FRtR > Documents > John Locke's Second Treatise on Government

John Locke

An Essay concerning the true original, extent and end of civil Government (1690)

*** Quote***

  1. Chapter 1. Of Political Power (8k)
  2. Chapter 2. Of the State of Nature (20k)
  3. Chapter 3. Of the State of War (11k)
  4. Chapter 4. Of Slavery (8k)
  5. Chapter 5. Of Property (35k)
  6. Chapter 6. Of Paternal Power (36k)
  7. Chapter 7. Of Political or Civil Society (27k)
  8. Chapter 8. Of the Beginning of Political Societies (40k)
  9. Chapter 9. Of the Ends of Political Society and Government (12k)
  10. Chapter 10. Of the Forms of a Commonwealth (7k)
  11. Chapter 11. Of the Extent of the Legislative Power (19k)
  12. Chapter 12. The Legislative, Executive, and Federative Power of the Commonwealth (10k)
  13. Chapter 13. Of the Subordination of the Powers of the Commonwealth (21k)
  14. Chapter 14. Of Prerogative (17k)
  15. Chapter 15. Of Paternal, Political and Despotical Power, (11k)
  16. Chapter 16. Of Conquest (30k)
  17. Chapter 17. Of Usurpation (7k)
  18. Chapter 18. Of Tyranny (19k)
  19. Chapter 19. Of the Dissolution of Government (49k)