Idaho Highway 128 to U.S. Highway 630

Lewiston Hill, 1941, FSA /OWI photo
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--Route-- From Via To Miles History
ID 128 Washington state line   Lewiston 2 Since 199x
Spur ID 128 Jct ID 128 Lewiston Jct US 12 <1 Since 199x
ID 162 Nezperce   Kamiah 23 Since 199x; Replaced old ID 62
I-180N Jct I-80N   Boise 4 1978-1979; Early number for I-184, possibly never posted in field, on some maps
I-184 Jct I-84   Boise 4 Since 1983; extended deeper into Boise 1990
US 191 Utah state line Malad City, Downey, McCammon, Pocatello, Blackfoot, Idaho Falls, Ucon, Rigby, Rexburg, Sugar City, Ashton, Mocs Inn Montana state line 99 1926-1980; Orig began Idaho Falls, extended south 1937; Partially replaced south of Idaho Falls by I-15 in 1972; Removed from US 20 in 1980
US 195 I Washington state line Priest River Sandpoint 30 1926-1948; Replaced by US 2
US 195 II Washington state line   Jct US 95 N.W. of Lewiston <1 Not in IDT milepost records; Since 1986
ID 200 (Washington state line) Sandpoint (Priest River,) Hope, Clark Fork Montana state line 33 (63) Since 1968; part of multi-state route; replaced Alt US 10; Partially replaced by US 2
Bus ID 200 Jct ID 200 Hope, East Hope Jct ID 200 2  
US 287 Montana state line Lake Montana state line 13 1965-1966; Replaced by ID 287 & US 20
ID 287 Jct US 20 Lake Montana state line 9 1960-1965;1966-1968; Replaced by ID 87
US 410 Washington state line   Lewiston 1 1926?-1968; Replaced by US 12; Route not yet confirmed
US 630 Oregon state line   Weiser 1 1928-1931; Replaced part of US 30N I, Was replaced by part of US 30N II; Modern Spur US 95

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Page first posted Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Page last updated Tuesday, October 31, 2006
(c) RV Droz