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The Historical Society of Pennsylvania's collection of lantern slides is comprised of approximately 3,000 images; mostly prints and photographs,but also some maps and manuscripts. They are organized in 19 different collections encompassing a wide variety of subjects. Some of the divisions are thematic, others are based on the donor. See below for a list of the sub-divisions, where information is available. Of these lantern slides, the vast majority are images taken of various sites in Philadelphia, made betwen the years of 1880-1920, approximately. We have catalogued only this portion of the collection, totalling 2,768 items. If you would rather scroll down a table without performing a search, please see our list of sub-divisions, and click on the appropriate volume number.

To give you some idea of the nature and breadth of the lantern slides held at the Historical Society we have reproduced a few of the images below. To view other slides in the collection you will need to go to the Historical Society. Once there you may request to see the lantern slide in the main reading room by submitting a page slip with the information from the database, most importantly the call number (Lantern Slide Number).

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

1300 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 732-6201


List of lantern slide sub-divisions

Sample images


last rev. = 9 Sept. 03 jc


Here is a small sampling of images with call number and descriptive title. Also included where available is information about the image, such as its date and maker. Titles are taken from the slide:


V9-LS5.7: Christ Church, Philadelphia
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V9-LS17.46: Market-Market St., west of 15th
Signed: Frank H. Tayolor. From photo.
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V9-LS28.6: Rittenhouse Mansion, NW corner 7th and Arch
Signed: Frank H. Taylor
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V9-LS32.34: Blizzard, 2/[18]98 (1525 Green St., Philadelphia, PA)
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V9-LS33.43: Approach to West portal, Market St. Subway, 23rd and Market Sts.
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V9-LS33.47: Erection of Elevated [train] in Delaware Ave.
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V9-LS37.26: Fairmount in 1867
Maker: J. Kuhn
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V13-LS6.20: Lincoln Monument Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA
Date: 1897, Maker: J. D. Edwards.
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V13-LS5049: Thomas H. Durham Public School, 16th and Lombard
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V13-LS4926: 37th District Police and Fire Station, 4th and Snyder
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V13-LS5050: Nathaniel Hawthorne School, 12th and Fitzwater Sts.
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V13-LS5095: Music Pavilion, Strawberry Mansion, Fairmount Park
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V21-LS22: Old Store of Bullock and Crenshaw, N.E. corner of 6th and Arch Sts.
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V22-LS11: George W. Bumin, Salt warehouse, NW corner of Delaware Ave. and Race St.
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V24-LS36: 2nd Chestnut Street Theater above 6th, 1822-55
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V30-LS14: Arch St.-north side from 7th, looking east. Vito Viti's Store and Arch St. Theater, 1858
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V31-LS25: The Court House and Markets at 2nd St., looking west
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Click on a volume number to view a simple table of slides in that collection. You will only see a descriptive title and the lantern slide/accession number in the table. For more complete information, try a search in the database. Collection titles are in italics.


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