From: "donhulen" [email protected]
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997
�Looking For Lost Shipmates.�
With the evolution of the Internet thousands of former shipmates are
found each year . My new book �Lost Shipmates� details how you can find
an old shipmate or locate an entire crew for a for a Ship�s reunion. The
book includes all the addresses needed to obtain Official Navy records
which includes the Officer Section and the Enlisted Personnel Diary.
Similar to the Deck Log, the Enlisted personnel Diary lists the daily
business of the ship such as who was court-marshaled, restricted, Non Judicial
Punishment, re-enlisted, absent from sailing, UA, went on leave, promoted,
discharges, arrivals, transfers, active duty obligation, pro pay, and most
importantly, their full names and service numbers.
The first 5 service number digits of a service number can tell you where the
shipmate entered the service. With that information you can start a search on
the Internet's many phone books. By pinpointing where a shipmate joined the Navy,
you can narrow your search to a city where you may find the shipmate or a relative
who knows where he of she is.
My book also includes the code for all enlisted service numbers assigned by the
Navy in all states, the South Pacific, and Panama canal Zone. The Service Number
index has taken many months to organize into numerical sequence, but now can
be searched quickly. Also included is how to find out is a shipmate is deceased,
applied for V.A. benefits and how to have the V.A. locate him for you. My book also
has many searching hints to guide you from locating the Ship�s Roster to calling
them on the phone.
The book costs $20.00 ( $18 + shipping) and can be ordered by writing to:
Lost Shipmates
302 South Oak Street
Morgan�s Point, Texas