Weapons Profiles

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American Army Weapons

Model 1889 "Trapdoor" Rifle ||| Model 1896 Krag-Jorgensen Rifle

1.65 Inch Hotchkiss Mountain Gun ||| Three Inch Hotchkiss Mountain Gun

Sims-Dudley Dynamite Gun ||| Gatling Gun

American Naval Weapons

Lee Model 1895 US Navy Rifle ||| Model 1889-1895 Colt Navy Revolver

Colt 1889 series (including 1889, 1892, 1894, 1895, and 1896)

Model 1860 Naval Cutlass ||| Whitehead Torpedo

Spanish Army Weapons

Model 1893 7x57 mm Mauser Rifle  ||| Krupp 75 mm Mountain Gun

The Use of Mines by the Spanish Navy

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