Presidio of San Francisco, California (415) 561 - 4115
Assembly camp of the 8th Corps.
Angel Island, Tiburon, California (415) 435 - 1915
Discharge center for troops returning from the Philippines.
Henry Plant Museum, Univ. of Tampa, Tampa Fla. (813) 253 - 3333
The site of the H.Q of the 5th corps.
USS Olympia, Philidelphia, Penn. (215) 922 - 1898
Dewey's flagship and the only surviving warship of the conflict.
Super Cool!
McKinley Memorial Library, Niles Ohio, (216) 652 - 1704
Everything about the events and the man who took us into the 20th
The Splendid Little War, Frank Freidel, Little, Brown, 1958.
Great photos & maps, perhaps the best place to start.
Little War of Private Post, Charles Johnson Post, Little Brown,
The best first hand account, surprisingly modern.
The Spanish War : An American Epic--1898, G.J.A. O'Toole, W.W. Norton, 1984.
Frederic Remington and the Spanish-American War, Douglas Allen,
Crown, 1971.
The war as a great artist saw it.