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Straube Center
Brookside Ave.
238 W. Delaware
21 E. Delaware
27 E. Delaware
Pennington Crt
Post Office
Shopping Mall
Pennington Mkt
Exit Still More
Shopping Mall
State Route 31
Constructed over the period of 2006 to 2007, this is one of several similar shopping areas on the east side of State Route 31 and close to the Pennington Post Office. Look carefully at the photo and you can see this is building A. It is possible to take a short walk between the post office and the shopping area. There is another set of shopping areas acroos the highway on the west side of Route 31
Because this area is so new, there is no local name yet. The sign at the entrance says Straube Center. However, this represents an expansion of the earlier Straube Center located along West Franklin Avenue. So this is sort of the "new expanded" Straube Center.
February 2008