Occupation and Use of the 500 block of Market Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1680-1850:
An Historic Resource Study conducted for Independence National Historical
Sharon Ann Holt, Ph.D
Research Associate of the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies
University of Pennsylvania
August, 1997
Appendix B. List of Property Owners,
North Side By location, with dates of occupancy
to: [The South side of this appendix] [Table
of contents] [Home]
along HIGH ST. from 5th to 6th, North side: Owners in Order, with Dates
- Patent purchasers:
- Patent 60 purchased by John Bezer, John Rennots,
Daniel Smith, and Francis Burroughs.
- Patent 63 purchased by Moses Charas.
- Patent 64 purchased by William Bowman.
- Back Lot patents purchased by William Hudson.
- 1741-1748: Entire block, from Market to Arch, and
5th to 6th, owned by William Hudson at his death and bequeathed in proportions
to his children and grandchildren. Surveyed for them, but dimensions specified
by William Hudson found to be off by one foot in each direction. Surveyeres
apportioned the error among the heirs in the ratios specified in Hudson's
will. Thus this block has distinctive and unusual lot sizes. Source: See
copy of the surveys, in the "Other Streets and Special Topics,"
folder marked "Wm. Hudson." Original available as marked.
- 501/199 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, William, jun., <1759
- Hudson, Samuel, 1785-7
- Guier, William 1791-1830
- (Guier and Diehl, merchants, 1801)
- Newkirk, Mathew, 1831
- Newkirk, Mathew, 1841
- 503/201 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, William, jun. 1759
- Jones, Israel, 1785
- Reinholdt, George, 1787-1800
- Bilsland, Alexander [1795]
- Bilsland, Wm. 1800-1807
- Knox and Boggs, 1830
- Kelly, Thomas, 1841
- Fassitt, Jas. W. 1854
- 503/203 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, William, jun. 1759
- Carson, Andrew, 1783
- Dunlap, Dr. James, 1785-87
- Sheaff, William, 1791
- Dilworth, Joseph, 1795
- Sheaff, Widow, 1805
- Richardson, John, 1826
- Hooper, John, 1841
- Fassitt, James W. (with 201), 1854
- 505/205 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Owens, Hannah and Rachel, 1759
- Stedicorn/Staticorn, Simon (papermaker), 1787, also
Widow Wharton's estate
- Wharton, Robert, 1791
- Guier, John, 1794-1821
- 1795, Cline, John and Miller, Jacob, grocers
- 1801, Zantzinger, Henry, merchant
- Read & Gray, merchants, 1826-1841
- 1830, Robert Wharton surveyed it
- Wright, Peter and sons, 1848
- Wright, Peter, no sons, 1856
- 507/207 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, Mary, (dau of Samuel) <1759
- Yorke, Thomas, <1779
- Thompson, Charles, >1779
- Boush, Adam, grocer, 1787
- Scattergood, Jacob, 1791-1800
- Baker, Samuel, <1805
- Hassinger, Jacob, 1805-1825 (est. 1826, 1831)
- with #65 South Alley
- 1820 Welfling, Henry
- Hassinger, Jacob, 1841
- Hassinger, David, 1850-52, 1869
- 509/209 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, Mary, (dau of Samuel) <1759
- Swett, Benjamin, <1764 (with 511)
- Yorke, Thomas, <1779
- Thompson, Charles, >1779 (See "Notables")
- Stein, Jacob, grocer and part of
- Chamberlain, Charles, lot, 1787
- Beates, Conrad, 1791-1800
- Beates and Restin, Anthony, 1795
- Beates, William, 1800-1805
- Beates, Conrad, heirs of, 1820
- Sterling, Henry, 1831, 1841, 1857
- Sterling, J. Franklin, 1874
- 511 Patent 60
- [209/211] Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, Mary, (dau of Samuel) <1759
- Head, John, 1762-1765
- Swett, Benjamin, 1764 (with 209 and 506 & 508
- Welfling, Henry, 1765-1779
- Chamberlain, Charles (part of, and Lang, James, ropemaker,
- Heise, Frederick (w/out 209), 1791-1795
- Beynroth, William, 1795
- Pogue, Joseph, 1831
- Gilbert, Frederick, 1841
- resurveyed for, 1849
- heirs of, 1854
- 513 Patent 60
- [211/213& Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- 213 1/2] Howell, Mary, <1759
- Pemberton, John, 1769-1787 (Notables)
- (as 213, with 512 Commerce)
- Pemberton, Hannah, widow, 1795
- Pemberton, John, heirs of, 1801
- Leaming, Furman, 1831 (with 215 and 215 1/2)
- Earp, Messrs, merchants, 1831-35 (510 Commerce)
- Earp and brothers, w/ 213 and 213 1/3, and Commerce
St. lot, 1841
- Brown, John A. <1852
- Hoskins [Francis] & Haiskell [Colton], merchants,
with 510 and 512 Commerce.
- 515/215 Patent 60
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Hudson, Mary, daughter of William Hudson, jun., 1748-1786
- Palmer, Thomas, gunsmith, >1786 [one of these
- Stacks, James, innkeeper, 1787 men at 517]
- Seckel, Henry, (Notables, George Seckel Pepper),
1795-1800 [one of these men
- Cooper, George, 1797 at 517]
- Eckstein, Frederick, 1801 [one of these men
- Sheaff, William, 1806 at 517?]
- Leaming, Furman, 1831, 1841 (w/ Commerce St. lot)
- Baker, Alfred G., 1867 (with 517 (ON=215 1/2)
- 517, ON= Same as listings under 515. Unknown which
- 215 1/2 occupants were in which property.
- 519/217 Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Sarah, <1759
- Bell, William, merchant, 1787-1801
- Craig, John, 1801
- Craig, Seth, 1806-1831
- Sulgers, Jacob, 1841-49
- Dale, Ross, & Withers, 1856
- dry goods store, 1862
- 521/219 Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Sarah, <1759
- Moore, Thomas, 1785-1806, with 521 and 516 and 518
- Emlen, Sarah, 1806 (ground rent)
- Cresson, James E. estate of, 1831
- Cresson, Clement, 1831
- Cresson's estate, 1839
- Cresson, Sarah, 1841-49
- Dickey, Dr. T. M. et al, 1856
- Trucks, John, 1856
- 523, ON= Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- 219/221 Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Sarah, <1759
- Moore, Dr. Thomas, 1788-1806
- Emlen, Samuel, 1783-1822
- Emlen, Samuel, the late, 1822
- Rosette & Bicking, 1831, 1841
- Bagaley, William, 1856
- 525/223 Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Hudson, 1759
- Foulke, Caleb, 1783
- Foulke, Amos, 1787
- Hine, John, 1788
- Steinmetz, John, merchant, 1794-1806
- Shewell, Thomas, 1822-1836, 1841
- Levick, Richard R. and Robert, 1856
- 527/225 Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Hudson, 1759
- Sheaff, William, 1783-1788
- Wistar, Caspar, 1795 (Notables)
- Helmuth, John, 1815
- Everly, Adam (or Ebberle), 1822, 1831, 1841, 1853.
- Richardson, John, 1859
- 529/227 Patent 63, Charas, Moses
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Rachel, 1759
- Gunkel, Michael, 1783-1822
- Cresson, John H. and Joseph (backlot?), 1815
- Tams, S., 1831
- Cresson, James, 1836
- Tam, S. & I., 1841
- Davis & Co, 1848
- Cope, Caleb, (Notables), 1855-56
- 531/229 Patent 64, Bowman, William
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Rachel, 1759
- Redman, Dr. Joseph, 1759-1787
- Humphries, Richard, 1797-1801
- Vanderkemp, John Jacob, 1809-1842
- Bucknell, William, jun., 1859
- 533/231 Patent 64, Bowman, William
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Rachel , 1759
- Sellers, Nathan, 1783-1785
- Sellers, Nathan & David, 1787-1806
- Sellers, Samuel, 1829, 1839
- Sellers, James, 1841
- Sellars, Samuel, 1855
- Pennock, Abraham Lidden and Mary Lewis, 1856
- 535\233 Patent 64, Bowman, William
- Hudson, William, 1741-1748
- Emlen, Rachel, 1759
- Spier, Jacob's house, 1783
- Donaldson, Joseph and Mary, 1785-1810
- North, Stephen, 1810-1825
- Clark, Michael F., 1829,1841, 1856
- Clark, Michael, estate of, 1869, 1876
- Location unknown: Kimel, Adam
- Durborow, John
- SECTION B: North
along 6TH STREET from High/Market to Commerce/South, west side: Owners
in Order, with Dates.
- Starting approx. 120 north of High street:
- Donaldson, Mary, 1810-1825
- 10 Foot Court
- Crilly, Thomas, 1832
- Syng, Charles, 60 x 68, 1783
- Howell, Miss [Mary], 1848
- Moore, Thomas, 40 X 68, 1783
- Walton, Henry, (3 lots consolidated, Commerce St.
to the 10 foot court), 1857 (SURVEY)
along Commerce St. from 6th toward 5th, South side: Owners in Order, with
- Starting 50 feet east of 6th Street
- Gunkel, Michael, 1783-1832
- Cresson, Joseph and John H., 1815, then
- 25ft east to
- Sheaf, William, 1783-88
- Branton (or Brinton), J. H., stables, 1806
- Helmuth, John, 1815, then
- 24 ft. east to
- Foulke, Caleb, 1783
- etc., see Market St. list above
- also Pemberton stables (?), 48 ft deep, then
- 25 feet east to
- Emlen, Samuel's home, 1783-1822
- Moore, Thomas, 1788-1806 (?)
- Middleton, Joseph, 1831, then
- 20 feet east to