Occupation and Use of the 500 block of Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1680-1850:

An Historic Resource Study conducted for Independence National Historical Park

Sharon Ann Holt, Ph.D
Research Associate of the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies
University of Pennsylvania

August, 1997

Appendix A. Alphabetized list of all owners, north side, High street to Cuthbert, 5th to 6th. See other lists for location. All indented names are owners of Non-High street frontage. Multiple names indicates the ownership of multiple properties on the block.
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Abbott, John, 1829, dry goods store, 21 N. 6th
Bagaley, William, 1856
Bailey, Lydia (?), 1870
Bailey, Lydia R., 1825-1831, printer, 10 North alley
Baker, Samuel, <1805
Baker, Samuel, 1805
Barker, Peter, 1764, building described, PA Gazette
Beates, Conrad, 1791-1800
Beates, Conrad, heirs of, 1820
Beates, William, 1800-1805, tobacconist, 209 Market
Beck, Paul, 1839 (SURVEY)
Beck, William Henry, 1856
Bell, William, 1787-1801
Bell, William, 1787-1801, 2 Sim's alley
Betton, Joseph, 1783
Biddle, Messrs and Co., 1867
Bilsland, Wm. 1800-1807
Bitting, Lewis, 1785
Boush, Adam, 1787
Brand, Jacob
Brand, Martha Gardner, 1793-1801 (house on the property in 1793)
Branton (or Brinton), J. H., stables, 1806
Brinton, J. H., 1806
Brookes, John, 1836
Brown, John A., 1853
Brown, John A., 1853
Bruder, George, 1856
Bryan, Dr., 1842
Bucknell, William, Jr., 1859
Bucknell, William, jun., 1859
Chamberlain, Charles, 1787 (Garvan survey)
Clark, Michael F. 1831,
Clark, Michael F., 1829-1841
Clark, Michael F., 1831 (SURVEY)
Clark, Michael F., 1831
Clark, Michael F., 1831
Clark, Michael F., 1834
Clark, William W., 1846
Cooper, George, 1797, wet goods and wine merchant
Cope, Caleb, 1855-56 (SURVEY)
Cope, John, 1787
Craig, John, 1801
Craig, John, 1801, lived 112 S. 2nd.
Craig, Seth, 1806-1831, saddlery and Globe Mill warehouse, lived, 246 High, 1825
Craig, Seth, 1806-1831
Cresson's est., 1839 [Comm]
Cresson's J. E. est, 1831
Cresson, James and bros., est, 1839, china merchants, glass and queens ware. lived 37 N. 7th
Cresson, Clement 1831
Cresson, Clement, 1831 [Comm]
Cresson, Jas. E., 1831 [Comm]
Cresson, Joseph and John H., 1815,
Cresson, Joseph, 1836
Crilly, Thomas, 1832
Croft, Samuel, 1845-1859, then east 33.8 feet to
Cross, Peter, 1791-1806, with alley privilege
Cross, Peter, 1791-1806, with alley privilege
Cross, Peter, 1791-1806, with alley privilege
Dale, Ross and Wither, 1856,
Dale, Ross, and Withers, 1856
Davis & Co., 1848
DeSaa, Peter, 1790s, (Garvan survey-5th street folder
Dixon, John, 1838
Donaldson, Joseph and Mary, gentleman # 1 N. 6th, 1791-1810
Donaldson, Mary, 1810-1825
Dore, Jacob, 1838
Douradore, Bernard, 1839
Douradore, Bernard, 1840, 1843
Drummond, Josiah, 1826
Dunlap, Dr. James, 1787 [1791-13 N. 4th st.]
Durborow, John
Earp, Messrs., 1831-35 (SURVEY)
Ebberle, Charles, 1801 (cutler, n. 4th between Market and Arch, 1800)
Eberle, Adam, 1822-1853 (SURVEY (2))
Eckfeldt, Jacob, <1785, blacksmith, 30 N. 5th, still here by 1800.
Eckfeldt, Jacob, 1772-1785
Eicholtz, Jacob, 1828 (Notables), portrait painter, 51 Filbert St. (formerly Commerce), 1825
Elsegood, Mathew, 1835
Emerick, George, 1829-34, grocer, 23 N. 6th, partner with William Emerick.
Emerick, William B.
Emlen, Hudson, 1759
Emlen, Hudson, 1759
Emlen, Rachel , 1759
Emlen, Rachel, 1759
Emlen, Rachel, 1759
Emlen, Rachel, 1759
Emlen, Rachel, 1759
Emlen, Samuel's home, 1783-1822
Emlen, Samuel's home, 1783-1822
Emlen, Samuel late, "had whole lot," 1822
Emlen, Sarah, 1759
Emlen, Sarah, 1759
Emlen, Sarah, 1806
Emlen, Sarah, 1806 (whole) (SURVEY)
Empsons, Elizabeth, 1793
Erwin, Henry, porter, 26 N. 5th, 1800
Erwin, John, 1793 (2 frame houses with kitchen behind)
Erwin, Robert, 1791, gentleman, 11 N. 6th.
Esler, Jacob estate, 1787
Esler, John, blacksmith, 25 South alley
Etter, Philip, heirs of, date unknown [1771?]
Fassitt, Jas. W. 1854
Fassitt, Jas. W. 1854
Fire Association, 1866
Fite, George, 1767
Foulke, [Capt.?] Caleb, 1783-1800, merchant, 293 High St. (1791)
Foulke, Amos, 1787, merchant in N. 4th st. (1791)
Foulke, Caleb's estate, 1787
Foulke, Caleb, 1783 etc.
Fritz, John, gentleman, 11 South alley, 1830-31
Fritz, Jacob, cabinet maker, 14 South alley, 1825
Gano, John, 1826-28, dry goods, [11 S. 3rd.]
Garriques, William, 1814? [house carpenter 1791?] (SURVEY)
Gerker, Henry, 1856
Gilbert, Frederick, est. dec.d, 1854
Graff, [Charles, gentleman, 49 N. 6th?], 1828
Graff, [Elizabeth, gentlewoman, 29 N. 6th?], 1828
Graham, John H. 1871
Guier, John 1794-1821, grocer, [193-5 High St. 1791] (SURVEY)
Guier, John, 1794-1821
Guier, William 1791-1830
Gunkel, Michael, 1783-1822
Gunkel, Michael, 1783-1832
Hart, William H.
Hassinger, David, 1871,
Hassinger, Jacob 1805-1825, est 1826-31
Hassinger, Jacob and son, 6 South alley, 1820
Hassinger, Jonathan K., 6 South alley
Haverstick, William, 1829, queensware &c. store.
Haviland, John, architect, 25 N. 5th, 1821 (Notables)
Head, John, and wife, 1762-1765
Heise, Frederic, 1791-1801, grocer, [189 High](SURVEY)
Helmuth, John, 1815
Helmuth, John, 1815
Herbert, Michael, <1791
Hine, John, 1788
Hopper, William, 1853, queensware &c. store
Hoskins and Ha[i]skell, 1852
Hoskins and Ha[i]skell, 1852,
Howell, Mary, 1759
Howell, Miss, 1848
Howells, Christian, 1791, by division of Wm Hudson's estate
Hudson, Mary, (dau of Samuel) 1759
Hudson, Mary, (dau of Samuel) 1759
Hudson, Mary, (dau of Wm. jun.), 1759
Hudson, Mary, < 1786
Hudson, Mary, dau of Samuel, g. d. of Wm Hudson, 1785
Hudson, Samuel, 1787
Hudson, Susannah
Hudson, Susannah, <1775
Hudson, Susannah, <1793
Hudson, William
Hudson, William, 1759
Hudson, William, jun., 21 N. 6th, 1791,
Hudson, William, jun., 1759
Jager, Caspar, 1774 (North alley and 5th)
Jessup, A. E., 1856
Jessup, Augustus, 1856
Johns, Agnes, 1801
Justice, Philip, merchant, nw corner, 5th and Commerce, 1853
Justice, Philip, 1853
Keighler, Christopher, 1800
Kemble, Charles, 1831, oak cooper, 11 South alley. lives at 221 High
Kemble, Charles, 1856
Kern, Horatio, 1856
Kern, Horatio, 1856
Kimel, Adam, 1771 moves to south side of High.
Klein, George, 1765
Knox and Boggs
Lang, James, 1787
Larkey, Edward, butcher, 31 North alley, 1783 (SURVEY)
Leaming, Furman, hardware merchant, 1831
Levick, Richard R. and Robert, 1856
Livezey, Samuel, 1848
Loncy, Rachel, <1793
Manufacturers and Mechanics Savings and Loan Co, 1858
Marley, Richard Jackson, 1775-c.1791 (built a brick building on the eastern portion of the lot, 1801)
Marley, Rosanna, gentlewoman, widow, 15 N. 6th. 1825, 1842
Marley, William, 1819
Masters & Tomlinson, 1856
Metcalf, Susan (late), 1838 (rec'd land in Wm. Hudson's will, 1803)
Meyer, Benjamin, 1785
Middleton, Joseph, 1831
Moore & Jessup, 1852-3
Moore, Thomas, gentleman, 219 High St., 1786-1806
Moore, Thomas, 1786-1806
Moore, Thomas, 1788-1806 (SURVEY)
Moore, Thomas, 1788-1806 (?) (SURVEY)
Moore, Thomas, 40 X 68, 1783 (SURVEY)
Newkirk, Mathew merchant, [bus. 95 High], 1831
North, Stephen, wholesale and retail druggist, n e cor 6th and High. (lives nwc North alley and 5th, (1825) 1810-1825). (SURVEY)(4)
Owen, Evan, 1783
Owens, Hannah and Rachel, 1759
Palmer, Thomas, gunsmith, >1786
Parke, Samuel, grocer, 4 N. 5th, 1800 (SURVEY)
Parris, c. 1791-c. 1798
Pemberton stables
Pemberton, John, gentleman, 213 High St., 1768-1791 (SURVEY)
Pemberton, John, (stables?)
Pemberton, John, heirs of, 1801
Pemberton, John, heirs of, 1801
Pennock, Abraham Lidden and Mary Lewis, (533 Market, ON=231), 1856
Peter, Abraham, 1765-1800 (SURVEY)
Pogue, Joseph, 1831
Rabsom, Jacob and wife Cleophia, <1782
Read, James, 1794 (Garvan survey, North alley folder, nw corner, 5th and North alley)
Redman, Dr. Joseph, 1787
Reed and Gray, china merchants, 199 High, 1826
Reinboth (or Reinholdt), J. D., 1849
Reinholdt, George, stationer, 201 High St, 1787-1800
Reinholdt, J. D. 1849
Richardson, John, books and ink manufacturer, 1826
Richardson, John, 1859, 527 Market, (SURVEY)
Richle [Richt], [John] Si[e]gmund, 1802
Richle [Richt], William, 1840,
Ritter, Charles, 1840
Ritter, Henry, heirs of, 1800
Ritter, William (North Alley), 1774
Rosenbruch, Theophilus, 1853
Rosette and Bicking, 1831
Rushac, heirs, c. 1791
Savery, Thomas, lumber merchant, partner with William Savery [20 N. 5th., 1825]
Scattergood, John 1791-1800
Seal, Joseph H., dry goods, [400 block, 1825] 1838
Seal, Joseph H., 1856
Seckel, Henry, 1800, grocer, 215 High (1791,) (earlier? est. 1787?)
Sellars, Samuel, 1830
Sellers, Coleman, 231 High, wireworker, 1821-25
Sellers, Nathan & D., 1783-1829
Sellers, Samuel, 1855 [lives with Sellers, Rachel, widow, at 8 N. 6th, west side, 1825]
Sheaf, Widow 1805
Sheaf, William's estate, 1787
Sheaf, William, 1783-88
Sheaf, William, 1783-88
Sheaf, William, 1806
Sheaf, William, heirs of, 1806
Sheaf, Wm 1791
Shepperd, Thomas, 1821,
Shewall, Thomas, merchant, 223 High, 1822, 1836
Simons, John, tailor, 13 South Alley, 1801
Slaughter, William (late), 1831
Snyder, Benedict, weaver, 20 North Alley, >1791
Sphon, William, 1819
Spier, Jacob's house, 1783
Stacks, James, 1787
Staticorn, Samuel, 1787
Stein, Jacob, grocer, 1787
Steinmetz, John, 1806 [merchant, 223 Market, 1800]
Sterling, Henry 1831
Suplee and Myers, 1856
Swett, Benjamin, <1764
Swett, Benjamin, 1764
Swett, Benjamin, 1765
Syng, Charles' estate, 1787
Syng, Charles, officer of the Customs, 1783-c. 1810
Syng, Charles, 60 x 68, 1783
Tams, S., 1831
Tams, William, china merchant
Thompson, Charles, (Notables), 1779
Tilagher, Mrs., 1828
Truck, John, 1856 [Comm]
Tucker, Benjamin, 1814
Vail, Thomas
Vanderkemp, John Jacob, 1815-1831 [agent for the Holland Land co.]
Welfling, Henry, 1762-1765
Welfling, Henry, 1765-1779
Welfling, Henry, 1820
Wetherill, M[ordecai?], druggist, 9 South alley, 1838
Wetherill, Mordecai, 1831
Wharton, Robert 1790s
Wharton, Robert, jun., 1830 (Notables)
Wharton, Widow's estate, 1787
Wharton, Widow's estate, 1787
Winder, William H., 1838
Wistar, Caspar, 1795
Wood, Thomas, c. 1791
Wright, Peter 1843
Yorke, Thomas, < 1779
Zantzinger, Adam, 1785, [merchant, 131 High, 1791]

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