but from H--I obtain intelligence, and his / name and business should
be kept profoundly / secret, otherwise we not only lose the benefits /
desired from it, but may subject him to some / unhappy fate.-- / I wish
you to use every method in / your own power through H--& others, to
obtain in- / formation of the enemy's situation - and as far / as it is
to be come at, designs.-- C-r speaks / of the enemy's force up the River
as now exceed- / ing 8000 men, but as I know he is mistaken if /
he comprehends their whole force, I should be / glad if his successor was
cautioned against / giving positive numbers by guess. -- this is / deceptious
-- let him ascertain the particular / Corps which can be no difficult matter
to do, / & he will soon be taking a little pains, indi -/ rectly come
at the strength of them & where they lie. / I am Sir / with estemm
and regard, / Yr. Very H. Servt. / Go. Washington
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