
From M. Dietrich : Although, I like the traditional Conestoga design with state name... the inverted trapezoid left much to be appreciated as unique. I decided to keep the Conestoga with a basic sunset pattern in the back. Below it is the state pattern with the state name and highway number below it. (Large version on Big Signs page)

From M. Dietrich : A while ago I made my first alternate state highway sign for Nebraska. It looked nice at first but I realized one error. The numbers were too small and since I design it purposely for both looks, legibility, and future real-world application I tried once again. I have kept the Conestoga but this time in a shaded oval. "NEBRASKA" has been color inverted, the state outline enlarged and cutouts of the numbers were used from the Unofficial Nebraska Highways Page. There are 4 signs: A 2-digit highway, A Spur-County #-Letter formatted secondary road, a single digit highway (i.e. Scenic Highway NE-2), and a 3-digit with a slightly widened area. Hope you like these as I am. I hereby call this my Version 2.

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This page last edited Wednesday, July 13, 2005