OLYMPIA today! 

This image is of the Cruiser OLYMPIA shows she appears today at her berth near Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, PA. The vessel is located at Penns Landing and is now a museum exhibit, and open to the public.

Efforts continue to preserve and restore her. In December of 1997, OLYMPIA was repainted, eliminating the rust seen in this photo. Much internal work has been done also, and today she is in the best condition she has been in in many years. You can help to preserve this vessel as a reminder of the past. Since she is the sole remaining vessel from the battlefleets of the Spanish American War era, she stands as a monument the many sailors on both sides who lost their lives in the war. To learn how to help presevre here, click here!

Today her crew is made up of museum staff, and the Living History Crew of the OLYMPIA.

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