New Windsor June 27th, 1779 / Sir, / I observe what you say respecting
/your position at Bedford--and the fatigue / of the horse--with regard
to the first, when / Bedford was pointed out, it was descriptive / only
of a central place between the two Rivers / and as near the enemy as you
could with / military prudence take post for the purpose / of [covering]
the inhabitants, and preventing the / ravages of small parties. The judgment
/ of the officer commanding, is, under the / idea just [captured], to direct
the [practices]. / [Sport] and choice of ground which ought to be / varied
continually, while you re near / enough to the enemy to give assistance
to / the people.--With respect to the second / matter I have only to add
that I do not / wish to have the horse unnecessarily esc[-] / posed, or
fatigued, but if in the discharge / of accustomed duties they should get
worn /down, there is no help for it.-Col. Maylans / Regiment is on its
march to join you, which / will render the duty [carrier] and Your Troops
/ there more respectable.-- / The inclosed contains matter for our knowledge
only.- / I am Sir- / Your Mo. Respect. [Servant] / Gon. Washington
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