Middlesex Council #344 Chartered 1929 to 1969
I have located nothing about Middlesex Council. Can anyone provide some information?
Order of the Arrow
Sakawin 287 History
Sakawin 287 Patchs Kit-Chee-Ke-Ma Lodge #287 was chartered by Middlesex Council on March 14, 1945. Later, on April 1, 1946, the name was changed to Sakawawin Lodge #287. (Dates provided by Randall Holden)
Links to Camp Sakawawin history and patchs are listed on the Camping in Thomas A. Edison Council page. TAEC acquired the Camp Sakawawin facility as part of the merger of Raritan Council and Middlesex Council.
Council Patchs
The history of Middlesex Council seen through its patchs. We welcome your help toward completing this collection.
1956 Council Scout Show
Thomas A. Edison Council
Historical Site Home Page
November 3, 2000 |