RVD: This revised sign adds a graphic to the existing state name- a green mountain for the Green Mountian state. Snow was added to the top of the mountain for clarity. Tall, thin Vermont does not have a decent shape for state-outline shields, the tree in the state seal might make a better graphic.
CCS: Robert Droz sez you can't work the VT state shape into a road sign. Sure you can, you just can't put the number in it. I was inspired by the VT license plate, as far as typeface and layout go. There's a special sign for highways used to access recreation areas, jut cos I wanted to see what it looked like.
From Albert Calis: I liked RVD's idea for the Vermont Shield. I based my design on his, only I added my own changes to it. For one thing I incorporated the rounded-edges from the existing shield into my design. I also included the state picture with the green mountain. I also made the background color light blue for the sky.
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This page last edited Wednesday, July 13, 2005