Canadian Natives
Film site Canadian Native Film
Native American Artists Well organized links relating to Native American
Native American Fine Art Exhibit Information about Native American artists.
Norval Morrisseau: This is a good Web site to study Native American Indian
Art as it has influenced Canadian Ojibwe, Woodland painters. Master painter,
Norval Morrisseau, Copper Thunderbird, born March 14, 1932 on Sand Point
Ojibwe Reserve, near Beardmore, Ontario. He is founder of Woodland school
(style) also known as Legend or Medicine painting.
Bibliography of Repatriation and Reburial issues Prepared by Brian Gill,
Arcata, CA 10/95. "This bibliography was accumulated over the past 5 years
as a research project on the Repatriation issue faced by Native Americans."
Bibliography on the issue of the Indian Child Welfare. List of books on the
native American children welfare. Indian Child Welfare Law Center
CANKPE OPI Wounded Knee Home Page Comprehensive lists of documents and
Websites relating to the Wounded Knee.
Lakota Dakota Bibliography Rev.Raymond A. Bucho, S.J. of the Department of
Sociology and Anthropology at Le Moyne College, the Jesuit College of
Central New York. http://web.lemoyne.edu/~bucko/biblio.html
Mt. Graham An Apache Veteran Speaks Out An Apache Veteran Speaks Out. The
ASC continues its fight against the continued desecration of Mt. Graham.
Native American Multicultural Bibliography Comprehensive lists of
bibliographies relating to Native Americans. This is a part of the Internet
School Library Media Center. Internet School Library Media Center, Inez
Ramsey Library Science Program James Madison University
No http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/native.htm
Native American Resources on the Web - Lisa Mitten's page
Secret Native American Pathways : A Guide to Inner Peace Reviews and
Commentary for Secret Native American Pathways : A Guide to Inner Peace
The Way of the Earth : Native America and the Environment Reviews and
Commentary for "The Way of the Earth : Native America and the Environment".
A collection of native American myths, parables, legends, and folklore drawn
from many Indian cultures reflects the attitudes of native Americans toward
the environme
BIA: SCHOOL HOME PAGES listing Listing of Beaureu of Indian Affairs Schools.
Costo Historical and Linguistic Native American Research Center The Costo
Historical and Linguistic Native American Research Center seeks to advance
scholarship, especially California Indians and native peoples of the Pacific
Rim; provide new research methodologies; and present research through
applied approaches. http://www.chass.ucr.edu/csbsr/costo.html
Different kinds of assignments to teach Native literature
First People's home Page - SchoolNet Canadian SchoolNet page, lots of links
for educators and students
Fond du Lac Education Division Links to curriculum and education Websites.
NAM/First Nations k-10 guide Integration BC First Nations Studies: A K-10
guide for Teachers. Response Draft 1996 British Columbia Aboriginal
Education http://www.est.gov.bc.ca/abed/k10guide/fnstoc.htm
Native American food plants Database Ethnobotany Database Stephen M.
Native American Indians List of new websites in many areas including food
and recipies.
Aboriginal Education Team -- British Columbia, Canada Governmental.
Sections: Policy Initiatives, Counselling of First Nations Students, First
Nations Contacts, Aboriginal Education Program Descriptions, BC First
Nations Studies K-10: A Guide for Teachers, First Nations 12 IRP (Integrated
Resource Package), Glossary of Treaty Related Terms, First Nations Library
Database Search, British Columbia Treaty Commission Education
American Indian Program Council The American Indian Program Council (AIPC)
is a subcommittee of the Denver Federal Executive Board concerned with the
recruitment, retention and visibility of American Indians in the Federal
workforce. Currently, there are 57 members representing numerous Federal
agencies. Representatives are designated by their agency heads and generally
serve a two-year term.
Assembly of First Nations (English & French) the Assembly of First Nations
(formerly the National Indian Brotherhood) is a First Nations institution
where the leaders of our governments assemble to devise common strategies on
collective issues. The AFN exists to promote the restoration of the
nation-to-nation relationship between the 633 First Nations communities in
Canada and other nations and to ensure that any transitional steps benefit
that general goal.
Bureau of Indian Affairs No
Code Talk (Housing Information) Native Amerian Housing Information. It has a
good index of Websites relating to Native American Housing issues. Has a
section for youth. http://www.codetalk.fed.us/home.html
Department of Interior Users can search by subjects and offices relating to
Native Americans.
Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States "Don Healy's "Flags of the
Native Peoples of the United States" as the sole topic of its third/fourth
issue of RAVEN - NAVA's scholarly journal of vexillology, the study of
flags, their history, and symbolism. This Website "is a selection of
segments from that publication."
Indian Health Service Home Page US Indian Health Services
Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs -- Province of British Columbia, Canada
Sections are: Treaty Negotiations, Publications and Policy Documents, BC
First Nations, Frequently Asked Questions, Historical References, News
Releases Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, BC Canada
Native American Caucus in the House of Representatives A "contact table" for
the members of the Native American Caucus in the House of Representatives,
listing names, staff contacts, phone & fax numbers, and some email links.
These representatives have expressed an interest in Native American affairs
by joining this voluntary Caucus, co-chaired by Democrat Dale Kildee of
Michigan and Republican J.D. Hayworth of Arizona
News clips from the governmental agencies reports on Native Americans "News
releases from the Department of Housing and Urban Development."
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Comprehensive Website about the
fisheries in Northwest.
Office Of Community Services Division Of Tribal Services Gopher site The
Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human
Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians
Office of Tribal Justice, the Department of Justice
The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) Includes governmental
information relating to the environmental issues of Native Americans. United
States Envronment Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/indian/
The American Indian Lands Environmental Support Project (AILESP) AILESP is
"designed to integrate and assess current point sources of pollutants and
associated enforcement and compliance data from Federal, industrial and
municipal facilities on or near tribal communities and their ecological
resources." http://es.inel.gov/oeca/ailesp/index.html
U.S. Senate, the Committee on Indian Affairs Home Page United States Senate
Cherokee National Historical Society In 1963 a group of distinguished
Cherokees foundedthe Cherokee National Historical Society, designed to
preserve the history and culture of the Cherokk people - past, present and
future. Has links to the Cherokee Messenger and Cherokee Heritage Center
Cherokee National Historical Society
Douglass - Archives of American Public Address "Douglass is an electronic
archive of American oratory and related documents." Archives of public
First Nations History Histories written by Native Americans.
Native American Conquest Includes early maps and historical documents from
many states Native American Conquest, Florida Corporation
Native American History none Don Mabry, Mississippi State University
THE CARIBBEAN 1760-1895 George Miles, William Roberston Coe Curator of
Western Americana, Benecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Alaska Native Regional Corporations
Library of Congress Native American resource gopher
Native American Net Gopher at University of Wisconcin at Medison Includes
information on jobs, court cases, book reviews, education and general
Native American Resource on the Internet List of new Websites in many areas
including food and recipies. http://www.tucson.ihs.gov/1AmerInd/AI.html
Native American Resources at the Smithsonian Resource guide of Native
American materials at the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institute - School of
Information, University of Michigan
Native Americans Internet Sites Lists of links including Listservs, Gopher
sites, WWW and Newsgroups. Chicana/o Latina/o communities through Networking
- Univ. southern California http://latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/Native.links.html
NativeWeb Our purpose: to provide a cyber-community for Earth's indigenous
peoples. Cummunity bulletinboard. Has search function.
Welcome to My Heritage (personal but good links to Alaska Natives) Personal
Page w/links none http://holly.colostate.edu/~leeannw/heritage.html
Alaska Natives Online Includes Tlingit National Anthem. Haa tl'atgi (The
first Landless Tlingit Internet Support Group)
Development Institute (AILDI) is a four week summer training program in
American Indian languages and linguistics and bilingual/bicultural
curriculum development." http://w3.arizona.edu/~aisp/aildi.htm
Anishinaabe Language Resources Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College
B.N.O. Walker's Wyandot Vocabulary
Dakota Language Homepage It includes a great language lesson plan.
Delaware (Lenape) Tribe of Indians: Language
Dictionary of Native American Names Compiled by Kate Monk. Kate Monk.
Enter English Word to translate to Ojibwe: dictionary
Enter Ojibwe word to translate to English: dictionary
Homepage of the American Language Reprint Series "Information and maps on
the ancient native languages of the east coast of America."
Index : Languages and Literature, Native American Languages Tyler Chambers,
Human Languages
Lakota Language homepage
Lakota Wowapi Oti Kin Lakota Language and Book Resources Rev.Raymond A.
Bucho, S.J. of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Le Moyne
College, the Jesuit College of Central New York.
Mingo/English Dictionary: dictionary http://www.ling.nwu.edu/egads/mingo/
Multimedia Wyandot Language Files the Wyandot Nation of Kansas site
Native American Languages Covers issues in Native Languages. NativeWeb
Ojibwe Language and Culture
Ojibwe/English Dictionary dictionary Jordan F. Lachler, Dr. Thomas McElwain,
Oneida Indian Nation-Language Project
Oshkaabewis Native Journal (language) "The ONJ is a bi-annual
interdisciplinary forum for significant contributions to knowledge about
native peoples. Special attention is given to the Ojibwe language.
Contributions include monolingual and bilingual Ojibwe stories in the double
vowel orthography, scholarly articles and reviews of Ojibwe language."
Shawanoese and Wyandott Vocabulary the Wyandot Nation of Kansas site
Survey for California and Other Indian Languages Department of Linguistics
University of California at Berkeley No
Tribal Language Groups of Northern and Central California Museum
Informatics Project (MIP) University of California, Berkeley
Tribal Language: Southern Ute Indian Tribe Includes sounds of words.
Words in English from Amerindian Languages List of American English words
adapted from Native languages. This is not a scholastic list.
Wyandot Translation of the Lord's Prayer the Wyandot Nation of Kansas site
1868 Black Hills Treaty with the Sioux "American Originals" project at the
National Archives. National Archives and Records Administration
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, ANCSA Discussion Group Bob Hume or
David Case No http://www.micronet.net/~clbw/ancsadg.htmmission statement
Alaska Natives & First Nations Justice and Law Links Comprehensive Site
including legal issues. University of Alaska, Anchorage, Justice Center No
Askwitteachik Legislation relating to the Native Americans."The Federal
Legislation pages are divided into a numerical listing of bills, a topical
listing and Contacts (for members of Congress). The State Legislation pages
are divided by State, and each State's "front page" has links for contacting
governmental representatives. "
Bureau of Indian Affairs - Laws and Regulations Department of Interior -
Bureau of Indian Affairs http://www.doi.gov/bia/lawsregs.html
Canada - Indian Treaties Sections: Legend for Canada-Indian Treaties, Indian
Treaties for the southern part of Ontario, Indian Treaties for the southern
parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan, source information, Information on how to
obtain Canada-Indian Treaties. National Atlas Information Service
EnviroText "EnviroText is an on-line searchable library that provides you
with easy access to environmental regulations, as well as Indian Tribal
Codes and Treaties." Has suerch function.
FindLaw - Internet Legal Resources index of laws, legal issue, legal
organizations, and law school programs. FindLaw Information Center
Fourth World Center for the Study of Indigenous Law and Politics Department
of Political Science, University of Colorado at Denver Fourth World Center
for the Study of Indigenous Law and Politics Department of Political
Science, University of Colorado at Denver http://www.cudenver.edu/fwc/
Indian Law Materials List of legal sources from Constitution, and other laws
concerning Nativei Americans. Has search function. See a list of addresses
in the contact page. Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School,
Cornell University http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/indian.html
Indian Treaties, Actsand Regulations These treaties, government acts and
regulations have generously been made available to SchoolNet
Indigenous Law Institute "The Indigenous Law Institute assists American
Indian and other Indigenous communities to work toward a future of
restoration and healing."
Indigenous Peoples' Law and Legal Issues Comprehensive list of legal issues.
A part of the WebLinks.
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) "The International Indian Treaty
Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central,
South America and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty of Indigenous
Peoples and the protection of their human rights, cultures, and sacred
lands." Includes UN declarations and resolutions. The Nation of Hawai`i
Inventory of Documents Relating to American Indian Affairs, University of
Arizona College of Law Professor Robert A. Williams, Jr.. Tribal Law and
Policy Program, College of Law, University of Arizona
Legislation Watch Legislation affecting the American Indian Community
Native Sense - indian law, fact, and resources "This web site has answers to
common questions about federal Indian law, includes little-known facts about
Native Americans/American Indians and provides a wide variety of Native
American links." Good source for K-12 education.
Repatriation And Reburial Issues Links to documents relating to
"Repatriation And Reburial Issues." http://www.uiowa.edu/~anthro/index.html
Repatriation Office, Smithsonian Institution Comprehensive Website "includes
a range of information regarding policies and documentation. There are also
several images of repatriations." Department of Anthropology Natural Museum
of Natural History http://www.nmnh.si.edu/anthro/repatriation/repat.htm
Researching historic FBI files on Native Americans "The early surveillance -
1930s-1960s - of Native American people by the FBI has been largely
undocumented." This is a part of the NativeWeb.
The "Eastern Indians" and the governments of New Hampshire and Massachusetts
signed this treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on 13 July 1713. "The
Indians' pictographic signatures are of particular interest to cultural
historians.(Levi Woodbury Papers)" This is a part of "FOUNDING OF THE
NATION" section in the Library of Congress Manuscript. Library of Congress
Manuscripts: An Illustrated Guide No
The International Personality Of Indigenous Peoples Paper prepared for
delivery at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association , The San Francisco Hilton and Towers, August 29-September 1,
1996 David Schneider, Dr. Louis Furmanski University of Central Oklahoma
The U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library - Indian nations and
tribes Comprehensive list of laws relating to Native Americans. Law Revision
Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives
The U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library - Indian nations and
tribes This site lists links to (mostly) full texts of 34 treaties or Acts.
It also has many links to other sources of legal information, articles and
sites. U.S. House of Representatives
A HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST COAST "Includes journals from the fur traders,
indian prophets, and ethnographers." http://www.hallman.org/indian/.www.html
American Memory Historical Collection Library of Congress Includes over 5000
documents on Native Americans. Library of Congress, American Memory,
Historical Collections http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ammemhome.html
Bibliographies of Northern and Central California Indians - California
Indian Library Collections Museum Informatics Project (MIP) University of
California at Berkeley http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/cilc/bibs/toc.html
Cherokee National Museum The Cherokee National Museum is the only facility
devoted to the preservation of the heritage of the Cherokee Nation, the
second largest American Tribe. Cherokee National Historical Society
Indigenous People of North and Central America, Native Americans --
Bibliography of media resources on Native Americans in the UC Berkeley
Library with links of media resources in other places. Gary Handman, Head,
Media Resources Center, Moffit Library University of California at Berkeley.
Library and archival collections - Canadian Museum of Civilization The
library and archival collections are represented by these pages. It is the
library of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Pages are available in both
French and English. Canadian Museum of Civilization
Lisa Mitten's Native American Library page
Native American Authors
Photographs of Indigenous Peoples the Anthropological photograph collection
at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
The Smithsonian's Research Information Service has web-based access to its
various catalogs, including the National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Museum of National History
Archive The South Dakota Oral History Center The Institute of american
Indian Studies administers one of the largest oral history collections of
its kind in the United States. Institute of american Indian Studies at U of
South Dakota
The WWW Virtual Library "This is a distributed subject catelogue."
Including: "Aboriginal Studies: This document keeps track of leading
information facilities in the field of Australian Aboriginal studies as well
as the Indigenous Peoples studies." Fisk University & Stanford University
Useful Web Sites for Tribal Libraries This site includes links useful to
librarians and other providers of information who serve North American
Indian populations
Alex: A Catalog of Electronic Texts on the Internet List of catalogs for
electronic text resources with search functions.
An Indian Teacher Among Indians Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons). A short
story. This is a part of the Modern English collection a the Electronic Text
Center, lderman Library ,University of Virginia. lderman Library, The
Electronic Text Center
Fourth World Documents Project "The Fourth World Documentation Project is an
online library of texts which record and preserve our peoples' struggles to
regain their rightful place in the international community." Center For
World Indigenous Studies http://www.halcyon.com/FWDP/fwdp.html
Impressions of an Indian Childhood Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons). A short
story. This is a part of the Modern English collection a the Electronic Text
Center, lderman Library ,University of Virginia. lderman Library, The
Electronic Text Center
Lakota Information Home Page Electronic texts covering literature, treties,
language, and trabal Websites, museums, and Jesuit Websites. Rev. Raymond A.
Bucko, S.J. of the Department http://web.lemoyne.edu/~bucko/lakota.html
Native American Authors This is a part of the Internet Public Library
collections. It has search function. Internet Public Library
Native American Documents Project "The Native American Documents Project is
working to make documents about the history of federal policy concerning
native American peoples more readily available. "
text Native American Electronic Text Resources
Storytellers of the Pacific This Website has some short stories from the
"Storytellers of the Pacific", a PBS program, which "examine the identity
and self-determination of the Native people of the Pacific Rim." NATIVE
The Fourth World Documentation Project: North South and Central American
Documents Center For World Indigenous Studies No
The Gift of Silence: Listening, Learning, Childhood Memories a short story
by Pond Lily http://members.aol.com/tsalagi152/pondlily/lily.htm
The School Days of an Indian Girl Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons). A short
story. This is a part of the Modern English collection a the Electronic Text
Center, lderman Library ,University of Virginia. lderman Library,
The Soft Hearted Sioux Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons) A short story. This is
a part of the Modern English collection a the Electronic Text Center,
lderman Library ,University of Virginia. lderman Library,
The Soft Hearted Sioux Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons)
The Sun Dance of the Sioux: by Frederick Schwatka. A short story. Fredrick
Remington, observed this Lakota Sun Dance near Fort Robinson in 1875. His
account was originally published in Century Magazine. lderman Library,
Voyage to Another Universe "An online book with some word translations into
Native American languages." http://hanksville.phast.umass.edu/toc.html
Why Am I A Pagan? Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Simmons). A short story. Born on the
Yankton Reservation in 1876, she became an educator and wrote extensively
about the life of the Sioux. lderman Library,
Okalahoma Indian Times "Oklahoma's only independent newspaper that serves
all of Oklahoma's federally recognized Indian Nations." Okalahoma Indian
Times Newspaper
The Native Voices Public Television Workshop "The Native Voices Public
Television Workshop has as its central purpose and goal, the directive to
provide professional media access and training to Native American film and
television producers." It includes a list of the films which features Native
Americans. http://www.kusm.montana.edu/NativeVoices/
The Huron Carol "The Huron Carol, was written by St. Jean de Brebeuf in
Quebec." the Wyandot Nation of Kansas site
American Indian Ethnobotany Database Foods, Drugs, Dyes, and Fibers of
Native North American Peoples http://www.umd.umich.edu/cgi-bin/herb#
American Indian Studies Programs At The University Of Arizona Includes the
program information and links relating to the Native American communities.
Arctic Circle - Norman Chance, an arctic anthropologist, was interested in
finding ways to expand knowledge of the Circumpolar North to a wider
audience of students, educators, policy makers, environmental planners, and
others. Together with Thomas Plunkett and Jonathan Lizee, co-developers of
ArchNet, we came up with the concept of an 'electronic' Arctic Circle. After
a month of planning, we sought the support of the Director of the University
of Connecticut's Home Babbidge Library. Shortly thereafter, Arctic Circle
settled into its new home on the "Spirit of Uconn' library server.
Indigenous Research Center of the Americas Native American Studies
Department University California, Davis The Indigenous Research Center of
the Americas is an interdisciplinary, research program, committed to the
study of and by indigenous people and to the understanding of their identity
politics within the growing process of globalization.
Institute of American Indian Studies The IAIS work includes orgainzing
campus programs to promote education and awareness of American Indian
culture, issues and problems. Link to Pronunciation Guide and short
Definitions for Dakota/Lakota/Nakota words. Institue of American Indian
Studies www.usd.edu/iais/index.htmlhttp://www.usd.edu/iais/index.html
Native American Studies NA Culture
National Indian Policy Center Includes a list of legal organizations and
Native American Studies at Colgate edu The required and elective courses are
drawn from a wide range of disciplines, representing the various topical and
areal interests of Colgate faculty members whose specializations concern the
art, archaeology, culture, geography, history
Native American Studies Native Americans and the Environment
Native Americans in Georgia "the Cherokee experience in the North Georgia
mountains" Goden Ink Inc. http://ngeorgia.com/history/findex.shtml
The Native american History Archive A new center for Native american Studies
in Internetworked Classrooms. Part of the Institute for Learning
Technologies ITLWeb at Columbia Univ. Institute for Learning Technologies
Aboriginal Youth Network Created for/by the Aboriginal Youth in Canada.
Large site with links for: email, community events, job opportunities, news
center, art 'n' literature, serious stuff, let's chatt, cool web links, and
more. AYN in Canada working with many other youth groups
American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation "non-federally funded
intercultural partnership committed to assisting in the return of sacred
ceremonial material to the appropriate American Indian Nation, clan, or
family, and to educating the public about the importance of repatriation."
Fraser River Aboriginal Fisheries Secretariat "To provide a mechanism by
Indian Child Welfare Law Center. This center "works with the Indian
community to preserve and reunite Indian families by providing culturally
appropriate legal services to Indian children, parents,extended family
Louisiana Indian Heritage Association "a state-chartered, non-profit
orginization dedicated to the study and preservation of the customs,
traditions, and culture of the American Indian."
National Environmental Coalition Of Native Americans
National Indian Education Association The National Indian Education
Association (NIEA) is a group of American Indian and Alaska Native educators
concerning on Indian education held by Indians for Indians.
Native American archives Coalition The Native american Archives coalition is
a division of the archivvists and Archives of Color round Table of the
Society of american Archivist. The coalition serves the educational and
informational needs of tribal archivisits and collecting archives with
significant collecitons relating to Native American, Inuit, and Hawaiian
peoples. Richard Pearch-Moses, Society of American Archivisit
Native American journalist's Association
University of Michigan student organization Native American Student
University of Michigan Native American Student Association
The Indian Defense League of America (IDLA) "The Indian Defense League of
America was established on December 1, 1926 to resist further erosion of the
rights of Indians in North America. "
The Midwest Treaty Network "The Midwest Treaty Network is an alliance of
Indian and non-Indian groups supporting Native American sovereignty."
The National Indian Justice Center, Inc., (NIJC) "The National Indian
Justice Center, Inc., (NIJC) is an Indian owned and operated non-profit
corporation with principal offices in Petaluma, California."
Social Indigenous Peoples' Information for the Online Community
Spirituality Ancient Search Books on Native American Indian Art,
Architecture, Religion, American Indian Art, Architecture, Religion, Wars,
Spiritualsim, Mythology and Lore http://www.4allbooks.com/p7.htm
Among the Indians of the Americas Special Collections & University Archives.
NATIVE-L (September 1992): Three books on Native American religion and myths
Three books on Native American religion and myths.
Wingspread: Symbols of Native American-Southwest U.S. Native American
Spiritual Freedom in Prison - Details of a current court case. Religion Page
Religion and Religious Studies, Subjects, Native American Bibliography,
Native American Resources on the Web, Shamanism .
Aboriginal Tourism Aboriginal Tourism Authority, out of Canada Lots of links
and info about Aboriginal Tourism Aboriginal Tourism Authority
Native CyberTrade List of Websites of Arts & Crafts, Associations,
Businesses, Indian Gaming, Nations, Resources, and Tourism.
Tribal Pages Oneida Tribal Homepage
Tribal Pages The Coquille Indian Tribe Homepage Designed and maintained by
members of the Coquille Indian Tribe. Has links to: Culture/History,
Coquille Archives, Education Department, Library news and Information,
Tribal Government, Health Department, CEDCO Coquille Indian Tribe (endorsed
by Chief Tanner)
Canadian Historical References
This timeline of events in British Columbia pertains to the First Nations
there. The first entry is the Royal Proclamation of 1763 by King George III
and the last is a link to a Supreme Court case concerning aboriginal rights
to sell fish. There are several internal links throughout this list, some of
which lead to massive texts. This is a part of a larger government site,
"Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs," which can be reached via the HOME link at
the bottom of the page.
A History of the NorthWest Coast
Who says history is boring? This site is full of adventure and interesting
information about so many things. There's a riveting, first-hand account of
the deceptive capture and subsequent public execution of Scotseye, a
Tsimshian Chief. Follow the link to "Kwakuitl Recipes" to see genuine
recipes from about 1914. Here you'll find full instructions on how to cook a
whale, the proper etiquette for eating boiled halibut heads and backbones,
and other nifty stuff. Just keep following the links.
Nisga'a People
Check out this extensive, attractive site, dealing with history, culture,
governmental issues, fisheries disputes, and many other things. Meet the
people whose ancestors greeted Captain George Vancouver in 1793.
Film site - Native and Aboriginal http://www.ffa.ucalgary.ca/afvaa.html |