Postscript to letter from Lt. T.G.L. Barretté to Sir Henry Clinton,
26 Aug 1780

[Body of letter not provided in source.]

Most faithfully Obliged,

& most devoted & Obet: Servant.

Camp near Camden

Thos: Geo: Barretté

26th August 1780.

Lieut: 23d Regt

I am keeping a correct Journal of the Present War, in its Infancy, progress, &c &c, with drawings of Battles, engagements &c. political remarks for the Conduct of Both sides; — humbly hope at the conclusion thereof, your Excellency will think it worthy, to honor it with yr countenance & Patronage. I have taken the liberty to enclose your Excellency a Plan of the Battle fought on the 16th inst which is pretty correct, you will please to overlook the inelegancy of the drawings having no sort of instrument with me, I was obliged to make use of a Common Pen & bad ink. ...

[To: Sir Henry Clinton]