RVD: North Carolina has been using a diamond as a state highway marker about as long as they have had state roads. They can do better. On this site, tradition is negotiable. This new sign adds the state shape and state name. Number size was increased, too. Brown was chosen as the shield color because it respresents one of the state's primary industries - Toba^C^C^C^C Agriculture.
From 'Jaguar' James Allen: I went silly with this one. Tar Heel State.
From Andrew Muck: 1) Yet another variation of the Tar Heel in the old diamond. 2) Since there was a whole Duke vs. UNC thing started with my last NC sign, I decided to make a more politically correct sign. I took the old diamond and smoothed it out to an ellipse, using a similar blue to what Duke uses, and put North Carolina in white to keep to reinforce the Duke theme, kept the old Tar Heel and put the numbers in red for you NC State fans.
From Jimmy Storey: My new sign for state highways in North Carolina is similar to the diamond it currently uses. However, I changed the background from all-black to red in the top half and blue in the bottom half. I even included the state name with a snazzy script font. While you're at it, don't forget to check out my website, entitled "Interesting Signs of the Triangle". Also, the diamond sign with the Tar Heel in it probably shouldn't be placed anywhere near Duke University in Durham, NC, since NC 751 does run next to the Duke campus and the Blue Devils and Tar Heels have a fierce rivalry of sorts. Just thought I'd bring that up.
From Brian Grady: A possible state highway sign for North Carolina. It features the state name, outline, and colors (based primarily on a major university in the state). Perhaps in a more organized and less bureaucratic world, all 50 states could adopt a common format along the lines of this design. It adds needed color, but wouldn't baffle any unintelligent out-of-state commuters.
From Jerry C: Short and simple, this sign enlarges the diamond, adds the state initials, and makes the diamond light blue for a splash of color.
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This page last edited Wednesday, July 13, 2005