Home (Glover Correspondence)
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 13:01:31 -0500
From: Mike Herbert
To: Destroyers OnLine
Eric, What a nice suprize to stumble upon a website for the U.S.S.
GLOVER. After reading letters from other crew members, I guess im not
the only one that wanted to here from friends we knew on board. I reported
onboard Feb. 1975.in Norfolk, My first cruise was four days later. I can
remember putting comet cleanser bottles under my mattress,to keep me from
rolling out of my bunk, that was a long two week cruise. We also spent alot of
time running tests with subermarines as alot of the other guys said. In 1976
we went to the Philly,shipyard drydock, for about a year. In mid 1977 we left
Philly and Resumed test, including Gitmo Cuba. We visited a lot of places,
Bermuda,St.Croix,St.thomas ,Nasa. I had a good time, now that I look back. Im
glad to see others did too. Ill be spreading the word to fellow crew members[
Brackett,Wright,Pye] about the website, Keep up the fine work.
Mike Herbert
< herb@wmis.net >
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 14:02:21 -0500
From: "Mike Herbert"
To: Destroyers OnLine
Dear Mr. Stark. My name is Mike Herbert, and I to served on the U.S.S. GLOVER. I served from
feb.of 1975 to nov. of 1977. My rank was E.N.3. I keep in touch with a few of
my old shipmates. My E-MAIL address is herb@wmis.net I would like to be
put on the correspondents list also. Thank you for spending your time to keep
the rest of us informed,about our ships and crew members. I have tons of
pictures,but Im new at these computers, and dont know how to send them.
Maybe at a later date. Thanks again for your time. Mike Herbert.