Dwellers in the Valley
The King's Men
John Butler Walter Butler Joseph Brant
Mary "Molly" Brant Daniel Claus Guy Johnson
Sir William Johnson

The Kings' Men: Loyalist Troops

Loyalist units raised in the Mohawk and Champlain Valleys
Loyalist units raised in the greater New York City area
Loyalist units raised in other states

blank spacer The Rebels

Peter Gansevoort Adam Helmer Nicholas Herkimer
Marinus Willett Timothy Murphy Peter Flagg
John Pettit Johannes Veeder William Vredenbergh
John Woolaver Peter Woolever

The Patriots: Continental forces

First NY Regt. Second NY Regt. Third N Y Regt.
Fourth NY Regt. Fifth NY Regt. Albany County Milita
Tryon County Militia The Oneidas



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All Material�1997 - 2000 Gregory F. Ketcham unless otherwise noted. Contributing authors retain all rights.
This site may be linked to but not duplicated in any manner without my written consent.