
CCS: Now the new bit may be a bit busy; but I think it hits all the high points-Including what, in my humble opinion is an important addition: the Highway NAME. In our 49th and 50th states, people generally refer to highways by name rather than number. Tourists aren't hip to this. The new design associates name and number to the benefit of visitor and native alike. (Large version on Big Signs page)
Commentary by Kevin McGehee: I like CCS's Alaska shield. Having lived in Alaska five years, I was mystified as to why the highway numbering system up there didn't follow the named highways more closely. Putting the highway name on the sign would be a huge improvement, even without adding color.

By Jed A. Wilkinson: For Alaska, why not use the state shield for their Interstates? They don't cross state lines. Alaska is connected to Canada. Color them red, white and blue with an exception of light yellow for the stars to match it up with the Alaska route shield.

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This page last updated Tuesday, July 12, 2005