Descriptive Title Lantern Slide Number
Trumbull of Yale V12-LS5
Franklin signing Declaration of Independence V12-LS6
Dover to Philadelphia to cast Delaware's vote V12-LS8
Unknown picture of Liberty Bell V12-LS9
Stony Creek Mtg. House with grave of Stockton V12-LS14
The Announcement of the Delcaration of Indepencence V12-LS20
Unknown picture of Liberty Bell V12-LS22
Home of Thomas Jefferson, Phila. Our national symbols V12-LS31
Signing of the Declaration Independence V12-LS35
Unknown Picture of Room Interior V12-LS36
State House Restored, President's Chair and Table V12-LS37
Unknown Picture of State House Interior V12-LS38
Carpenter's Hall V12-LS39
Rear of Independence Hall V12-LS40
Unknown: Front of Carpenter's Hall V12-LS41
Unknown: Front of Carpenter's Hall V12-LS42
Unknown Picture of Independence Hall V12-LS43
J. Hancock's Chair V12-LS44
Unknown Picture of Independence Hall V12-LS45
Unknown Picture of Declaration of Independence V12-LS46
Unknown Picture of IOU by Benjamin Franklin V12-LS47
Thomas Lynch, Sr., Vacancy V12-LS48
Unknown Picture of Button Gwinnett's signature V12-LS49
Miscellaneous facsimile of Declaration of Independence V12-LS50
