The Lodge Totem is the Beaver. It originally had no special significance, but in our present Council Camp the animal has been seen occasionally. The beaver is known as a persevering animal, and this was most certainly engrained in a few of the Lodge members who were able to pull the Lodge through some of its trials and tribulations. The totem unknowingly was well chosen and has earned a high place of honor for Sakawawin Lodge. The founders of Sakawawin Lodge were John I. Gardner and Einar Larson, members of Cowaw Lodge 9, and Ralph Lutz, a member of Unami Lodge 1. Joe Gardner was appointed Assistant Camp Director in 1946 to help our Summer Camp then located at Blairstown, New Jersey. Ralph Lutz and Einar Larson were Scoutmasters in our Council. With these three men free in the evenings, it was not very long before the "Cracker Barrel" sessions were in full swing. From these nightly sessions, Sakawawin Lodge was formed. The first Ordeal team for the Lodge was organized by Joe Gardner, Bob Kaufman and Einar Larsen. We have come a long way since then, and are now sitting here at our annual Father and Son Banquet. The first Ordeal took place in our camping season. Camp Counselors elected to the Order of the Arrow were Bill Carncross, Richard Armstrong and Allen James. Bob Kaufman, Scoutmaster of Troop 9, became the first Lodge Chief (at this time adults could hold this office). Mr. Kaufman was a former member of Miquin Lodge, but was devoting his time to the Exchange Club of Rutgers, sponsors of Troop 9, whose meeting place was the Chapel on Seminary Place, Rutgers University. Kenneth Lane became the first Secretary of the Lodge. We take this opportunity to give
full recognition to the first Ordeal Team: The following names were given to us as Charter Members: John Garnder, Einar Larson, Ralph Lutz, Robert Carncross, Richard Armstrong, Allen James, Kenneth Lane, Robert Kaufman, John Juhasz, C.B. Smith, George Hess, John Schenk, Otto Langer, Otto Will, Dave Evans, Fred Schmidt, Richard Larsen, Bill McNally, John Buckelew, Bruce Whitehead, Phil Anklowitz, Renzius Petersen, Leonard Klekner. As often happens, those making up the workers were not supported by the rank and file of the Lodge. The flame soon died without the much needed help of Lodge membership. Miquin Lodge again came to our aid by holding a Brotherhood Ceremony, and giving that honor to John Juhasz, Bob Kaufman, Dick Armstrong and Phil Anklowitz in 1947. Our records indicate that 1948 was a very difficult year. Except for the efforts of John Juhasz, Leonard Klekner, and one or two others, the Lodge did not fold up even though all things pointed to a complete collapse. John was one Lodge member who would not admit defeat. His "never die" spirit was rewarded in 1949, when once again Miquin Lodge fulfilled the purpose of the Order, Brotherhood and Cheerful Service, by helping to reorganize the Lodge. When our present camp was purchased the Order of the Arrow was of great assistance in improving the grounds and annually contributing through its work weekends in the development of a year-round camping site. We have had representation in the Area 2B Conferences, and in National Conferences. In 1957 Sakawawin Lodge was host for the Area 2B Conference held at Camp Sakawawin. Over 300 arrowmen
attended. Our guest speaker was Dr. E. Erner Goodwin, founder of the Order
of the Arrow. The officers of the Lodge at that time were: During this time the Lodge was very active under this excellent leadership. The officers felt that ambitious leaders should be rewarded and they established a "Unami" award (part of a deer antler, hanging on a leather strip). This tradition has been carried out yearly, with not more than four awarded annually. In 1957, John Juhasz resigned as Advisor and Charles Potts, Scout Executive, appointed Russ Van Winkle as Advisor. During this time Dick Cost was Chief for a year, followed by John Glasser for two consecutive years. During the years 195-60, our Lodge was very active in Indian Dancing. They won first prize for three consecutive years for the Area 2B Dance Competition. Our instructor was Leonard Klekner, an active Indian Lore, Dance and Ceremonial Advisor. Lenny's many years of service has not been forgotten by our Lodge members. The following are the dancers who participated in the Dance Competitions: John Juhasz, W. Christiansen Sr., R. Wright, Wm. Christiansen Jr., Fred Depenbrock, Leonard Klekner, Spencer Lengyel, Larry Johnson, Richard Cost, Pete Roter, Russ Van Winkle, Joe Ferrara, Bic Battaglia, Richard Calander, Stan Rooney Jr. In 1960, Russ Van Winkle resigned as Lodge Advisor, and Wesley Parker, Scout Executive, appointed Nic Lengyel as Advisor. Ernest Lengyel was appointed Lodge Chief by the O.A. Executive Board in December 1960. If anyone has
historical information for the |