues of special concern to American Indians and Alaska Natives. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/amindhlt.html
American Indian Health Resources - Governmental Links, National Public Health Education and Research Facilities, National Public Health Networks / Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's) / Private Associations, Publications.
Challenges of Native American Health and Welfare for next the Millennium - REMARKS BY: Donna E. Shalala, SECRETARY of HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Native American Health and Welfare Conference, Tucson, Arizona. OCTOBER 23, 1998. http://www.hhs.gov/news/speeches/981023.html
Health Information Resources - Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information - Health Information Resources - National Health Information Center's (NHIC) web site with links to various health care, medical, and institutional web sites. This document lists toll-free numbers organizations that provide health related information. The numbers do not diagnose or recommend treatment for any disease. Some numbers offer recorded information; others provide personalized counseling, referrals, and/or written materials. Unless otherwise stated, numbers can be reached within the continental United States Monday through Friday, during normal business hours, and hours of operation are eastern time. Numbers that operate 24 hours a day can be reached 7 days a week unless otherwise noted. This information is in the Public Domain. Duplication is encouraged.
Health of Native People of North America: An Annotated Mediagraphy, Part I - The purpose of this mediagraphy is to provide as comprehensive a listing as possible of the current audiovisual materials on native health that exist in the United States and Canada.
Health of Native People of North America: An Annotated Mediagraphy, Part II - This update primarily covers the period from 1993 to 1997, but older sources that were not included in the previously published mediagraphy are included. http://wings.buffalo.edu/publications/mcjrnl/v6n1/native.html
If you knew the conditions... Health Care to Native Americans - "If you knew the conditions...": Health Care to Native Americans. The Online Version of an Exhibit Held at the National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/if_you_knew/if_you_knew_01.html
Index of Native American Health Resources on the Internet - Organizations and Resources for Teachers and General Web Resources. http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAhealth.html
State of Native American Youth Health - Between 1988 and 1990, nearly 14,000 American Indian/Alaska Native adolescents living in rural areas and on reservations participated a survey at their school on health and risk behaviors. Although the findings may not be representative of Native American adolescents nationally, as a convenience ample was used, the comprehensive information provided by this study gives insight into the lives and health habits of these youth. February, 1992. http://www.cyfc.umn.edu/Diversity/nativeamer.html
American Indian or Alaskan Native Health Research - Impact on American Indian or Alaskan Native (AIAN) Health Research.
Bureau of Justice Statistics - American Indians and Crime - Reports the rates and characteristics of violent crimes experienced by American Indians and summarizes data on American Indians in the criminal justice system. The findings include involvement of alcohol, drugs, and weapons in violence both against and by Indians; victim-offender relationships; the race of persons committing violence against Indians; the rate of reporting to police by victims; and injuries, hospitalization, and financial loss suffered by victims. Sources include the National Crime Victimization Survey, the FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports, and BJS surveys of offenders on probation or in local jails or State and Federal prisons.
Detail statistics for all federal and state tribes - Profile listings of Summary Information, Housing, Income, Labor, and Social reports.
Drug Statistics Master Page - IPRC INFOsite - Statistics about use and consequences of use of ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, and OTHER DRUGS from the Indiana Prevention Resource Center and other servers.
Fedstats: One Stop Shopping for Federal Statistics - More than 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government produce statistics of interest to the public. The Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy maintains this site to provide easy access to the full range of statistics and information produced by these agencies for public use.
Info-Nation - InfoNation is an easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations. Compare data within the countries of the United Nations like urban growth, top exports, and threatened species.
National Center For Education Statistics: American Indian Education - Characteristics of American Indian and Alaska Native Education. March 1997.
National Center For Education Statistics: Student Records Questionnaire - Student Records Questionnaire: School Year 1993-94, With Special Emphasis on American Indian and Alaska Native Students.
USCB - American Indian and Alaska Native Populations - Population Estimates, Population Projections, The 1990 Census, Statistical Briefs, Issues for 2000 census, and Related Topics.
USCB - American Indian and Alaska Native Populations - Population Estimates, Population Projections, The 1990 Census, Statistical Briefs, Issues for 2000 census, Related Topics.
USCB - American Indian/Alaska Native Areas - Cartographic Boundary Files - American Indian/Alaska Native Areas Cartographic Boundary Files.
USCB - Census Facts For Native American Month - The numbers, Where They Live, Households and Families, Businesses, Farms, Persons With Disabilities.
USCB - Disability - 1990 Census Table 1: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut - Table 1. Selected Characteristics of Civ. Noninst. Persons 16 to 64 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.
USCB - Disability - 1990 Census Table 2: American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut - Table 2. Selected Characteristics of Civ. Noninst. Persons 65 and over American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut. http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/disable/census/tables/tab2ind.html
USCB - Population, Land, & Poverty Data for AI & AN Areas - The information contained in the documents on this site were extracted from the 1990 Summary Tape Files (STF) 1C and 3C. The names of the American Indian Alaska Native Areas reflect those as used in the 1990 census. American Indian Reservations and Trust Lands, Tribal Jurisdiction Statistical Areas, Tribal Designated statistical Areas, Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas. http://www.census.gov:80/geo/www/ezstate/aianapov.html
USCB - The American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut Population - In the last two decades, the American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut population grew rapidly. In 1970, this population numbered 827,000; it reached 1.4 million in 1980 and nearly 2 million in 1990. The 1990 census counted 1,878,285 American Indians, 57,152 Eskimos, and 23,797 Aleuts. Census Bureau estimates and projections suggest that on July 1, 1994, the American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut population numbered 2.2 million, and that it will reach 4.3 million and just over 1 percent of the population by 2050. http://www.census.gov/population/www/pop-profile/amerind.html
World Health Organizaton Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) - Health and health-related statistical information from the World Health Organization.
Native Organizations
AAIP-Association of American Indian Physicians - AAIP mission is to pursue excellence in Native American health care by promoting education in the medical disciplines, honoring traditional healing practices and restoring the balance of mind, body, and spirit.
Index of Native American Nonprofit Resources on the Internet - Links to non-profit Funding sources and Non-Profit Organizations.
National Congress of American Indians - NCAI serves to protect the rights of Indian Nations and Native Governments, to enhance the quality of life of Indian and Native people, and to promote a better understanding among the general public about Indian and Native governments, people and rights.
Native American Sites - Native Organizations and Urban Indian Centers - Links to Native Organizations and Urban Indian Centers.
The Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council - The council has recently merged with the Montana Wyoming Indian Health Board. Thei site will start placing a substantial amount of Indian Health information on the web site.
United National Indian Tribal Youth - UNITY is a national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship and leadership among Native American youth.
Maps and GIS
ALASKA Tribes - Contact info, organized links, tribal and regional maps. Click on the regional label or use this list: Ahtna, Inc; Aleut Corp.; Arctic Slope; Bering Straits; Bristol Bay; Calista; Chugach Alaska; Cook Inlet; Doyon Ltd; Koniag Inc.; NANA Inc.; Sealaska Corp.
BIA/GDSC - Indian Tribes and Reservations - The BIA Geographic Data Service Center (GDSC), located in Lakewood, Colorado, supports Indian Tribes and BIA personnel in the design, development and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other spatially oriented databases. In addition, the GDSC builds and maintains spatial information, on a national level, for the BIA.
CALIFORNIA Tribes: Main Access Map and tribes listing - California map shows counties in pale colors for reference. The listing is of California recognized tribes as published in November 1996 in the Federal Register.
EPA - National Map of Federally Recognized Tribes and EPA Regions - EPA Regional Indian Program Managers and Coordinators. List of Regional Tribal Program homepages and General Regional homepages.
ESRI - GIS & Mapping Software - ESRI is the world leader in GIS (geographic information system) software and technology. This site features free GIS software, online mapping and GIS training, demos, data, product and service information, user scripts, and much more.
Federally Owned Lands - U.S. Map - This map -- which can only indicate the larger reservations, National parks and forests, etc. -- is still a good overview of the U.S. native land situation.
Indian Land Areas Judicially Established 1978 - The maps in this project were published in a June 1992 report for the Legacy Resource Management Program as part of the Native American and Settler Communities Project. 1. Northwest and 1.a. Inset; 2. North Central; 3. Great Lakes; 4. Northeast; 5. Southeast; 6. South Central; 7. Southwest
Indian Land Cessions by Tribe-Study Guide - Map of Indian Land Cessions by Tribe.
Links to North American Indian Map Pages - A long list of North American Indian Map Pages! http://members.tripod.com/~PHILKON/links7.html
Map of American Indian Nations - Map Features: 24"x 36" laminated map. 11 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Area Office boundaries. Location of 311 federally-recognized reservations. Roster on map lists the size & population of each reservation. Dimished land base graphics.
Map of Indian Country - Map Features: Full-color 24" x 36" map. (Rolled or folded.) Historical graphics and text about Indian lands and people. 11 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Area Office boundaries. Location of all 312 federally-recognized reservations. Reservation Roster lists the size and population of each reservation on the map. http://www.indiandata.com/big-country.htm
Map of Indian Removals - Jacksonian Democracy - Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw.
Maps of Native American Nations, History, Info - MAPS: GIS Windows on Native Lands, Current Places, and History.
Native American Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks - Click on a colored area for exploration. To find specific tribe locations, use the Tribe Finder. Links to information on tribes are identified with black rectangles and tribe names. William C. Sturtevant, Smithsonian Institution, 1967.
NEW MEXICO Indian Tribes: BIA Contact Info & Web Links - Click on numbered list for contact info, links about tribe.
North American Pre-Contact Native Culture Areas Map - This map shows culture areas of more than 500 tribes of North America before first contact. To learn about a culture in materials prepared by the Canadian INAC, click on the red dots.
Remote Sensing and GIS Links - This page provides links to WWW resources useful in remote sensing/Earth observation and GIS, including image processing, digital elevation models, computing and algorithms, data sources, space centres and other relevant organisations, neural net applications, satellites and sensors ...
Spin-2 - SPIN-2 is the worlds highest resolution, commercially available satellite imagery. SPIN-2 Imagery has a resolution of 2 meters (1.56 meter pixel size). This panchromatic digital imagery is ortho-rectified and geo-referenced to very precise accuracy. SPIN-2 Imagery is a cost effective alternative to conventional aerial photography.
TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map - The TopoZone is the Web's center for topographic map users and outdoor recreation enthusiasts. We've worked with the USGS to create the Web's first interactive topo map of the entire United States. If you're looking for maps that don't leave big blank spaces between the highways, welcome!
U.S. Indian Tribes -- Index by State - Federally non-recognized tribes follow the recognized lists. State recognition indicated if known.
U.S. State Native American Populations - 12K map from the 1990 census, can be downloaded and printed for classroom handouts (will print OK in black and white).
U.S. Tribes-by-States Map Index - Click Postal abbreviation if State is active; BIA Area office dot for contact info only. State-clickable alphabetic list of tribes follows map.
US Census Bureau - Geography Topics - An index to the U.S. Census Bureau's major geographic programs, geographic concepts, geographic information, and geographic products.
USEPA - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Spatial Data Sites - Center for environmental Statistics.
American Indian Language Resources - Listing of and links to: General American Indian Language Resources, Language Issues, and Dictionaries, Fonts and Specific Languages According to Family.
Endangered Native American Languages - What Is to Be Done, and Why? The Crisis, What Causes Language Death? Is There a Cure? Why Should We Care? Notes, and References.
Index of Native American Language Resources on the Internet - United States, Iroquois Confederacy, Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux/Lakhota/Dakota, Other U.S. Tribes/Nations, Canada, Latin America, Other Indigenous Languages, More General Amerindian Language Resources, General Language Resources.
Native American Language Act of 1992 - US Code : Title 42, Section 2991b-3. Sec. 2991b-3. Grant program to ensure survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages.
Native American Language Center - UC Davis - Department of Native American Studies, UC Davis. The Native American Language Center is an initiative of the Department of Native American Studies at UC Davis. The purpose of the center is to encourage linguistic research on American Indian languages, and to foster the intergenerational transfer of language knowledge in Native American communities.
Native American Language Links - Links to Specific languages, Preservation of specific languages, Language family and regional sites, General Native American language sites, Books, Conferences and workshops, Endangered languages discussion, Legislation and position statements, Teacher training, and Computer resources.
Native American Language Software - In an attempt to use computer programming skills to benefit the teaching and preservation of American Indian languages and customs; we offer the following software programs for free download (see download page) on this site: Lakota Language Teaching Software, English-to-Lakota/Lakota-to-English Computerized Translation Dictionary, Lakota_Kids Play Language Software, Shoshone Language Software, American Indian Pictograph/ Petroglyph Writing Software.
Native American Sites - Native Languages - Numerous links to sites which focus around Native American languages.
SSILA - Internet Links - Directories & General Reference, Other Organizations, Journals, Publishers, Academic Departments and Programs, Research Centers/Collections/Archives, Bookstores, Resources for Specific Languages, Concern for Endangered Languages.
SSILA - Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas - About the Society, SSILA Bulletin, Journal Contents, Dissertation & Thesis Index, Book Announcements, Learning Aids, Internet Resources, Upcoming Events.
Index of Native American Art Related Exhibits on the Internet - Theater Groups, Exhibits Available for Travel, Online Exhibits, Other Native American Art Related Sites.
Index of Native American Commercial Galleries on the Internet - Listing of Non-profit Galleries and Commercial Galleries.
Index of Native American Museum Resources on the Internet - Listing of Museums in the United States, Caribbean, Canada, Latin America.
IPL: Pueblo Pottery Exhibit - There are several ways to browse the collection. You can browse by Pueblo or you can also browse thumbnails of the entire collection.
Native American Indian Art - Various types of Native American Indian Art.
Native American Sites - Native Arts Organizations and Individuals - Links to Native American Web Sites focusing on Native Arts Organizations and Individuals.
NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art - Across this vast Turtle Island, different Peoples developed and expressed their own complex technology. Often, the degree of craft specialization is influenced by the different environments people live in, or by trade and information networks -- these technologies are the product of thousands of years of expertise, oral traditions and continuity.
NAVAJO RUGS: Styles on The Reservation - The map, showing where different designs of rugs were produced at different communities on the Navajo reservation, was prepared by the late Tom Bahti, in a large-format bookfirst printed in 1966, and reprinted many times thereafter.
Powersource Native American Art & Education Center - The Powersource Gallery, a collection of Native American artistic symbols portraying powerful people, powerful places and powerful objects.
RT Computer Graphics - Featuring Native American, Western, & Petroglyph clip art designs. Santa Fe, Plains, Petroglyph, Wild West Collections.
WETA: Native American Potters & Weavers - Experience the art and culture of Native American potters & weavers. Featuring: The Legacy of Generations - Pottery by American Indian Women. Featuring: Woven by the Grandmothers - 19th Century Navajo Textiles.
American Indian History Resources - Listings of and links to: General American Indian History Resources, New England Texts and Native Americans, Bibliographies, Texts and Reviews, Code Talkers, Oral Histories, 19th-Century Native and Non-Native Commentary, The West: A PBS Documentary 1996, Wounded Knee, The Battle of the Little Bighorn: Two Perspectives, Documents, Timelines, Maps, Tribal Histories and Statistics.
First Nations Histories - Lee Sultzman, First Nations Historian has done a wonderful job, she is adding a large amount of information on each of the different tribes.
HSU: Native American History - History is the most crucial part of understanding Native peoples. Therefore, I have tried to accumulate an extensive list of resources on this page.
Index of Native American Archaeology Resources on the Internet - Participatory Opportunities, Conferences, Archaeology and Anthropology Resources, Southwest, Great Plains, Southeast & Mississippian, West Coast, Northeast, Canada & Alaska, Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean, South America, Rock Art.
Index of Native American History Resources on the Internet - Links to resources on Oral History, Written History, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest including Northern Plains, Southwest, Great Basin and California, Northwest, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Timelines, Photographs & Photographic Archives
Native American Resources at the Smithsonian - The Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum, research and education complex, is committed to offering opportunities to study and learn about the cultures, arts and history of Native Americans from its unparalleled resources. Extensive collections of objects, photographs, films and archival material, as well as fellowships, internships and seminars, are among the possibilities available to those who want to learn about and help preserve native culture.
Smithsonian: Native American History and Culture - Selected links to sites hosted by Smithsonian Institution museums and organizations. Native American Resources, Selected Exhibitions, Recommended Reading. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmai/start.htm
Stereotypes of Native Americans - We are so used to seeing the Land o'Lakes Indian maiden, the various school mascots, mascots of professional sports teams, etc. that we forget what effect these images have on the ideas we have of the people they represent, or on the personal image of the children of these people as they must learn to live in this society. The portrait on the Indian Head nickel was largely responsible for the fact that Indians could not get jobs in Hollywood to play Indian parts. They did not look Indian enough!
The National Portrait Gallery: Native Americans - Tenskwatawa, Ute Treaty-making Delegation of 1868, Geronimo (Goyathlay), Chief Joseph, Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco, Black Hawk (Makataimeshekiakiak), Little Crow (Tahetan Wakawa Mini), Osceola, Peter Pitchlynn, Lewis Bennett (Deerfoot), Sitting Bull (Tatanka Yotanka), Chief Thundercloud.
The Native American History Archive - A New Center for Native American Studies in Internetworked Classrooms.
American Indian Issue Resources - Listing of and links to: General American Indian Issue Resources, Native American Law, Gaming, Cultural Protection, Environmental Issues, Multi-Racial Issues, Wannabe Issues.
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet - Links to resources on Culture, History, Education, Language, Health, Indigenous Knowledge, Native American Art, Artists, Galleries, Art Related Sites, Museums, Archaeology, Electronic Texts, Genealogy, Legal, Books, Non-Profits, Government, Music, Nations, Other, Video & Film, Commercial, Jobs, Announcements, Organizations, Activist Sites, Gaming, Home Pages, Bibliographies and Other Indices, Media, Movie Stars, WWW Virtual Libraries.
Index of Other Native American Resources on the Internet - Clip Art for Use on Websites, Christian Sites with Native American Concerns, More Specialized Information Sources, Webboards for Discussion, UseNet News Groups and List Archives, Non-Native pages relevant to Native concerns (not-otherwise classified).
Judy's Native American links - Native American links of general interest and Women's Issues.
Links to American Indian Sites by Phil Konstantin - In an effort to make these links easier to find, I have sorted them into 16 groups. Reference: Tribal: Smaller: Art: General: Personal: Rings: Language: Media: Map: Genealogy: History: Powwow: Misc.: Biography: Information: Commercial:
National Native Information Center - Links to Native Organizations across the country.
Native American Directory - Links to Native American web sites.
Native American HIV/AIDS, Health & Health Policy, Media, and General Links - Native American AIDS Links, Native Health & Health Policy Links, Native Media Links, General Native Links.
Native American Indian Resources - 300+ web pages of Native American resource materials, original publications and organized links. Reservation/Indian country maps; original Native literature, Native art.K-12 Native schools contacts page.
Native American Information Links - Web sites that offer native american information.
Native American Links - Minority Links, General Links, Scholarships, Law Programs & Links, Colleges & Educational Links, Organizations, Environment, Native American Studies, Health, Periodicals and Media.
Native American links: Your Body - Food and Herbal Remedies, Gardens Gardens, Medicine, Substance Abuse.
Native American Sites - General Indian Oriented Home Pages - Lots of links to General Indian Oriented Home Pages.
Native American Web Sites - General
Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples Links - Links to resources on Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples.
NativeWeb - Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the world.
Other Native American resources - Tribal sites (official and unofficial), Other sites featuring specific tribes, General resources sites, News, Literature, Music, Foods, Native American genealogy, Internet Web searches.
The Indigenous Circle - Very comprehensive listing of Native American sites.
The Native American Education Ring - This webring is dedicated to educate people about the Native American Culture as well as provide a center of information and resources.
Aadizookaanag, Dibaajimowin: Traditional and True Native American Stories
A great site with lots of traditional stories, myths and legends. Includes 19th and early 20th century books available to download in full-text editions.
Eskimo Songs and Stories
This site includes a few short stories and poems written by Eskimos and collected by Danish explorer Knud Ramussen.
Hoffman, Walter J. - "The Menomini Indians"
This site includes stories from the 1888 book "The Menomini Indians," by Walter J. Hoffman and myths as related by prominent Menomini.
Indigenous Peoples Literature in Danish
Native American lores and legends, online books, along with other information and links related to Native Americans, including Danish translations.
Johnson, E. Pauline - "Legends of Vancouver"
Full text of the "Legends of Vancouver" by Native American author E. Pauline Johnson. Includes a short biography of the author.
Johnson, E. Pauline - "The Shagganappi"
Full text of "The Shagganappi" by Native American author E. Pauline Johnson. Includes an introduction by Ernest Thompson Seton.
Mullett, G. M. - "Spider Woman Stories: Legends of the Hopi Indians"
"The Children and the Hummingbird," an excerpt from G. M. Mullett's book "Spider Woman Stories: Legends of the Hopi Indians."
NASC Sample Stories
Several stories listed by Nation.
Native American Authors
"This website provides information on Native North American authors with bibliographies of their published works, biographical information, and links to online resources including interviews, online texts and tribal websites."
The Native American Experience in the Modern English Collection
University of Virginia's collection of Native American stories. Stories are listed by author and include date of publication. Many stories include illustrations. An excellent resource.
Native American Literature
This site includes a bibliography of books documenting the history of Native American literature; information about locating journal, magazine, and newspaper articles; literary criticism and book reviews; and dissertations.
Painter, Muriel Thayer - "Faith, Flowers, and Fiestas"
Full text version of the book by Muriel Thayer Painter, detailing the year from the view of the Yaqui Indian.
Paths to Literature, Stories, Poems!
A large collection of Native American Indian works.
Poems and Stories
A small collection of Native American pieces arranged by author.
Selective Bibliography and Guide for "I" IS NOT FOR INDIAN
A paper regarding the portrayal of Native Americans in books for young people, and how to find books that are both accurate and cause no harm.
Silko, Leslie Marmon
Includes interviews, essays, biographies, reviews and more.
The Storyteller's Lodge
A site consisting of mostly traditional stories, listed by Nation. Most stories are rather short.
Encyclopedia Mythica - Native American Mythology
An introduction to Native American mythology, offering a comprehensive exploration of key figures in Native American myths. Great for theme-based mythology lesson plan or introductory material for student research.
Indigenous People' Literature - Stories/Fables/Legends
A large collection of fascinating creation stories, fables and legends are available at this site.
Inuit Mythology
Three short Inuit myths about the sun, moon, and sea are discussed in this introduction to Inuit mythology. Introductory material for student research and theme-based mythology lesson.
Listening to Native Americans: Making Peace with the Past for the Future
A scholarly article discussing Native American religions and mythology.
Mythology of North American Indians
Navajo, Pawnee, and Lakota stories related to sky, earth, and cosmology are told in this introduction to Native American mythology. Great for theme-based mythology lesson and student research.
Native American Folklore - The Living Spirit of the Indian
An Oglala Sioux story of Spider Woman and her dream catchers.
Native American Legends, Folk Tales, and Stories
A collection of Blackfoot and Kiowa myths and legends.
Native American Lore Index
An extensive site including stories of Native American Indian lore from several Tribes. Many are listed by Nation. An excellent site.
Native American Prophecies
This site includes contemporary prophecies of the Cherokee, Lakota, and Onondaga.
The Potawatomi Story of Creation
Here is a fascinating creation story from a Great Lakes tribe as told by a member of the tribe.
Traditional and True Native American Stories
This site contains stories by and about Native American young people.










































