'Science et la Vie'


a General Knowledge Magazine

left : shipyards
right : a battleship

left : a night attack
right : firing a trench mortar

left : Visions of the Future - see Science Fiction Illustration
right : French biplane fitted with a cannon
thanks to Olivier for scans of 'la Science et la Vie' from his collection
*see also Magazines of the Great War (a French site)


'Science et la Vie' was a French magazine dedicated to presenting technical and scientific topics in an understandable manner to the general public. During the Great War, like many other french publications, 'Science et la Vie' was almost entirely devoted to war-related issues such as for instance describing the manufacture of munitions, machine-guns, explosives, motor-cars, developments in the medical sciences having to do with advanced apparatuses, the operation of armored cars and trains and so on. It was a nicely printed magazine with a profusely illustrated layout. Even though technical matters and science are supposed to be neutral-ground when it comes to politics, the magazine (like almost all publications at the time) was thoroughly patriotic, singing the praises of France, the Entente and the Allies in many unobtrusive ways.



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