Occupation and Use of the 500 block of Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1680-1850:

An Historic Resource Study conducted for Independence National Historical Park

Sharon Ann Holt, Ph.D
Research Associate of the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies
University of Pennsylvania

August, 1997

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Narrative of the Project

III. User's Guide to the Findings

IV. Reconstruction of and Commentary on the History of the Block

V. Availability and Quality of Images

VI. Conclusion

Appendix A. Alphabetized lists of property owners and dates of ownership, North and South sides.

Appendix B. Property Owners listed by location, street address where possible, North and South sides.

Appendix C. Property Owners listed by location, but alphabetically within location, North and South sides.


This project, like virtually all research efforts, benefitted from the help and contributions of many people besides myself. David Wolfe provided able and enthusiastic research assistance. Dr. Jeff Cohen at Bryn Mawr College generously made his extensive data base on Philadelphia insurance companies available to us. Dr. Richard Dunn at the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies helped to make this study possible.

I also want to acknowledge the considerable resources made available to me at the Park by Doris Fanelli, Anna Coxe Toogood, Diane Jacox, and Paul Inishima. Finally, staff at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia City Archives, the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Library Company of Philadelphia, and the Van Pelt Library at the University of Pennsylvania, all provided irreplaceable assistance.

Sharon Ann Holt


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