NO. 23
Head Quarters differt Dates in
July & August 1780
You will be pleased to forward to the District of the Militia Regiment which you Command (on Peedee River in the State of So Carolina) and when you shall arrive there, you will give the fullest assurances in my Name to the Friends of the United States of America, that a Powerful Army is marching to their protection, and that such of them as from the Necessity of protecting their persons and property have been obliged to profess a temporary acquiescence under the British Government, shall be received with Forgiveness and Security provided they have not taken an active Part against the Friends of America, and are willing to testify their Affection to the Cause of Liberty by joining heartily when called upon, in the Laudable Design of rescuing themselves and their Country, from the Miseries under which they now labour from the Oppression of the British Government; but if any should be so lost to a Sense of Honor, and the Duty they owe their Country, as to maintain a different Conduct; they alone will be to blame for whatever Consequences may ensue. � You will likewise Sir, be pleased to call out as many of your Regiment as can possibly be spared, and march them immediately, as fully armed and accourtred as Circumstance will admit, to Head Quarters. The proportion to be called out I leave to your discretion, recommending to your considereration
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that the Time is now arrived, for the State of South Carolina to exert every Nerve; and that we have the fairest prospect that their Efforts will be crowned with Success.
If there should be any Vacancies for Commissioned Officers in the Regiment of Militia which you Command occasioned either by Death, Absence, or Refusal to Act, you are hereby authorized and empowered to fill up such Vacancies, by Brevets Given under Your Hand and Seal, which shall be valid, until proper Commissions can be issued; when your Appointments shall be confirmed.
As it will be necessary to collect a large Quantity of Provisions for the Support of the Army under my Command � You are hereby authorized and empowered to give Certificates for the full value of such Grain and other provisions as you may purchase for this Purpose; which Certificates shall be regularly discharged by my Commissary General of Purchases � and if you shall not be able to purchase a sufficient Quantity, you have my Warrants to impress as much as you may judge necessary, leaving a sufficient Quantity for the Support of each Family, and giving Certificates for what shall be impressed. With Respect to such Persons as refuse to take up Arms under pretense of being on parole � none are to be considered in such Light, but the Prisoners under the Capitulation of Charles Town, and Fort Moultrie, regular officers and such of the Militia as were taken under arms in actual Service. � All others who shall neglect or refuse to obey your Summons, are to be considered as Defaulters, and a List of their Names regularly transmitted to me, that I may take such Measures against them as may bring them to a Sense of their Duty.