Chronology of Events: Second Battalion, N-York Provincial Forces 1775
(Including predecessor companies and Nicholson's' Battalion)

This Time-Line is an on-going project of the Uniform & Documentation Committee (P.D. Weaver, Chairman) 2nd New York Provincial Battalion (ca. 1775) Brigade of the American Revolution. It is included here with the permission of that Committee.

Key to Abbreviations used:
ACS - Albany Committee of Safety
NYPC - New-York Provincial Congress
CC - Continental Congress
PTC - Peter T. Curtenius, New-York Commissary

May 1775
8-10 Ticonderoga & Crown Point captured by Green Mountain Boys (Green Mountain Boys)
11    Ethan Allen requests ACS to send 500 troops to his aid
24    John Visscher authorized to recruit company of 100 by ACS
25   ACS receives recommendation from CC to recruit paid volunteers (levies)
25   CC authorized NYPC to raise 3000 troops - no clothing or bounties allowed
29   Joel Pratt's company proceeds to Ft Ticonderoga instead of Boston
30   Elisha Benedict applies to ACS to raise a company
31   Peter T. Cutenius (PTC) appointed Commissary by NYPC

2   Baldwin's coy supplied with flints, blankets, shoes, bullet pouches, etc.
5   Pratt's company to receive 30 blankets & 10 camp kettles
12 NYPC rules Albany levies to receive no bounties or clothing
16 PTC to purchase tenting fabric, bell tents, & haversacks from Hayman Levy
17 Van Dyck's company to be supplied with 50 guns
20 100 powder horns w/strings to be sent to Albany levies at Lake George
23 Capt. Visscher to receive & buy a box of soap
24 Capt. Visscher to receive 60 blankets
24 Capt. White to receive 4 guns, 4 hatchets, 5 blankets, and a camp kettle
27 NY troops being raised to be on same footing as other Continentals
28 NYPC officially authorizes establishment of four regiments of foot
29 Capt. White to get 2 guns, 3 blankets, 3 p.horns, 3 t.hawks & a camp kettle
29 Capt. Pratt to be furnished with 10 blankets and Capt. Visscher 29 blankets
30 Levies from Albany area designated as the 2nd Battalion
30 Roseboom & Van Schaick approved as colonel & Lt. colonel of 2nd Battalion

1  Capt. White to receive a gun, blanket, powder horn and tomahawk
3  Capt. Van Dyck's company to be furnished 173 rations of pork
3  PTC finds coat wool, tenting, tarnished canteens, haversacks,etc.
4  Regimental coats w/different cuffs & facings ordered for all NY NCOs and men
4  PTC to get parchment for drum heads & good drums in Philadelphia
5  Goose Van Schaick declines appointment as Lt.Colonel of 2nd Battalion
10 John Graham replaces Peter Yates (named 2nd Battalion Lt. Col.) as captain
12 NYPC orders 1500 sets of smallclothes, hats, & shoes for NY Line
13 Five Albany companies to send officer back to complete recruiting levies
14 Complete set of tents for a regiment sent to Colonel Roseboom at Albany
17 Schuyler allows ACS to have Van Dyck's company remain in Schenectady
18 PTC to procure duck for tents to replace those lent to Gen. Wooster of CT
18 PTC to purchase blankets (or other substitute) to furnish four NY regiments
24 Benedict's company is full with extra men to spare
25 Capt. C.P.Yates (vice Frye) recruits 51 men - expects the rest within 10 days
27 NY Journal reports NY troops will be provided with a "suit of clothes"
28 NY Battalions need 480 tents. Tents sent to Albany were those given to CT troops
31 2nd Battalion to get it's pouches & belts, bayonet belts, canteens, haversacks, etc.

2   880 more sets of pouches & belts, bayonet belts, & slings ordered made
3   Gen. Washington to sign about 200 blank commissions for NY Line officers
5   NYPC reaffirms NY troops allowed bounty of a blanket & regimental coat
8   Four completely equipped companies of 1st Battalion embark for Albany
8   Col. Van Schaick reports regiment is full & nearly equipped
8   Montgomery asks 2nd Battalion be sent tumplines, blankets, shoes, & some arms
10 1st, 3rd, & 4th Battalions ordered North (sans 3rd Battalion companies on Long Island)
11 125 pouches, belts, bayonet belts, & slings ordered made for NY's officers
12 600 tumplines, 600 blankets, 720 pairs of shoes to go to 2nd Battalion at Albany
12 PTC accounts cost of NY Line's smallclothes for NYPC
13 Greatest part of clothing and necessaries for 2nd Battalion arrive in Albany
14 3rd NY officers (Ulster County) promised enlistees full suit of clothes
19 Gansevoort & four companies ordered north to Fort Ticonderoga
19 Four companies of 1st Battalion near Saratoga w/enough baggage for 3 regiments
21 PTC to send 10 reams musket & 10 reams cannon cartouch paper to Albany
22 A redesigned militia law passed by the NYPC
29 Col. Van Schaick reports 9 of his 10 companies at Fort Ticonderoga
29 Capt. C.P. Yates company at Fort Ticonderoga
29 Continentals, 10 days outside of St Jean, won't wait for others at Albany
29 PTC to buy tenting, have tents made, and sent quickly to Ft Ticonderoga
31 Col. Van Schaick detains 2nd Battalion QM at Albany to wait for clothing

2   PTC to provide 200 watchcoats for use of sentinels of NY regiments
4   Gansevoort's troops arrive at Isle Aux Noix (Nut Island)
6   First assault by Montgomery's troops on Fort St Jean
10 Four companies of 2nd Battalion (totaling 239 men) at Isle Aux Noix
10 800 men (incl. 1st & 2nd Battalion and two from CT) embark for St Jean
11 Captains Yates & McCracken attend council of war outside St Jean
12 Ten Eyck & Graham's companies at Isle Aux Noix
17 PTC to buy 100 pairs of pistols & 200 cutlasses and send to Ft Ticonderoga
25 Ethan Allen's unauthorized attempt to capture Montreal
27 Lt.Col. Yates & three companies (totaling 225 men) at Ft. George

4   2nd Battalion is completely equipped w/muskets, accoutrements, coats, etc.
10-13 Pratt, White, & Baldwin's companies at Ft. George
17 PTC to purchase 50,000 flints & 5 tons of lead for use of Colony
19 Fort Chambly falls to the Americans
20 PTC to procure entrenching tools for the Colony (each marked "C.N.")
28 British under Carleton repulsed by 2nd N.Yorkers & Green Mountain Boys at Longueuil

3   Garrison at St. John capitulates to Montgomery
8   Pratt's company marches towards HQ (Ft Ticonderoga)
11 White's company arrives at HQ (Ft Ticonderoga)
13 Baldwin's company arrives at HQ (Ft Ticonderoga)
13 Americans march into Montreal
14 White & Baldwin's companies embark for St Jean
15 Majority of 2nd Battalion reenlist early (until April 15, 1776)
23 Visscher & Graham's Companies receive 51 pairs buckskin breeches at Montreal

12 Lt. Fink: Captains White & Van Dyck left Fort Chambly - men uneasy

Chronology - 1776

2   Col. McDougall (1st Battalion) writes post-campaign letter to Maj. Gen. Schuyler
8   NY to raise another regiment under Van Schaick, Yates & Gansevoort
19 CC orders NY to raise four more Battalions for its own defense
26 Visscher, Ten Eyck, & Graham's companies get some greatcoats at Quebec Camp
31 Benedict's company at Fort Chambly
31 NYPC to reduce the four NY Battalions to two & continue raising Van Schaick's

27 CC supersedes NYPC plan to downsize to two NY Battalions in Canada

23 Lt. Beebe (now Captain - vice Baldwin) dies of smallpox (inoculation)

15 300 Yorkers mutiny at Quebec Camp for lack of pay & will not re-enlist
15 Col. Nicholson's new NY Battalion begins - John Visscher as major
15 Ten Eyck & Graham continue as Captains - with Nicholson's Battalion
25 Leaders of 4/15 mutiny brought before court martial (none from 2nd Battalion)
29 Yorkers going home to turn over arms & ready for departure to Chambly

Resources: 2nd Battn., NY Provincial Forces (B.A.R.) Home Page
                    2nd NY regiment, BVMA Home Page

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