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Timeline of Communication History

Copyright © 1995-1996, Irving Fang, University of Minnesota

Ancient and Early Eras: 3500-1 B.C. | 100-999 A.D. | 1000-1099
Early and Middle Ages:1100-1199 | 1200-1299 | 1300-1399
Late Middle Ages: 1400-1499 | 1500-1599 |
Enlightenment & Renaissance: 1600-1699 | 1700-1749 | 1750-1799
19th Century: 1800 | 1810 | 1820 | 1830 | 1840 | 1850 | 1860 | 1870 | 1880 | 1890
20th Century:
1910s: 1900 | 1903 | 1905 | 1907 | 1909 | 1911 | 1913 | 1915 | 1919
1920s: 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929
1930s: 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939
1940s: 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949
1950s: 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959
1960s: 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1970s: 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1980s: 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990s: 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | ...

3500 -- 59 B.C.
3500: In Sumer. pictographs of accounts written on clay tablets.
2600: Scribes employed in Egypt.
2400: In India, engraved seals identify the writer.
2200: Date of oldest existing document written on papyrus.
1500: Phoenician alphabet.
1400: Oldest record of writing in China, on bones.
1270: Syrian scholar compiles an encyclopedia.
900: China has an organized postal service for government use.
775: Greeks develop a phonetic alphabet, written from left to right.
530: In Greece, a library.
500: Greek telegraph: trumpets, drums, shouting, beacon fires, smoke signals, mirrors.
500: Persia has a form of pony express.
500: Chinese scholars write on bamboo with reeds dipped in pigment.
400: Chinese write on silk as well as wood, bamboo.
200: Books written on parchment and vellum.
200: Tipao gazettes are circulated to Chinese officials.
59: Julius Caesar orders postings of Acta Diurna.

100 - 999 A.D.
100: Roman couriers carry government mail across the empire.
105: T'sai Lun invents paper.
175: Chinese classics are carved in stone which will later be used for rubbings.
180: In China, an elementary zoetrope.
250: Paper use spreads to central Asia.
350: In Egypt, parchment book of Psalms bound in wood covers.
450: Ink on seals is stamped on paper in China. This is true printing.
600: Books printed in China.
700: Sizing agents are used to improve paper quality.
751: Paper manufactured outside of China, in Samarkand by Chinese captured in war.
765: Picture books printed in Japan.
868: The Diamond Sutra, a block-printed book in China.
875: Amazed travelers to China see toilet paper.
950: Paper use spreads west to Spain.
950: Folded books appear in China in place of rolls.
950: Bored women in a Chinese harem invent playing cards.

1000: Mayas in Yucatan, Mexico, make writing paper from tree bark.
1035: Japanese use waste paper to make new paper.
1049: Pi Sheng fabricates movable type, using clay.

1116: Chinese sew pages to make stitched books.
1140: In Egypt, cloth is stripped from mummies to make paper.
1147: Crusader taken prisoner returns with papermaking art, according to a legend.

1200: European monasteries communicate by letter system.
1200: University of Paris starts messenger service.
1241: In Korea, metal type.
1282: In Italy, watermarks are added to paper.
1298: Marco Polo describes use of paper money in China.

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1300: Wooden type found in central Asia.
1305: Taxis family begins private postal service in Europe.
1309: Paper is used in England.
1392: Koreans have a type foundry to produce bronze characters.

1423: Europeans begin Chinese method of block printing.
1450: A few newsletters begin circulating in Europe.
1451: Johnannes Gutenberg uses a press to print an old German poem.
1452: Metal plates are used in printing.
1453: Gutenberg prints the 42-line Bible.
1464: King of France establishes postal system.
1490: Printing of books on paper becomes more common in Europe.
1495: A paper mill is established in England.

1500: Arithmetic + and - symbols are used in Europe.
1500: By now approximately 35,000 books have been printed, some 10 million copies.
1520: Spectacles balance on the noses of Europe's educated.
1533: A postmaster in England.
1545: Garamond designs his typeface.
1550: Wallpaper brought to Europe from China by traders.
1560: In Italy, the portable camera obscura allows precise tracing of an image.
1560: Legalized, regulated private postal systems grow in Europe.
1565: The pencil.

1609: First regularly published newspaper appears in Germany.
1627: France introduces registered mail.
1631: A French newspaper carries classified ads.
1639: In Boston, someone is appointed to deal with foreign mail.
1639: First printing press in the American colonies.
1640: Kirchner, a German Jesuit, builds a magic lantern.

1650: Leipzig has a daily newspaper.
1653: Parisians can put their postage-paid letters in mail boxes.
1659: Londoners get the penny post.
1661: Postal service within the colony of Virginia.
1673: Mail is delivered on a route between New York and Boston.
1689: Newspapers are printed, at first as unfolded "broadsides."
1696: By now England has 100 paper mills.
1698: Public library opens in Charleston, S.C.

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1704: A newspaper in Boston prints advertising.
1710: German engraver Le Blon develops three-color printing.
1714: Henry Mill receives patent in England for a typewriter.
1719: Reaumur proposes using wood to make paper.
1725: Scottish printer develops stereotyping system.
1727: Schulze begins science of photochemistry.
1732: In Philadelphia, Ben Franklin starts a circulating library.

1755: Regular mail ship runs between England and the colonies.
1770: The eraser.
1774: Swedish chemist invents a future paper whitener.
1775: Continental Congress authorizes Post Office; Ben Franklin first Postmaster General.
1780: Steel pen points begin to replace quill feathers.
1784: French book is made without rags, from vegetation.
1785: Stagecoaches carry the mail between towns in U.S.
1790: In England the hydraulic press is invented.
1792: Mechanical semaphore signaler built in France.
1792: In Britain, postal money orders.
1792: Postal Act gives mail regularity throughout U.S.
1794: First letter carriers appear on American city streets.
1794: Panorama, forerunner of movie theaters, opens.
1794: Signaling system connects Paris and Lille.
1798: Senefelder in Germany invents lithography.
1799: Robert in France invents a paper-making machine.

1800: Paper can be made from vegetable fibers instead of rags.
1800: Letter takes 20 days to reach Savannah from Portland, Maine.
1801: Semaphore system built along the coast of France.
1801: Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents a loom using punch cards.
1803: Fourdrinier continuous web paper-making machine.
1804: In Germany, lithography is invented.
1806: Carbon paper.
1807: Camera lucida improves image tracing.
1808: Turri of Italy builds a typewriter for a blind contessa.

1810: An electro-chemical telegraph is constructed in Germany.
1810: Postal services consolidated under uniform private contracts.
1813: Congress authorizes steam boats to carry mail.
1814: In England, a steam-powered rotary press prints The Times.
1815: 3,000 post offices in U.S.
1816: Newspapers carried for less than 2 cents postage.
1816: Niépce captures image with 8-hour exposure.
1818: Stamped letter paper is sold in Sardinia.
1818: In Sweden, Berzelius isolates selenium; its electric conductivity reacts to light.
1819: Napier builds a rotary printing press.

1820: Arithmometer, forerunner of the calculator.
1821: In England, Wheatstone reproduces sound.
1823: Babbage builds a section of a calculating machine.
1823: In England, Ronalds builds a telegraph in his garden; no one is interested.
1825: Persistence of vision shown with Thaumatrope.
1827: Niépce makes a true photograph.
1827: In London, Wheatstone constructs a microphone.
1829: Daguerre joins Niépce to pursue photographic inventions.
1829: Burt gets the first U.S. patent for a typewriter.

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1830: Calendered paper is produced in England.
1832: Phenakistoscope in Belgium and Stroboscope in Austria point to motion pictures.
1833: A penny buys a New York newspaper, opening a mass market.
1833: In Germany, a telegraph running nearly two miles.
1834: Babbage conceives the analytical engine, forerunner of the computer.
1835: Bennett publishes the first of his penny press editions.
1836: Rowland Hill starts to reform British postal system.
1837: Wheatstone and Cooke patent an electric telegraph in England.
1837: Morse exhibits an electric telegraph in the U.S.
1837: Pitman publishes a book on shorthand in England.
1837: Daguerre cuts photo exposure time to 20 minutes.
1838: In England, Wheatstone's Stereoscope shows pictures in 3-D.
1838: Morse exhibits an electric telegraph in the U.S.
1838: Daguerre-Niépce method begins photography craze.
1839: Fox Talbot in England produces photographs.
1839: Herschel invents hypo fixative.
1839: In Russia, Jacobi invents electrotyping, the duplicating of printing plates.
1839: Electricity runs a printing press.
1839: Fox Talbot in England prints photographs from negatives.

1840: In Britain, first postage stamps are sold.
1841: Petzval of Austria builds an f/3.6 lens.
1841: The advertising agency is born.
1841: The first type-composing machine goes into use in London.
1842: Illustrated London News appears.
1842: Another use for paper: the Christmas card.
1843: In the U.S., the photographic enlarger.
1843: Ada, Lady Lovelace publishes her Notes explaining a computer.
1844: Morse's telegraph connects Washington and Baltimore.
1845: Postal reform bill lowers rates and regulates domestic and international service.
1845: English Channel cable.
1845: The typewriter ribbon.
1846: In Germany, Zeiss begins manufacturing lenses.
1846: Double cylinder rotary press produces 8,000 sheets an hour.
1847: A Philadelphia newspaper rolls off a rotary printing press.
1847: First use of telegraph as business tool.
1847: In England, Bakewell constructs a "copying telegraph."
1848: Forerunner of the Associated Press is founded in New York.
1849: The photographic slide.

1850: The paper bag arrives.
1851: In the U.S., paper is made from wood fiber.
1851: The Erie railroad depends on the telegraph.
1851: Cable is laid across the English Channel.
1851: Archer invents wet-plate photography process.
1851: In England, Talbot takes a flash photograph at 1/100,000 second exposure.
1851: Newspaper postage cut in half; free distribution within county.
1852: Postage stamps are widely used.
1853: Envelopes made by paper folding machine.
1854: Telegraph used in Crimean War.
1854: Wood pulp is added by paper makers.
1854: Bourseul in France builds an experimental telephone.
1854: Carte-de-visite process simplifies photography.
1854: Curved stereotype plate obviates column rules; wide ads soon.
1855: Printing telegraph invented in the U.S.
1855: Prepayment of letters made compulsory.
1855: Registered letters enter service.
1856: Poitevan starts photolithography.
1856: Blotting paper replaces sand boxes.
1856: Machine folds newspapers, paper for books.
1857: A machine to set type is demonstrated.
1857: In France, Scott's phonautograph is a forerunner of Edison's phonograph.
1858: Mail boxes appear on American streets.
1858: First effort at transatlantic telegraph service fails.
1858: Eraser is fitted to the end of a pencil.
1858: An aerial photograph is taken.
1859: Camera gets a wide-angled lens.

1860: In U.S., Sholes builds a functional typewriter.
1860: Pony Express carries mail between St. Joseph, Mo. and Sacramento.
1861: Telegraph brings Pony Express to an abrupt end.
1861: First chemical means to color photography.
1861: Oliver Wendell Holmes invents stereoscope.
1862: In Italy, Caselli sends a drawing over a wire.
1862: in U.S., paper money.
1863: Large U.S. cities get free home delivery of mail.
1863: First international postal conference held in Paris.
1864: Workers in "railway post office" sort mail on trains.
1864: Postal money orders sold in U.S; $1.3 million in 6 months.
1864: The railroad train hooks on a mail car.
1864: In Virginia, wireless electromagnetic waves are transmitted 14 miles.
1865: Atlantic cable ties Europe and U.S. for instant communication.
1866: Western Union dominates U.S. wires.
1867: In U.S., Sholes builds a functional typewriter.
1868: Writing machine is called a "Type-Writer"; so is the typist.
1869: Carbon paper is invented.
1869: Color photography, using the subtractive method.
1869: From Austria, postcards.

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1870: Stock ticker comes to Wall Street.
1871: Halftone process allows newspaper printing of pictures.
1872: Simultaneous transmission from both ends of a telegraph wire.
1872: Wood pulp will be the source of paper, thanks to Swedish sulfite process.
1873: U.S. postcard debuts; costs one penny.
1873: Illustrated daily newspaper appears in New York.
1873: Maxwell publishes theory of radio waves.
1873: First color photographs.
1873: Remington starts manufacturing Sholes' typewriters.
1873: Typewriters get the QWERTY pseudo-scientific keyboard.
1873: Lord Kelvin calculates the tides with a machine.
1873: In Ireland, May uses selenium to send a signal through the Atlantic cable.
1874: Universal Postal Union formed.
1875: Edison invents the mimeograph.
1875: In the U.S., Carey designs a selenium mosaic to transmit a picture.
1876: Bell invents the telephone.
1877: In France, Charles Cros invents the phonograph.
1877: In America, Edison also invents the phonograph.
1878: Muybridge photographs a horse in motion.
1878: Cathode ray tube is invented by Crookes, English chemist.
1878: The dynamic microphone is invented in the U.S. and Germany.
1878: Telephone directories are issued.
1878: Full page newspaper ads.
1878: In France, praxinoscope, an optical toy, a step toward movies.
1878: Hughes invents the microphone.
1878: Dry-plate photography.
1879: Benday process aids newspaper production of maps, drawings.

1880: First photos in newspapers, using halftones.
1880: Edison invents the electric light.
1880: France's Leblanc theorizes transmitting a picture in segments.
1880: First parcel post.
1880: Business offices begin to look modern.
1882: In England, the first Wirephotos.
1883: Edison stumbles onto "Edison effect"; basis of broadcast tubes.
1884: In Germany, Nipkow scanning disc, early version of television.
1884: People can now make long distance phone calls.
1884: Electric tabulator is introduced.
1884: Waterman's fountain pen blots out earlier versions.
1885: Dictating machines are bought for offices.
1885: Eastman makes coated photo printing paper.
1885: U.S. Post Office offers special delivery.
1885: Trains are delivering newspapers daily.
1886: Graphophone's wax cylinder and sapphire stylus improve sound.
1886: Mergenthaler constructs a linotype machine for setting type.
1887: Celluloid film; it will replace glass plate photography.
1887: Montgomery Ward mails out a 540-page catalog.
1887: Berliner gets music from a flat disc stamped out by machine.
1887: Comptometer multi-function adding machine is manufactured.
1888: "Kodak" box camera makes picture taking simple.
1888: Heinrich Hertz proves the existence of radio waves.
1888: The coin-operated public telephone.
1888: Edison's phonograph is manufactured for sale to the public.
1889: Herman Hollerith counts the population with punch cards.
1889: Strowger, Kansas City undertaker, invents automatic telephone exchange.

1890: A.B. Dick markets the mimeograph.
1890: Typewriters are in common use in offices.
1890: In England, Friese-Greene builds the kinematograph camera and projector.
1890: In France, Branly's coherer conducts radio waves.
1891: Large press prints and folds 90,000 4-page papers an hour.
1891: Telephoto lens is attached to the camera.
1891: Edison's assistant, Dickson, builds the Kinetograph motion picture camera.
1892: Edison and Dickson invent the peep-show Kinetoscope.
1892: 4-color rotary press.
1892: Portable typewriters.
1892: Automatic telephone switchboard comes into service.
1893: Dickson builds a motion picture studio in New Jersey.
1893: Addressograph joins the office machinery.
1894: Marconi invents wireless telegraphy.
1894: Box making machines give impetus to packaging industry.
1894: Berliner's flat phonograph disc competes with the cylinder.
1895: France's Lumiere brothers build a portable movie camera.
1895: Paris audience sees movies projected.
1895: In England, Friese-Greene invents phototypesetting.
1895: Dial telephones go into Milwaukee's city hall.
1896: Underwood model permits typists to see what they are typing.
1896: The monotype sets type by machine in single characters.
1896: Electric power is used to run a paper mill.
1896: In Britain, the motion picture projector is manufactured.
1896: X-ray photography.
1896: Rural free delivery (RFD) inaugurated.
1897: In England, postmen deliver mail to every home.
1897: In Germany, Braun improves Crookes' tube with fluorescence.
1897: General Electric creates a publicity department.
1898: Photographs taken by artificial light.
1898: New York State passes a law against misleading advertising.
1899: The loudspeaker.
1899: Sound is recorded magnetically by Poulsen of Denmark.
1899: American Marconi Company incorporated; forerunner of RCA.

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1900: Kodak Brownie makes photography cheaper and simpler.
1900: Pupin's loading coil reduces telephone voice distortion.
1901: Sale of phonograph disc made of hard resinous shellac.
1901: First electric typewriter, the Blickensderfer.
1901: Marconi sends a radio signal across the Atlantic.
1902: Germany's Zeiss invents the four-element Tessar camera lens.
1902: Etched zinc engravings start to replace hand-cut wood blocks.
1902: U.S. Navy installs radio telephones aboard ships.
1902: Photoelectric scanning can send and receive a picture.
1902: Trans-Pacific telephone cable connects Canada and Australia.
1903: Technical improvements in radio, telegraph, phonograph, movies and printing.
1903: London Daily Mirror illustrates only with photographs.
1904: A telephone answering machine is invented.
1904: Fleming invents the diode to improve radio communication.
1904: Offset lithography becomes a commercial reality.
1904: A photograph is transmitted by wire in Germany.
1904: Hine photographs America's underclass.
1904: The Great Train Robbery creates demand for fiction movies.
1904: The comic book.
1904: The double-sided phonograph disc.

1905: In Pittsburgh the first nickelodeon opens.
1905: Photography, printing, and post combine in the year's craze, picture postcards.
1905: In France, Pathe colors black and white films by machine.
1905: In New Zealand, the postage meter is introduced.
1905: The Yellow Pages.
1905: The juke box; 24 choices.
1906: In Britain, new process colors books cheaply.
1906: A program of voice and music is broadcast in the U.S.
1906: Lee de Forest invents the three-element vacuum tube.
1906: Dunwoody and Pickard build a crystal-and-cat's-whisker radio.
1906: An animated cartoon film is produced.
1906: Fessenden plays violin for startled ship wireless operators.
1906: An experimental sound-on-film motion picture.
1906: Strowger invents automatic dial telephone switching.

1907: Bell and Howell develop a film projection system.
1907: Lumiere brothers invent still color photography process.
1907: DeForest begins regular radio music broadcasts.
1907: In Russia, Rosing develops theory of television.
1908: In U.S., Smith introduces true color motion pictures.

1909: Radio distress signal saves 1,700 lives after ships collide.
1909: First broadcast talk; the subject: women's suffrage.
1910: Sweden's Elkstrom invents "flying spot" camera light beam.

1911: Efforts are made to bring sound to motion pictures.
1911: Rotogravure aids magazine production of photos.
1911: "Postal savings system" inaugurated.
1912: U.S. passes law to control radio stations.
1912: Motorized movie cameras replace hand cranks.
1912: Feedback and heterodyne systems usher in modern radio.
1912: First mail carried by airplane.

1913: The portable phonograph is manufactured.
1913: Type composing machines roll out of the factory.
1914: A better triode vacuum tube improves radio reception.
1914: Radio message is sent to an airplane.
1914: In Germany, the 35mm still camera, a Leica.
1914: In the U.S., Goddard begins rocket experiments.
1914: First transcontinental telephone call.

1915: Wireless radio service connects U.S. and Japan.
1915: Radio-telephone carries speech across the Atlantic.
1915: Birth of a Nation sets new movie standards.
1915: The electric loudspeaker.
1916: David Sarnoff envisions radio as "a household utility."
1916: Cameras get optical rangefinders.
1916: Radios get tuners.

1917: Photocomposition begins.
1917: Frank Conrad builds a radio station, later KDKA.
1917: Condenser microphone aids broadcasting, recording.
1918: First regular airmail service: Washington, D.C. to New York.

1919: People can now dial telephone numbers themselves.
1919: Shortwave radio is invented.
1919: Flip-flop circuit invented; will help computers to count.

1920: The first broadcasting stations are opened.
1920: First cross-country airmail flight in the U.S.
1920: Sound recording is done electrically.
1920: Post Office accepts the postage meter.
1920: KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts first scheduled programs.

1921: Quartz crystals keep radio signals from wandering.
1921: The word "robot" enters the language.
1921: Western Union begins wirephoto service.

1922: A commercial is broadcast, $100 for ten minutes.
1922: Technicolor introduces two-color process for movies.
1922: Germany's UFA produces a film with an optical sound track.
1922: First 3-D movie, requires spectacles with one red and one green lens.
1922: Singers desert phonograph horn mouths for acoustic studios.
1922: Nanook of the North, the first documentary.

1923: Zworykin's electronic iconoscope camera tube and kinescope display tube.
1923: People on one ship can talk to people on another.
1923: Ribbon microphone becomes the studio standard.
1923: A picture, broken into dots, is sent by wire.
1923: 16 mm nonflammable film makes its debut.
1923: Kodak introduces home movie equipment.
1923: Neon advertising signs.

1924: Low tech achievement: notebooks get spiral bindings.
1924: The Eveready Hour is the first sponsored radio program.
1924: At KDKA, Conrad sets up a short-wave radio transmitter.
1924: Daily coast-to-coast air mail service.
1924: Pictures are transmitted over telephone lines.
1924: Two and a half million radio sets in the U.S.

1925: The Leica 35 mm camera sets a new standard.
1925: Commercial picture facsimile radio service across the U.S.
1925: All-electric phonograph is built.
1925: A moving image, the blades of a model windmill, is telecast.
1925: From France, a wide-screen film.

1926: Commercial picture facsimile radio service across the Atlantic.
1926: Baird demonstrates an electro-mechanical TV system.
1926: Some radios get automatic volume control, a mixed blessing.
1926: The Book-of-the-Month Club.
1926: In U.S., first 16mm movie is shot.
1926: Goddard launches liquid-fuel rocket.
1926: Permanent radio network, NBC, is formed.
1926: Bell Telephone Labs transmit film by television.

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1927: NBC begins two radio networks; CBS formed.
1927: Farnsworth assembles a complete electronic TV system.
1927: Jolson's "The Jazz Singer" is the first popular "talkie."
1927: Movietone offers newsreels in sound.
1927: U.S. Radio Act declares public ownership of the airwaves.
1927: Technicolor.
1927: Negative feedback makes hi-fi possible.

1928: Baird demonstrates color TV on electro-mechanical system.
1928: The teletype machine makes its debut.
1928: Television sets are put in three homes, programming begins.
1928: Baird invents a video disc to record television.
1928: In an experiment, television crosses the Atlantic.
1928: In Schenectady, N.Y., the first scheduled television broadcasts.
1928: Steamboat Willie introduces Mickey Mouse.
1928: A motion picture is shown in color.
1928: Times Square gets moving headlines in electric lights.
1928: IBM adopts the 80-column punched card.

1929: Experiments begin on electronic color television.
1929: Telegraph ticker sends 500 characters per minute.
1929: Ship passengers can phone relatives ashore.
1929: Brokers watch stock prices on an automated electric board.
1929: Something else new: the car radio.
1929: In Germany, magnetic sound recording on plastic tape.
1929: Television studio is built in London.
1929: Air mail flown from Miami to South America.
1929: Bell Lab transmits stills in color by mechanical scanning.
1929: Zworykin demonstrates cathode-ray tube "kinescope" receiver, 60 scan lines.

1930: Photo flashbulbs replace dangerous flash powder.
1930: "Golden Age" of radio begins in U.S.
1930: Lowell Thomas begins first regular network newscast.
1930: TVs based on British mechanical system roll off factory line.
1930: Bush's differential analyzer introduces the computer.
1930: AT&T tries the picture telephone.

1931: Commercial teletype service.
1931: Electronic TV broadcasts in Los Angeles and Moscow.
1931: Exposures meters go on sale to photographers.
1931: NBC experimentally doubles transmission to 120-line screen.

1932: Disney adopts a three-color Technicolor process for cartoons.
1932: Kodak introduces 8 mm film for home movies.
1932: The "Times" of London uses its new Times Roman typeface.
1932: Stereophonic sound in a motion picture, "Napoleon."
1932: Zoom lens is invented, but a practical model is 21 years off.
1932: The light meter.
1932: NBC and CBS allow prices to be mentioned in commercials.

1933: Armstrong invents FM, but its real future is 20 years off.
1933: Multiple-flash sports photography.
1933: Singing telegrams.
1933: Phonograph records go stereo.

1934: Drive-in movie theater opens in New Jersey.
1934: Associated Press starts wirephoto service.
1934: In Germany, a mobile television truck roams the streets.
1934: In Scotland, teletypesetting sets type by phone line.
1934: Three-color Technicolor used in live action film.
1934: Communications Act of 1934 creates FCC.
1934: Half of the homes in the U.S. have radios.
1934: Mutual Radio Network begins operations.

1935: German single lens reflex roll film camera synchronized for flash bulbs.
1935: Also in Germany, audio tape recorders go on sale.
1935: IBM's electric typewriter comes off the assembly line.
1935: The Penguin paperback book sells for the price of 10 cigarettes.
1935: All-electronic VHF television comes out of the lab.
1935: Eastman-Kodak develops Kodachrome color film.
1935: Nielsen's Audimeter tracks radio audiences.

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1936: Berlin Olympics are televised closed circuit.
1936: Bell Labs invents a voice recognition machine.
1936: Kodachrome film sharpens color photography.
1936: Co-axial cable connects New York to Philadelphia.
1936: Alan Turing's "On Computable Numbers" describes a general purpose computer.

1937: Stibitz of Bell Labs invents the electrical digital calculator.
1937: Pulse Code Modulation points the way to digital transmission.
1937: NBC sends mobile TV truck onto New York streets.
1937: A recording, the Hindenburg crash, is broadcast coast to coast.
1937: Carlson invents the photocopier.
1937:Snow White is the first feature-length cartoon.

1938: Strobe lighting.
1938: Baird demonstrates live TV in color.
1938: Broadcasts can be taped and edited.
1938: Two brothers named Biro invent the ballpoint pen in Argentina.
1938: CBS "World News Roundup" ushers in modern newscasting.
1938: DuMont markets electronic television receiver for the home.
1938: Radio drama, War of the Worlds," causes national panic.

1939: Mechanical scanning system abandoned.
1939: New York World's Fair shows television to public.
1939: Regular TV broadcasts begin.
1939: Air mail service across the Atlantic.
1939: Many firsts: sports coverage, variety show, feature film, etc.

1940: Fantasia introduces stereo sound to American public.

1941: Stereo is installed in a Moscow movie theater.
1941: FCC sets U.S. TV standards.
1941: CBS and NBC start commercial transmission; WW II intervenes.
1941: Goldmark at CBS experiments with electronic color TV.
1941: Microwave transmission.
1941: Zuse's Z3 is the first computer controlled by software.

1942: Atanasoff, Berry build the first electronic digital computer.
1942: Kodacolor process produces the color print.

1943: Repeaters on phone lines quiet long distance call noise.

1944: Harvard's Mark I, first digital computer, put in service.
1944: IBM offers a typewriter with proportional spacing.
1944: NBC presents first U.S. network newscast, a curiosity.

1945: Clarke envisions geo-synchronous communication satellites.
1945: It is estimated that 14,000 products are made from paper.

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1946: Jukeboxes go into mass production.
1946: Pennsylvania's ENIAC heralds the modern electronic computer.
1946: Automobile radio telephones connect to telephone network.
1946: French engineers build a phototypesetting machine.

1947: Hungarian engineer in England invents holography.
1947: The transistor is invented, will replace vacuum tubes.
1947: The zoom lens covers baseball's world series for TV.
1947: Holography invented.

1948: The LP record arrives on a viny disk.
1948: Shannon and Weaver of Bell Labs propound information theory.
1948: Land's Polaroid camera prints pictures in a minute.
1948: Hollywood switches to nonflammable film.
1948: Public clamor for television begins; FCC freezes new licenses.
1948: Airplane re-broadcasts TV signal across nine states.

1949: Network TV in U.S.
1949: RCA offers the 45 rpm record.
1949: Community Antenna Television, forerunner to cable.
1949: Whirlwind at MIT is the first real time computer.
1949: Magnetic core computer memory is invented.

1950: Regular color television transmission.
1950: Vidicon camera tube improves television picture.
1950: Changeable typewriter typefaces in use.
1950: A.C. Nielsen's Audimeters track viewer watching.

1951: One and a half million TV sets in U.S., a tenfold jump in one year.
1951: Cinerama will briefly dazzle with a wide, curved screen and three projectors.
1951: Computers are sold commercially.
1951: Still camera get built-in flash units.
1951: Coaxial cable reaches coast to coast.

1952: 3-D movies offer thrills to the audience.
1952: Bing Crosby's company tests video recording.
1952: Wide-screen Cinerama appears; other systems soon follow.
1952: Sony offers a miniature transistor radio.
1952: EDVAC takes computer technology a giant leap forward.
1952: Univac projects the winner of the presidential election on CBS.
1952: Telephone area codes.
1952: Zenith proposes pay-TV system using punched cards.
1952: Sony offers a miniature transistor radio.

1953: NTSC color standard adopted.
1953: CATV system uses microwave to bring in distant signals.

1954: U.S.S.R. launches Sputnik.
1954: Radio sets in the world now outnumber newspapers printed daily.
1954: Regular color TV broadcasts begin.
1954: Sporting events are broadcast live in color.
1954: Radio sets in the world now outnumber daily newspapers.
1954: Transistor radios are sold.

1955: Tests begin to communicate via fiber optics.
1955: Music is recorded on tape in stereo.

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1956: Ampex builds a practical videotape recorder.
1956: Bell tests the picture phone.
1956: First transatlantic telephone calls by cable.

1957: Soviet Union's Sputnik sends signals from space.
1957: FORTRAN becomes the first high-level language.
1957: A surgical operation is televised.
1957: First book to be entirely phototypeset is offset printed.

1958: Videotape delivers color.
1958: Stereo recording is introduced.
1958: Data moves over regular phone circuits.
1958: Broadcast bounced off rocket, pre-satellite communication.
1958: The laser.
1958: Cable carries FM radio stations.

1959: Local announcements, weather data and local ads go on cable.
1959: The microchip is invented.
1959: Xerox manufactures a plain paper copier.
1959: Bell Labs experiments with artificial intelligence.
1959: French SECAM and German PAL systems introduced.

1960: Echo I, a U.S. balloon in orbit, reflects radio signals to Earth.
1960: In Rhode Island, an electronic, automated post office.
1960: A movie gets Smell-O-Vision, but the public just sniffs.
1960: Zenith tests subscription TV; unsuccessful.

1961: Boxing match test shows potential of pay-TV.
1961: FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting; spurs FM development.
1961: Bell Labs tests communication by light waves.
1961: IBM introduces the "golf ball" typewriter.
1961: Letraset makes headlines simple.
1961: The time-sharing computer is developed.

1962: Cable companies import distant signals.
1962: FCC requires UHF tuners on tv sets.
1962: The minicomputer arrives.
1962: Comsat created to launch, operate global system.
1962: Telstar satellite transmits an image across the Atlantic.

1963: From Holland comes the audio cassette.
1963: Zip codes.
1963: CBS and NBC TV newscasts expand to 30 minutes in color.
1963: PDP-8 becomes the first popular minicomputer.
1963: Polaroid camera instant photography adds color.
1963: Communications satellite is placed in geo-synchronous orbit.
1963: TV news "comes of age" in reporting JFK assassination.

1964: Olympic Games in Tokyo telecast live globally by satellite.
1964: Touch Tone telephones and Picturephone service.
1964: From Japan, the videotape recorder for home use.
1964: Russian scientists bounce a signal off Jupiter.
1964: Intelsat, international satellite organization, is formed.

1965: Electronic phone exchange gives customers extra services.
1965: Satellites begin domestic TV distribution in Soviet Union.
1965: Computer time-sharing becomes popular.
1965: Color news film.
1965: Communications satellite Early Bird (Intelsat I) orbits above the Atlantic.
1965: Kodak offers Super 8 film for home movies.
1965: Cartridge audio tapes go on sale for a few years.
1965: Most broadcasts are in color.
1965: FCC rules bring structure to cable television.
1965: Solid-state equipment spreads through the cable industry.

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1966: Linotron can produce 1,000 characters per second.
1966: Fiber optic cable multiplies communication channels.
1966: Xerox sells the Telecopier, a fax machine.

1967: Dolby eliminates audio hiss.
1967: Computers get the light pen.
1967: Pre-recorded movies on videotape sold for home TV sets.
1967: Cordless telephones get some calls.
1967: Approx. 200 million telephones in the world, half in U.S.

1968: FCC approves non-Bell equipment attached to phone system.
1968: Intelsat completes global communications satellite loop.
1968: Approx. 200 million TV sets in the world, 78 million in U.S.
1968: The RAM microchip reaches the market.

1969: Astronauts send live photographs from the moon.
1969: Sony's U-Matic puts videotape on a cassette.

1970: Postal Reform Bill makes U.S. Postal Service a government corporation.
1970: In Germany, a videodisc is demonstrated.
1970: U.S. Post Office and Western Union offer Mailgrams.
1970: The computer floppy disc is an instant success.

1971: Intel builds the microprocessor, "a computer on a chip."
1971: Wang 1200 is the first word processor.

1972: HBO starts pay-TV service for cable.
1972: Sony introduces 3/4 inch "U-Matic" cassette VCR.
1972: New FCC rules lead to community access channels.
1972: Polaroid camera can focus by itself.
1972: Digital television comes out of the lab.
1972: The BBC offers "Ceefax," two-way cable information system.
1972: "Open Skies": any U.S. firm can have communication satellites.
1972: Landsat I, "eye-in-the-sky" satellite, is launched.
1972: Sony's Port-a-Pak, a portable video recorder.
1972: "Pong" starts the video game craze.

1973: The microcomputer is born in France.
1973: IBM's Selectric typewriter is now "self-correcting."

1974: In England, the BBC transmits Teletext data to TV sets.
1974: Electronic News Gathering, or ENG.
1974: "Teacher-in-the-Sky" satellite begins educational mission.

1975: The microcomputer, in kit form, reaches the U.S. home market.
1975: Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS battle for public acceptance.
1975: "Thrilla' from Manila"; substantial original cable programming.

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1976: Apple I.
1976: Ted Turner delivers programming nationwide by satellite.
1976: Still cameras are controlled by microprocessors.
1976: British TV networks begin first teletext system.

1977: Columbus, Ohio, residents try 2-way cable experiment, QUBE.

1978: From Konica, the point-and-shoot camera.
1978: PBS goes to satellite for delivery, abandoning telephone lines.
1978: Electronic typewriters go on sale.

1979: Speech recognition machine has a vocabulary of 1,000 words.
1979: Videotext provides data by television on command.
1979: From Holland comes the digital videodisc read by laser.
1979: In Japan, first cellular phone network.
1979: Computerized laser printing is a boon to Chinese printers.

1980: Sony Walkman tape player starts a fad.
1980: In France, a holographic film shows a gull flying.
1980: Phototypesetting can be done by laser.
1980: Intelsat V relays 12,000 phone calls, 2 color TV channels.
1980: Public international electronic fax service, Intelpost, begins.
1980: Atlanta gets first fiber optics system.
1980: CNN 24-hour news channel.
1980: Addressable converters pinpoint individual homes.

1981: 450,000 transistors fit on a silicon chip 1/4-inch square.
1981: Hologram technology improves, now in video games.
1981: The IBM PC.
1981: The laptop computer is introduced.
1981: The first mouse pointing device.

1982: From Japan, a camera with electronic picture storage, no film.
1982: USA Today type set in regional plants by satellite command.
1982: Kodak camera uses film on a disc cassette.

1983: Cellular phone network starts in U.S.
1983: Lasers and plastics improve newspaper production.
1983: Computer chip holds 288,000 bits of memory.
1983: Time names the computer as "Man of the Year."
1983: ZIP + 4, expanded 9-digit ZIP code is introduced.
1983: AT&T forced to break up; 7 Baby Bells are born.
1983: American videotext service starts; fails in three years.

1984: Trucks used for SNG transmission.
1984: Experimental machine can translate Japanese into English.
1984: Portable compact disc player arrives.
1984: National Geographic puts a hologram on its cover.
1984: A television set can be worn on the wrist.
1984: Japanese introduce high quality facsmile.
1984: Camera and tape deck combine in the camcorder.
1984: Apple Macintosh, IBM PC AT.
1984: The 32-bit microprocessor.
1984: The one megabyte memory chip.
1984: Conus relays news feeds for stations on Ku-Band satellites.

1985: Digital image processing for editing stills bit by bit.
1985: CD-ROM can put 270,000 papers of text on a CD record.
1985: Cellular telephones go into cars.
1985: Synthetic text-to-speech computer pronounces 20,000 words.
1985: Picture, broken into dots, can be transmitted and recreated.
1985: U.S. TV networks begin satellite distribution to affiliates.
1985: At Expo, a Sony TV screen measures 40x25 meters.
1985: Sony builds a radio the size of a credit card.
1985: In Japan, 3-D television; no spectacles needed.
1985: Pay-per-view channels open for business.

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1986: HBO scrambles its signals.
1986: Cable shopping networks.

1987: Half of all U.S. homes with TV are on cable.
1987: Government deregulates cable industry.

1988: Government brochure mailed to 107 million addresses.

1989: Tiananmen Square demonstrates power of media to inform the world.
1989: Pacific Link fiber optic cable opens, can carry 40,000 phone calls.

1990: Flyaway SNG aids foreign reportage.
1990: IBM sells Selectric, a sign of the typewriter's passing.
1990: Most 2-inch videotape machines are also gone.
1990: Videodisc returns in a new laser form.

1991: Beauty and the Beast, a cartoon, Oscar nominee as best picture.
1991: CNN dominates news coverage worldwide during Gulf War.
1991: Live TV news switching between world capitals during Gulf War looks simple.
1991: Denver viewers can order movies at home from list of more than 1,000 titles.
1991: Moviegoers astonished by computer morphing in Terminator 2.
1991: Baby Bells get government permission to offer information services.
1991: Collapse of Soviet anti-Gorbachev plot aided by global system called the Internet.
1991: More than 4 billion cassette tape rentals in U.S. alone.
1991: 3 out of 4 U.S. homes own VCRs; fastest selling domestic appliance in history.

1992: Cable TV revenues reach $22 billion.
1992: At least 50 U.S. cities have competing cable services.
1992: After President Bush speaks, 25 million viewers try to phone in their opinions.

1993: Dinosaurs roam the earth in Jurassic Park.
1993: Unfounded rumors fly that cellphones cause brain cancer.
1993: Demand begins for "V-chip" to block out violent television programs.
1993: 1 in 3 Americans does some work at home instead of driving to work.

1994: After 25 years, U.S. government privatizes Internet management.
1994: Rolling Stones concert goes to 200 workstations worldwide on Internet "MBone."
1994: To reduce Western influence, a dozen nations ban or restrict satellite dishes.
1994: Prodigy bulletin board fields 12,000 messages in one after after L.A. quake.

1995: CD-ROM disk can carry a full-length feature film.
1995: Sony demonstrates flat TV set.
1995: DBS feeds are offered nationwide.
1995: Denmark announces plan to put much of the nation on-line within 5 years.
1995: Major U.S. dailies create national on-line newspaper network.
1995: Lamar Alexander chooses the Internet to announce presidential candidacy.

Content copyright © 1995-1996, Irving Fang. Graphics and HTML conversion by Kristina Ross. All Rights Reserved.

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	Communication Timeline
	by Irving Fang
	School of Journalism and Mass Communication
	University of Minnesota
	Minneapolis, MN 55455

	[email protected]