Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 Hello, Mr. Roberts and Mr. McMichael, First I'd like to say that I am an amateur WW2 historian, but am currently working on a project, writing and maintaining a website about my Dad's naval service aboard the USS Reeves DE-156/APD-52. I have a website under construction posted at http://members.aol.com/fleetscort/index.html I will be updating this site very soon to include more photos and stories, including how the Reeves picked up Marine Col. Greg "Pappy" Boyington after he was released from a POW camp, with his crew. The Reeves was the first allied ship to tie to the docks after the surrender, and I have had about ~zero~ luck finding out anything about her on the WEB, other than her specs. The info I have was provided by Dad and shipmates. I would love to make a contribition to your site re: Reeves if it's possible. Here's my dilemma. Please find attached photo of U.S.S. Reeves (U.S.S. Reeves DLG-24. Guided Missile Frigate. Modernized and recommissioned 29 Aug 1970) I found the image on a postcard site, of all places, and now I am trying very hard to research this ship. There are no references to the Coontz class DLG's other that there were only ten built and she was not one of them. Was there another Reeves commissioned after DE-156/APD-52 was struck from the Naval lists? I'd be really interested to find out so I can write a page about it for my site. If I can use any info, can I make a link to your site? I am in the process of compiling a page of links and I love your resources and information. In fact, your site was the first I turned to in this endeavour. Thank you for all your kind attention. Alison LaVallee P.S. ~ I love the wonderful irony of the name "Mr. Roberts" :) One of my all time favorite Navy movies. Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\dlg_24.jpg
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 14:04:13 -0400
Richard McMichael wrote:
The Reeves DLG 24 was laid down July 1, 1960 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in
Bremerton, Washington and launched May 12, 1962. She was commissioned on May
15, 1964. Later in her career she was redesignated CG 24 (Guided Missile Cruiser)
which is why she does not show up in any of the lists on DOL. If it is ok with you
I can post your email in the contributors section and eventually I would wager that
you will get some information.
I really enjoyed looking around your site and was able to come up with only one
criticism which is on page4.html. Your middle photo caption button states "Note
the DE in the background" and after carefully comparing it with some photos on DOL
I believe that the ship is actually a Benham class DD
Actually I enjoyed the exercise of trying to identify the image and may set up some
sort of "identification" exercise.... hmmm....
Anyway, I hope your fourth of July weekend is going ok and I will be looking forward
to scanning around your really excellent site some more.
Richard McMichael
Thank You for responding so quickly!
I'm really excited about finding out more about the newer Reeves', and
my old Pop will be SO excited that her good name has carried on.
Also thank you for noting that the "DE in the background" is actually a
Benham class destroyer. That photo was taken in the Philipines in 44 or
early 45, and Dad's vision is not what it was. I'll certainly note the
This is the First website I have ever done, and when I decided to
finally undertake the project all I could think of doing was something
to memorialize this gutsy little ship and her crew. Dad has been telling
us all these wonderful stories for years, and I was very fortunate to be
able to accompany him to a shipmate's reunion in Little Creek VA.
I'm very excited by all the wonderful responses at this point and will
be eventually taking the site to a better webhost.
I think an "Identification exercise" is a wonderful Idea! (I bet I
could make more than a few for you with some of the photos here I have
yet to scan!)
Please, feel free to post my email in your contributors' section.
Thank You again. I look forward to sharing information and stories. :)
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