I went to my truck, drove it north a few hundred feet, parked it in the northern gore area, drank a Diet Coke, then started walking down into Kentucky. There is guardrail here, even though the dropoff was more drastic on old US 25E passing by Cumberland Gap, TN. The center lane looked like a turn lane leading to Sugar Run to me, but Bill Porter assures me it was another passing lane. Tragically, I am not the only one who made that assumption. Bill informed me that there were quite a few wrecks at that point because it was a blind curve and you could come up on someone waiting to turn off onto Sugar Run road with little warning. "I remember a bad wreck there a few months before the tunnel opened that closed the highway for 12 hours and killed several people. They got sandwiched between a wreck in front of them at the turnoff and an 18-wheeler that hit them from behind. It killed everyone in the car." (Image 28 of 33)
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