2nd Brigade (Col. Pearson)
2nd U.S. Infantry
10th U.S. Infantry
21st U.S. Infantry
3rd Brigade (Col. Wikoff)
9th U.S. Infantry
13th U.S. Infantry
24th U.S. Infantry
2nd Brigade (Col. Miles)
1st U.S. Infantry
4th U.S. Infantry
25th U.S. Infantry
3rd Brigade (Brig. Gen. Chafee)
7th U.S. Infantry
12th U.S. Infantry
17th U.S. Infantry
2nd Brigade
1st U.S. Cavalry
10th U.S. Cavalry
10th cavalry Mountain Gun Detachment
1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry ("Rough Riders")
Artillery Battalion (Maj. Dillenback)
1st U.S. Artillery, Light Battery E
1st U.S. Artillery, Light Battery K
2nd U.S. Artillery, Light Battery A
2nd U.S. Artillery, Light Battery F
Siege Train
4th U.S. Artillery, Battery G
4th U.S. Artillery, Battery H
1st Brigade (Brig. Gen. O. H. Ernst)
16th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
2nd Wisconsin Volunter Infantry
3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
Provisional Division (Brig. Gen. Guy Henry)
19th U.S. Infantry
6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
6th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
2nd U.S. Cavalry
Independent Brigade (Brig. Gen. Schwan)
11th U.S. Infantry (3 battalions)
1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
5th U.S. Cavalry, Troop A
3rd U.S. Artillery, Light Battery C
5th U.S. Artillery, Light Battery D
4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Pennsylvania Governor's Troop
1st Brigade - Brig. Gen. Arthur MacArthur
*23rd U.S. Infantry (Col. John W. French)
14th U.S. Infantry
13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
1st North Dakota Volunteer Infantry
1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry
1st Wyoming Volunter Infantry
Astor Battery
2nd Brigade - Brig. Gen. F. V. Greene
*18th U.S. Infantry, 1st Battalion under Col.
C. M. Bailey,
2nd Battalion under Maj. Charles Kellar.
3rd U.S. Artillery, 1st Battalion under Capt. James O'Hara,
2nd Battalion under Capt. W. E. Birkhimer.
*U. S. Engineers, Co. A (2nd Lt. William D. Connor)
1st California Volunteer Infantry (Col. James
S. Smith)
*1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry (Col. Irving Hale)
*1st Nebraska Volunteer Infantry (Col. John
P. Bratt)
*10th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (Col. A. L. Hawkins)
*Utah Volunteer Artillery, Light Battery A (Capt. R. W. Young)
*Utah Volunteer Artillery, Light Battery B (Capt. F. A. Grant)
2nd Oregon Volunteer Infantry
California Volunteer Heavy Artillery Detachment
(*) Indicates that these troops arrived on June 15, 1898. The remainder arrived subsequently.
Novak, Greg, Remember the Maine and to Hell With Spain. (Champaign, IL: Ulster Imports, 1990)