
CCS: This sign has mix and match elements that show EU affilation and retain national identity.
From Jedidiah A. Wilkinson: Try this shields for the Expressways (Autobauns) of Germany it's like our Interstate shield used in the US but it would have "AUTOBAUN" in place of "INTERSTATE" and get rid of the A#'s and replace them with 4+ digit numbers like A2 should be as Autobaun 2402, A150 as Autobaun 24150, etc. so we can use the 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers for the International Routes i.e. Canamex 69, Eurounion 132, and many others of the world to prevent duplicates of other Route numbers i.e. US-49 and Interstate 49 especially for truck drivers!

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This page last edited Sunday, January 22, 2006